Why did Homer bring up the new Harbor Bridge proposal?
5/30/2006 9:22:54 PM
Is it symbolic of something I missed? Is he starting an expose on city and the Dept of Transportation and the Metroplitican Planning Organization?
I was listening closely this morning. Homer seemed tired and frustrated, he talked about "ethics" and "critical" reporting. He was not really asking the question, "Do we need a Harbor Bridge?"; it was Molly Cox. Homer seemed to be aiming at something deeper. I know that Curmudeon did get the gist of the talk; Why was Bob Jones interrupting him from the very beginning?
Homer did mention that Mayor Loyd Neal had appointed/or help appt persons to the port that are in a joint venture with him. Homer cited that Neal had a 9 percent interest in such companies.
Why have we not been told this? Who can explore this allegations further? Homer seemed to be saying, at least in my analysis, "I'm an outsider, why do I have to do it." Did any of you get that feeling?
Bob Jones said, "No one cares Homer. No on out there." Homer of course was referring to some unwritten agenda.
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Author Replys
Posts: 139
Does anyone know Homer''s email address?
5/30/2006 9:24:56 PM
Like to inquire about a few things. Has anyone here communicated with him by way of email?
Does he respond back? I don''t want to waste his or my time???
curtis rock
Posts: 731
Re: Why did Homer bring up the new Harbor Bridge proposal?
5/30/2006 9:30:39 PM
From what I''ve heard from TxDOT meetings is that the bridge has already expired its expected use, or is nearing this expiration. Upon completion of the new bridge, the current bridge will be overdue on replacement.
I really don''t think the City will have much to do with the bridge aside from right-of-way issues. All funding, bidding, masterplanning, etc. is at the discretion of the State of Texas (TxDOT). The Port of Corpus Christi doesn''t even get much say from what I understand.
I think the new bridge is necessary because the current bridge requires more maintenance than a wife.
Posts: 139
Chris Rock be careful with your words
5/31/2006 8:32:12 PM
So you claim we are ""against progress and economic growth of the community"" because we don''t support unjustified project contracts being given to the Chris Rocks of this world?
You are part of the problem, not the solution. I have consulted with a few experts in the area and most ships that will pass through the harbor don''t require more than 100 feet, the harbor bridge has 150 feet. The 200 feet figure why?
To justify the $$$$$, our money. Community growth does not equal contracts for the Chris Rocks of this world..... It equals what we say it is.
Posts: 543
Take a deep breath Cato...
5/31/2006 10:38:20 PM
Certainly things can get done the way they are now. I heard that the port could operate more efficiently if they had a way to accomodate larger ships. Supertankers wouldn''t have to offload in the gulf onto other ships and have them deliver it. It would be faster if they brought it in themselves. This is only one issue for the bridge.
Realistically, we won''t have a say in the construction of the new bridge. Bigger people than us will make the decision regardless. In other words, I''m sure someone''s pockets are going to benefit from it. I hate to say it Cato, I don''t think Rock drilling will be the one.
curtis rock
Posts: 731
Just to Clarify a few things for Cato...
5/31/2006 10:47:41 PM
Cato...My name is Curtis, plainly spelled as my username on this website - not Chris.
Many large cargo ships of today cannot clear the Harbor Bridge, so you can quit making up lies. Secondly, TxDOT is the governing entity responsible for this project so the local business people will be in competition with the entire State. The possibility of Rock Engineering doing any geotechnical investigation exists, but it will be an uphill battle. Thankfully we''re the only local company here with a HUB certification, so it makes our firm attractive to any prime consultant - but that doesn''t mean they''ll use us.
Also, CommonSense, the company I work for is not a drilling company. We don''t even have a drilling rig. We hire drillers to extract our soil samples.
Posts: 139
Curtis, don''t mean to be disrespectful, you admit you have a bias
5/31/2006 10:59:10 PM
The bias is that you are hoping to get a bite of the plate, so to speak. Such a prospective role does dull one''s critical thinking skills in reference to the new bridge project materizing itself or not.
I understand that you will also might benefit from other projects as well as you have admitted such as the Beach progects
Posts: 139
Some support the harbor bridge to get rich, not for community
6/1/2006 12:46:52 AM
Why are the lights of the harbor bridge turned of as textwrite wrote, to make it less attractive?
The guy (engineer) that built the harbor bridge led the project to built mount Rushmore. The bridge like the courthouse is a historical site.
Posts: 323
Censorship Here
6/1/2006 12:31:19 AM
Wowee My post about getting the bridge declared an historical landmark has been purged. This topic shows 16 posts and now only 9 remain. Good greif, did we hit a nerve? I was trying humor and someone thought it had possibilities I guess. How troubling that something like that would get the ax.
curtis rock
Posts: 731
Re: Some support the harbor bridge to get rich, not for community
6/1/2006 7:21:32 AM
Rock Engineering wouldn''t be the only beneficiary, it would be a stimulus for the entire community. Perhaps you don''t have that forward-thinking ability. Even if Rock Engineering doesn''t benefit from the actual design or construction, it would still benefit our firm in the long run. Even I can see that.
Posts: 2902
Yeah, we need to . . .
6/1/2006 8:26:52 AM
. . . make work for local companies. Sounds kinda like corporate welfare to me.
curtis rock
Posts: 731
6/1/2006 8:57:27 AM
If you consider infrastructure to be corporate welfare, then yes.
However, everyone from business to labor will benefit from increased goods coming and going from our Port.
It''s international commerce that this infrastructure benefits, which helps everyone.
Posts: 2902
The existing bridge is . . .
6/1/2006 9:36:31 AM
. . . adequate. If you think that bringing bigger ships into the port will enhance the lives of the average resident I have a bridge to sell you.
curtis rock
Posts: 731
Wrong again
6/1/2006 11:21:08 AM
If the existing bridge is big enough, then why do we continue to widen and deepen the ship channel. Clearly, ships are getting bigger and bigger so we need bigger infrastructure to support it.
It''s like fat people trying to suck it in so they fit in their same pair of trousers.
Posts: 2902
That is a problem . . .
6/1/2006 12:00:39 PM
. . . for the people who are profitting from the port to address. The existing bridge is adequate to handle the vehicle traffic that is traveling along US 35.
curtis rock
Posts: 731
Re: That is a problem . . .
6/1/2006 1:40:32 PM
So what about the new Joe Fulton Corridor?
Major Carrales
Posts: 405
I can''t say I have an opinion on a new bridge...
6/1/2006 12:31:29 PM
...clearly having oil tankers pulling into the port itself could prove to be a Homeland Security danger.
Imagine if a terrorist group secured a tanker and mixed it with fuel and some nitrate based mixture. Detonating that in the port proper would create kilotons worth of damage.
Still, there is a senario in HLS circles that deals with any bridge over the harbour being demolished and causing disruption to port operations for months including its military significance.
Why not engineer a tunnel? Or simply bipass the bridge''s current locality and build a bridge furher on down the channel where its collapse and the height of the bridge will be less of an issue.
Sure, that is the only way to get to the Lexington and State Aquarium, but few real attempts to develop the LEOPARD STRIP and DOWNTOWN have gained traction. Instead the development is to be on the Island...miles away.
May I propose a ferry service between the Island and North Beach?
Now that is thinking outside the box!!!
Posts: 543
Re: Just to Clarify a few things for Cato...
6/1/2006 8:03:27 AM
My bad. I could have sworn that you referred to the company you work for in an earlier post as ""Rock Drilling"".
Having my memory slip at 43 isn''t a good thing.
Posts: 468
Re: Why did Homer bring up the new Harbor Bridge proposal?
6/1/2006 8:05:18 AM
As much as I love the Harbor Bridge, it is rather old.
I do however, hope the one they replace it with will be equally or more beautiful than the existing bridge.
I learned how to drive on that bridge.
My mother was teaching me to drive on the highway from Portland to CC.
I was suppose to get off the highway at the exit BEFORE the Harbor Bridge.
Missed it!!!
As I drove up the Harbor Bridge, I turned to look at my Mom''s face. OH she was really worried. Clenching the door. Face turned pale.
Well, I made it to the other side...then turned and went over the bridge again.
Was fun and scary at the same time.
Great way to get over your fear of driving a car.
Uriel :D
Posts: 139
""infrastructure"" for who? CITGO, Valero refineries
6/1/2006 11:20:46 AM
Curmudgeon is right. Why don''t they pay for their own infrastructure. I know CITGO. The rich are getting richer, you get a bite to justify their ruse.
They want us to pay for it.
curtis rock
Posts: 731
Re: ""infrastructure"" for who? CITGO, Valero refineries
6/1/2006 2:40:48 PM
It''s a benefit for everyone. With your logic, how about you pay the exact amount for the roadway directly in front of your house. I highly doubt you could afford it.
Posts: 2902
I think I can . . .
6/1/2006 5:44:26 PM
. . . afford it. I already have a private road of my own.
curtis rock
Posts: 731
Re: I think I can . . .
6/1/2006 8:31:52 PM
Some people can do that.
Most cannot afford the things that you can Curm.
I definitely couldn''t afford my own private road.
Posts: 139
Let''s protest! A Car Caravan to get the lights back on
6/1/2006 10:07:13 PM
Let''s enjoy the Harbor Bridge while we have it. We need to email the state transporation officials.
Posts: 543
Re: Let''s protest! A Car Caravan to get the lights back on
6/1/2006 10:38:57 PM
With gas prices the way they are.. no thanks.
Posts: 139
This Infrastructure should go to areas Mayor Neal has neglected
6/2/2006 1:40:25 AM
flagrant neglect, glaring overlooking many sectors of Corpus Christi; a gross record in working for the whole community. He has not reached fairly.
Now he sits on the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and him the exe dir want to sell us a bridge. It will soon come out what he has done to our community, according to one of my professor here at Texas A M - CC.
We need to stop jumping everytime someone like Curtis Rock yells ""Economic Development"" or ""new infrstructure"" or ""commerce"" , these codes words have been used as code words as framing manipulation to manage our impressions of the future.
I smell a cold dead fish and it is not progress. As Curmudeon put it so succintly, ""Someone needs to sound the alarm"" incessantly.
1 billion dollars can make you think. The possibilities, the impact that it can have if used effectively. The beach has been taken away from the public and given to the private recreations of the rich and the comfortable; the new harbor bridge sales pitch is conflated and related.
It would be okay to make the rich richer, but they do not give back. CITGO I understand belongs to Hugo Chavez'' Venezuela. Soon we will be nurturing the business success of foreign and international corporations instead of our own community needs. China for instance has a planned/socialist economy and we reinforce it via Walmart and other operational agreements.
Is it commonsense? Is it to our benefit? Politicians have sold out; they have observed many in the process. The greedy Curtis Rocks of this world who are so desperate to climb the ladder will ruin our form of government. The Good ole US of A will be given to the Chavezes of this world.
Let us fight. Let''s take a stand. Why not a tunnel instead of a historical bridge? The corporations have hired many in business and media to sell us this private channelling of dollars. They want to impose a toll, and the toll is just an imposing start, others things will follow.
Don''t Corpus Christians have any pride. Any cajones? Gumption? Internal worth?
Will we all become Curtus Rocks of these world who bow down to the Brent Chesneys and Mark Scotts and the pitches of I LOVE CC.
wake up. lET''S CONNECT. let''s aim, let mutually plan, let''s execute a plan of resistance. hOW CAN WE GO DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT.
does this make common sense?
Posted on June 1, 2006 at 00:15:31 AM by dannoynted1
Take a deep breath Cato...
5/31/2006 10:38 PM
Certainly things can get done the way they are now. I heard that the port could operate more efficiently if they had a way to accomodate larger ships. Supertankers wouldn't have to offload in the gulf onto other ships and have them deliver it. It would be faster if they brought it in themselves. This is only one issue for the bridge.
Realistically, we won't have a say in the construction of the new bridge. Bigger people than us will make the decision regardless. In other words, I'm sure someone's pockets are going to benefit from it. I hate to say it Cato, I don't think Rock drilling will be the one.
----------------------------------------and just how could you possibly know who will benefit?
is your pocket being lined?
i am sure you have no "common sense" much less know anything about it
when you get some then maybe you can get a "piece of the rock"
Two reasons cited for tearing down a historical landmark....
Posted on June 1, 2006 at 00:56:42 AM by Jaime Kenedeno
and notice neither of them deal with who will be making bucoooos of dinero.
Not a factor for at leat another 50 years or so and that is if we stopped all maintainence. Think it will still be standing after a major hurricane?
I say yes.
Why height?
How is it better to bring the ship all the way in than to offload away from the public. Public Safety must be a primary factor. These ships are clumsy at best. Let us not forget the Super Tanker Exxon Valdez.
Bottom line is Social Status & Economic status of a select few at the expense of taxpayer money and our safety.
Oh yeah, when we built cargo dock 1 it was designed for industry not parties and board rooms.
CENSORSHIP: Good grief, did we hit a nerve?
Posted on June 1, 2006 at 00:43:40 AM by Jaime 4 TEXWRITES
Posts: 321
Censorship Here
6/1/2006 12:31 AM
Wowee My post about getting the bridge declared an historical landmark has been purged. This topic shows 16 posts and now only 9 remain. Good grief, did we hit a nerve? I was trying humor and someone thought it had possibilities I guess. How troubling that something like that would get the ax.
Re(1): CENSORSHIP: Good grief, did we hit a nerve?
Posted on June 1, 2006 at 00:44:46 AM by Jaime 4 CATO
Posts: 135
Some support the harbor bridge to get rich, not for community
6/1/2006 12:46 AM
Why are the lights of the harbor bridge turned of as textwrite wrote, to make it less attractive?
The guy (engineer) that built the harbor bridge led the project to built mount Rushmore. The bridge like the courthouse is a historical site.
censor capitan? does this make common sense?
Posted on June 1, 2006 at 00:26:30 AM by dannoynted1
what say you capitan?
all jaimes posts were once again deleted by that hater talk radio wannabe american
guess he cant stand those ice cold showers
he even deleted johnseys posts!
he has no common sense!
Two things that threaten the Corporate Welfare beneficiaries.....
Posted on June 1, 2006 at 00:38:53 AM by Jaime Kenedeno
1) A movement against building a new bridge and tearing down a historical landmark residing in a historical designated area. Public Opinion can over rule imminent domain.
2)A challenge to the incumbent Gene Seaman to debate his well respected opponent Desert Storm Aviator Juan Garcia.
The Agenda is clear.
Where do you stand El Capitan?
It just goes to demonstrate the cowardice of some and the selective nature of others when it comes to our constitution.
A Sea Man or a Desert Storm Aviator
We dont need your message board or KEYS Radio.
WATT happened to the Skatepark????

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