Eb, You & I.......Posted on May 19, 2006 at 12:37:05 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
can make things better here in our little neck of the woods. The MAN is Rainbow of course. Tokens of every gender and color.
Re(1): Damn boy,Posted on May 19, 2006 at 12:21:00 PM by Elwood Blues
" Damn boy,you wrote an epic". A useless epic,no doubt,because it'll most certainly fall on deaf ears..and did you just call me "boy"? Are you trying to oppress me? Are you looking to exploit me for your selfish gain? Watch it,Jaime..don't make me get Al Sharpton down here.. "I say it is the MAN who is the problem". Who exactly IS the man? To minorities..he's the evil gringo..to poor anglos,he's the RICH white man.Seems either way,he's white though,doesn't it? The problem isn't "the man" no matter what color he is..the problem is people who won't take responsibility for their life choices blaming the consequences of those choices on somebody else.The problem is,people who somehow think that life is supposed to be "fair" when it isn't and never has been.It's people who think that someone else is going to make things better for them,when the only one who can do that is the person staring back at them in the mirror. ==================================================
Damn boy,Posted on May 18, 2006 at 04:51:04 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
you wrote an epic. I say it is the MAN who is the problem. Not the anglo or the token mexican but the MAN.
Re(2): You use race baitingPosted on May 20, 2006 at 02:40:19 AM by dannoynted1
eb:For the last twenty years,Hispanics have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power in South Texas and throughout the southwest..and has life improved for hispanics because of it? I'd submit to you it has. "
ok it is possible alot more of our parents realized the importance of "learning english" to the point i was denied
my first language deliberately,
hence i forgot it at 4 yrs old
i went to headstart
i could not speak english and "tanto"
i think it meant "dense"
but i was removed from my family who spoke to me in spanish
i am grateful i learned english
but i was once accused over the cb radio-"i bet she has blond hair and blue eyes"
that was sooo hilarious cuz if they had seen me.........
i used to wish i had blonde hair and blue eyes cuz i thought
that was "pretty"
now why did that person accuse me of having blonde hair and blue eyes?
cuz of the way i talked?
cuz she could not see me?
if only my mom would have heard it!!
she would have thought she did her job!
no one would accuse me of being a dumb mexican
Re(1): You use race baitingPosted on May 18, 2006 at 11:12:42 AM by Elwood Blues
"You use race baiting when you are the baiter".
Now THERE'S an enlightened statement.That's like saying you use abuse when you're the abuser..gee..ya think? "So this is the golden tactic that you use to fight". Hardly..the tactic I use is to confront you with your own hypocrisy.It's not pleasant,I know..but genuine,productive dialogue can't flourish as long as it's ok for one side to do something that the other side gets villified for..mi entendes? "An enlightened man would share a dialogue not turn to ErVonCulo's schemes to "rationalize" the historical wrongs". An enlightened man would know it's counterproductive and pointless to resort to name calling to disparage someone else,too..he'd let facts and logic make his case for him.An enlightened man wouldn't go to the "you're a disciple of vato" card and accuse someone else of being a "messenger of hate" simply because they read something they disagreed with.An enlightened man would also know that "historical wrongs" can't be corrected by present day actions since history is history and present day is present day.An enlightened man would focus on the here and now,and not allow himself to be burdened by events that are clearly beyond his control. "Anglos have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power". For the last twenty years,Hispanics have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power in South Texas and throughout the southwest..and has life improved for hispanics because of it? I'd submit to you it has. You seem to be laboring under the impression that somehow..the anglo has kept you down..has oppressed you..that you have no power..an impression many hispanics hold.Look around you,JVC..hispanics permeate every aspect of South Texas business,culture,politics,education,finance,medicine,law enforcement,the judiciary..hispanics are Congressmen,Senators,judges,Sheriffs,police chiefs,school superintendents,college presidents and everything else you can imagine..so how the hell do you figure you're kept down,that you're oppressed,that you have no power? "But why can you not understand that the one imposed such insenstiveness over the years would feel as if ethnicity or race has not been factor in determing his life chances?" Ok..let's try a little role reversal,shall we? If you really believe that ethnicity or race is a factor in determing your life chances..consider this: Do you think your life have been different had you been born anglo under the same economic conditions you were born under? Do you really think more opportunities would be open to you because you're anglo? I've got news for you,dude..you're FAR better off being born hispanic in this part of the country.As a hispanic in South Texas,you have "rights advocacy groups" that'll protect your rights..anglos don't..you can call anyone a racist you want and not have to prove it..as an anglo,all you can do is sit there and take the accusations.As an anglo male,you're responsible for every calamity,every injustice,real or imagined,every social disorder,and every act of unfairness in the world.As an anglo..everything is YOUR fault..you're an oppressor,a hater,a racist,and a xenophobe when someone else takes issue with you.As to "past insensitiveness"..as I said..hispanics have been in power here for at least 20 years,so any past insensitivity wouldn't have affected YOU personally.You'd do far better to look within yourself as to why you feel like life may not be giving you a fair shake. "We have the right as humans to be who we are - is that a given?" Of course it's a given,but if you think that somehow anglos or "past insensitivities" are restricting your "right to be who you are" today,you're not seeing things realistically..you're buying into the "victimhood" mentality..the stock in trade of people who exploit hispanics for their own gain. " There is apparrent a huge gap between you and I.However the "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" argument you use (which is really a "victimizing the historically victimized) will not engender a dialogue. And that gap seems to be caused by your penchant for attributing your ethnicity to your lot in life..a premise that I reject soundly.In this part of the country,hispanics dominate society..if you're not happy with your situation,you have nobody to blame but yourself.The anglo didn't do it you.."past injustices" are irrelevant because you didn't suffer them personally. As to my "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" arguments..they're not mine,Kojak..they's Vera's and Ortiz's and Rodriguez's.These folks apparently believe that it's ok to call someone a racist without having to prove it..they'd have you believe that everything's the gringo's fault.If you think they're justified in doing that,then you're part of the problem..not part of the solution. "races (plural) implies that God made more than one race.An inferior one and a superior one". WHAT? You've bought into the crap people like Vera are selling lock stock and barrel,didn't you? Because there are many races doesn't mean one is superior to the other,my sadly misguided friend..it just means there are many races.there are a hundred different breeds (races) of dogs..is one superior to the other? There are a dozen different breeds (races) of horses..is one better than the other? If you really believe that bunk..then I submit the problem is yours..not society's.You've got one hell of an inferiority complex if you believe that B.S...and nothing short of making you king of the world's gonna make you happy..make you fulfilled.
You use race baitingPosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:32:55 PM by JVC
when you are the baiter. So this is the golden tactic that you use to fight. An enlightened man would share a dialogue not turn to ErVonCulo's schemes to "rationalize" the historical wrongs. Anglos have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power. However, it does not make ALL Anglos guilty because it does not. But why can you not understand that the one imposed such insenstiveness over the years would feel as if ethnicity or race has not been factor in determing his life chances? We have the right as humans to be who we are - is that a given? Of course we take consequences for posturing ourselves in that mental light. There are repercussions, not only for the one making such a decision but for those it will affect. There is apparrent a huge gap between you and I. However the "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" argument you use (which is really a "victimizing the historically victimized) will not engender a dialogue. We should be coming together not drifting apart. It will be the only way to join a mutual fight against oppression and hate. But let me tell you, the genuine enemy is not out there, it is inside us, you and I. Have you found it? My weakness and failure is to have too much admiration for another human being that belives he or she is more than me. "Race baiting" labels are such powermongering -- races (plural) implies that God made more than one race. An inferior one and a superior one. Universal truths? Keeping the body pure? I'm not a mystic. "rationalizing" races, is not essentially have, but a distorted view of reality. The Rutherford Institute calls it FRAMING. Yet, I can see we are incredibly brave and stupid at the same time. Maybe we need to destroy our egos, and realize we are both manure. But even manure can fertilize fields.
Re(2): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:40:51 AM by Elwood Blues
Apparently you're not a "disciple" of the dictionary..are you? What?..because I point out the inconsistincies and blatent contradictions in the positions of people who have the gall to call themselves "Simply Smart" or self appointed "community leaders" who use race mongering to further their own selfish agendas,I'm a "disciple" of SWJ's? I guess it escaped you that I've been the only one thus far in this discussion that has expressed concern and sympathy for what the boy involved in this senseless attack is going through..the pain this has inflicted on him..his family..the people around him..the community. I'm just "rationalizing hate",though..right? Beam me up,Scotty..there is no intelligent life down here.
Re(1): Elwood Blues
, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 15, 2006 at 02:06:47 PM by JVC
Elwood is a diciple of Curmudgeon, bato loco, bato sapio. Hate, rationalized.
LULAC is a good thing.....Posted on May 16, 2006 at 11:21:41 AM by Elwood Blues
"..but it seems it is being utilized for personal gain.Nancy Vera (by not helping all and focusing on the racial aspects)is using her own people and reducing the credibility it has taken LULAC years to build". You're a hater,Jaime..you're spreading a message of hate when you say things like that..you must be challenged..you're a weed that must be pulled..you're no better than Vato. ..right Simply Simple?
Hey EB, Posted on May 16, 2006 at 05:11:24 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
I hear ya. I dont think youre a hater. But I do believe the word tamale hole was in distaste. Anyway, I concur with you for the most part regarding the Nancy Vera Yanqui-ing of a select group. Maybe she will learn her lesson and start helping causes for the right reasons and not the limelight.
LULAC is a good thing.....Posted on May 15, 2006 at 04:12:54 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
but it seems it is being utilized for personal gain. Nancy Vera (by not helping all and focusing on the racial aspects)is using her own people and reducing the credibility it has taken LULAC years to build. This is WATT I call a YANQUI.
Word is that Nancy Vera will soon be outPosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:09:50 PM by Corsic
I think we have enough on her now to attempt to remove her. She has done a great disservice to the community.
Re(1): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:15:58 AM by Elwood Blues
"Nancy Vera is half white" Which half? (sorry,you just made it too easy) Why does it matter? What difference does it make what color she is? David Duke is a racist,and he's anglo..Rene Rodriguez is a racist,and he's hispanic..what's your point? "She does not speak for all of LULAC and its various chapters." Really? You'd better tell HER that,then.When she got her size 24 chones in a wad over what Judge Rank said in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION that was eavesdropped on..she went in front of the TV cameras with two stooges holding up the LULAC Council banner behind her..even though it wasn't LULAC matter.You're right about one thing,though..Council 1 won't have anything to do with her. We would still be in the " Plesby vs Ferguson" phase. Don't you mean " Plessy vs. Ferguson"? And what does Plessy have to do with anything? The Plessy decision set the precedent that "separate" facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional as long as they were "equal". The "separate but equal" doctrine was quickly extended to cover many areas of public life,such as restaurants,theaters,restrooms,and public schools.Not until 1954,in the equally important Brown v. Board of Education decision,would the "separate but equal" doctrine be struck down. Basically,Plessy said that segregation was legal as long as the facilities were equal..and FYI..Justice John Harlan (an evil white man) wrote the lone dissenting opinion: " Our Constitution is color-blind,and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.In respect of civil rights,all citizens are equal before the law.In my opinion,the judgment this day rendered will,in time,prove to be quite as pernicious as the decision made by this tribunal in the Dred Scott case.The present decision, it may well be apprehended,will not only stimulate aggressions,more or less brutal and irritating,upon the admitted rights of colored citizens,but will encourage the belief that it is possible,by means of state enactments,to defeat the beneficient purposes which the people of the United States had in view when they adopted the recent amendments of the Constitution". "LULAC has been a blessing". As with all "blessings"..in the wrong hands,they become curses.King Midas was "blessed" in that everything he touched turned to gold,but quickly found out his "blessing" was also a curse when he realized that EVERYTHING he touched turned to gold.Blessings are only blessings as long as they're used wisely.It may be a blessing that you win the lottery tomorrow,but if your newfound fortune results in your friends not speaking to you anymore because you didn't share your wealth with them..it's a curse.You buy a brand new sports car,then wreck it,killing your parents..it's a curse.One of your family members is kidnapped by people looking to extort your newfound riches from you..your blessing is now a curse. Have you even READ LULAC's Constitution,Simply Simple?..I have.LULAC is a fine,noble,upstanding organization.It is indeed a blessing to those it serves,but people like Vera have used and ARE using it to drive a wedge between people in this community,to keep us at each other's throats instead of using it as it was intended,to foster the principles of equality and community service that create a fuller and richer community. In a nutshell..LULAC's Constitution advocates building strong communities through co-operation,unity,and mutual respect..Vera uses it to divide the community..hence..the blessing becomes a curse. "You idiot". I'm sure I am an idiot..but I'm "Simply Smart" enough to know that if I'm going to cite Supreme Court case law to support my weak ass arguments..then I need to at least cite the RIGHT CASE.. If this is your idea of "challenging me"..or "pulling the weeds",dude..you might want to rethink your strategy..you're getting your ass handed to you in a paper bag so far.
Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 15, 2006 at 02:03:06 PM by Simply Smart
This I understand. If you don't know her you shouldn't generalize about her. She does not speak for all of LULAC and its various chapters. We would still be in the "Plesby vs Ferguson" phase. LULAC has been a blessing. You idiot.
Re(1): You should advocate for this despite the color of skinPosted on May 15, 2006 at 11:49:11 AM by Elwood Blues
You're wasting your breath,Jaimero.People like Vera see ONLY skin color..nothing else. I can ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE you that had the victim in this heinous crime had been black or homosexual or anything other than hispanic,you wouldn't have heard a peep out of her OR her race mongering Council. Notice that all she sobs about is the lack of publicity in the case? Notice that she goes to great lengths to be as graphic and explicit about the details of the crime as her limited vocabulary can muster..but NEVER ONCE expresses concern or sympathy for the victim and his family?..NOT ONCE! In that regard,she's not one bit better than David Duke or Al Sharpton..she's just another race monger looking to exploit the suffering of a poor young boy for her own selfish gain. Why don't you use some more LULAC funds to hire a few protesters to picket the local TV stations or the newspaper,Nancy?..THAT should get the TV cameras back in your face again.
You should advocate for this despite the color of skinPosted on May 15, 2006 at 04:03:11 AM by Jaime Kenedeno
Nancy, maybe it was a hate crime however, you help the cause only less by bringing in the race card. IMO it is an attempt to appeal to a select group of people instead of all who despise this heinous act. Your credibility is diminshed as is the cause your fight for. This is a provocation attempt to build a united base for YOU to YANQUI (exploit). It is obvious YOU are in it for YOU first and then for the cause. You should advocate for this despite the color of skin. Quit using your people and let's start creating equality. Work smarter not harder.
Esperanza Y PoderPosted on May 15, 2006 at 04:00:40 AM by Nancy Vera on 4/28/2006 Contributed by: Nancy Vera on 4/28/2006
Let's talk about the plight of immigrants, the struggle of the poor, and how we can take action against atrocities and crimes against humanity. Let's talk about class struggle and let's talk about true freedom. I am appalled with the following incident about how two teens in Spring, Texas attacked a Mexican teen. I am equally as appalled that prosecutors " are considering whether to attach hate-crime charges." When racial epithets are blurted during an act of violence, it is a hate crime. These prosecutors, whether the penalty is the same with what the alleged perpetrators are already charged or not, should call it what it is. It should be noted for the record. To do otherwise is a sin against humanity and God. There is no doubt that racist video games perpetuate these heinous crimes. Where is the outrage? Reports state that the teen attackers dragged the young man from a party and into the yard and sodomized him with a plastic pipe from a patio table umbrella. They also indicate that the victim had high levels of toxins in his organs which means that the attackers may have poured bleach inside the pipe. Additionally, after they got him down, the attackers stomped his head with steel-toed boots and one official says that the attackers kicked the pipe further into him with the boots.The pipe was sharpened at one end and the attackers also tried to carve something on the young victim's chest with a knife. The attackers were also spewing racial epithets as they committed the act. May God help us all and may peace, nonviolence and social justice reign in the world, especially in the country of the free and the brave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Submitted By: Nancy Vera posted on 5/4/2006 @ 5:33:50 AM The national news has made little of this hate crime. However, the Caller ran an editorial about it in yesterday's paper. Perhaps we can do more in our community to bring more national attention to this. Do you have any suggestions? [Report as objectionable] Submitted By: phil perez posted on 5/3/2006 @ 9:21:37 PM think about it...latinos jumped on the amnesty bandwagon and made alot of noise. why can't they use that same energy and instead of hurting the economy for a day, they decide to bring this poor kid's life up front...that's a start. it's not even a week later and already this case has dissappeared from the news. [Report as objectionable] Showing 1-2 of 2 Comments CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION Nancy Vera Corpus Christi , TX Nancy has posted 1 blog entry and 1 comment since joining on 4/28/2006. Nancy 's average blog rating is 0. view profile view other postings from Nancy » VIEW BLOG ENTRIES BY CATEGORY Goals (0) Plans (0) Hopes (1) ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT This YourHub.com community is produced by Corpus Christi Caller Times http://corpuschristi.yourhub.com/Blog.aspx?contentid=80142

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Friday, June 09, 2006
yanqui defined----"to exploit"
Eb, You & I.......Posted on May 19, 2006 at 12:37:05 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
can make things better here in our little neck of the woods. The MAN is Rainbow of course. Tokens of every gender and color.
Re(1): Damn boy,Posted on May 19, 2006 at 12:21:00 PM by Elwood Blues
" Damn boy,you wrote an epic". A useless epic,no doubt,because it'll most certainly fall on deaf ears..and did you just call me "boy"? Are you trying to oppress me? Are you looking to exploit me for your selfish gain? Watch it,Jaime..don't make me get Al Sharpton down here.. "I say it is the MAN who is the problem". Who exactly IS the man? To minorities..he's the evil gringo..to poor anglos,he's the RICH white man.Seems either way,he's white though,doesn't it? The problem isn't "the man" no matter what color he is..the problem is people who won't take responsibility for their life choices blaming the consequences of those choices on somebody else.The problem is,people who somehow think that life is supposed to be "fair" when it isn't and never has been.It's people who think that someone else is going to make things better for them,when the only one who can do that is the person staring back at them in the mirror. ==================================================
Damn boy,Posted on May 18, 2006 at 04:51:04 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
you wrote an epic. I say it is the MAN who is the problem. Not the anglo or the token mexican but the MAN.
Re(2): You use race baitingPosted on May 20, 2006 at 02:40:19 AM by dannoynted1
eb:For the last twenty years,Hispanics have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power in South Texas and throughout the southwest..and has life improved for hispanics because of it? I'd submit to you it has. "
ok it is possible alot more of our parents realized the importance of "learning english" to the point i was denied
my first language deliberately,
hence i forgot it at 4 yrs old
i went to headstart
i could not speak english and "tanto"
i think it meant "dense"
but i was removed from my family who spoke to me in spanish
i am grateful i learned english
but i was once accused over the cb radio-"i bet she has blond hair and blue eyes"
that was sooo hilarious cuz if they had seen me.........
i used to wish i had blonde hair and blue eyes cuz i thought
that was "pretty"
now why did that person accuse me of having blonde hair and blue eyes?
cuz of the way i talked?
cuz she could not see me?
if only my mom would have heard it!!
she would have thought she did her job!
no one would accuse me of being a dumb mexican
Re(1): You use race baitingPosted on May 18, 2006 at 11:12:42 AM by Elwood Blues
"You use race baiting when you are the baiter".
Now THERE'S an enlightened statement.That's like saying you use abuse when you're the abuser..gee..ya think? "So this is the golden tactic that you use to fight". Hardly..the tactic I use is to confront you with your own hypocrisy.It's not pleasant,I know..but genuine,productive dialogue can't flourish as long as it's ok for one side to do something that the other side gets villified for..mi entendes? "An enlightened man would share a dialogue not turn to ErVonCulo's schemes to "rationalize" the historical wrongs". An enlightened man would know it's counterproductive and pointless to resort to name calling to disparage someone else,too..he'd let facts and logic make his case for him.An enlightened man wouldn't go to the "you're a disciple of vato" card and accuse someone else of being a "messenger of hate" simply because they read something they disagreed with.An enlightened man would also know that "historical wrongs" can't be corrected by present day actions since history is history and present day is present day.An enlightened man would focus on the here and now,and not allow himself to be burdened by events that are clearly beyond his control. "Anglos have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power". For the last twenty years,Hispanics have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power in South Texas and throughout the southwest..and has life improved for hispanics because of it? I'd submit to you it has. You seem to be laboring under the impression that somehow..the anglo has kept you down..has oppressed you..that you have no power..an impression many hispanics hold.Look around you,JVC..hispanics permeate every aspect of South Texas business,culture,politics,education,finance,medicine,law enforcement,the judiciary..hispanics are Congressmen,Senators,judges,Sheriffs,police chiefs,school superintendents,college presidents and everything else you can imagine..so how the hell do you figure you're kept down,that you're oppressed,that you have no power? "But why can you not understand that the one imposed such insenstiveness over the years would feel as if ethnicity or race has not been factor in determing his life chances?" Ok..let's try a little role reversal,shall we? If you really believe that ethnicity or race is a factor in determing your life chances..consider this: Do you think your life have been different had you been born anglo under the same economic conditions you were born under? Do you really think more opportunities would be open to you because you're anglo? I've got news for you,dude..you're FAR better off being born hispanic in this part of the country.As a hispanic in South Texas,you have "rights advocacy groups" that'll protect your rights..anglos don't..you can call anyone a racist you want and not have to prove it..as an anglo,all you can do is sit there and take the accusations.As an anglo male,you're responsible for every calamity,every injustice,real or imagined,every social disorder,and every act of unfairness in the world.As an anglo..everything is YOUR fault..you're an oppressor,a hater,a racist,and a xenophobe when someone else takes issue with you.As to "past insensitiveness"..as I said..hispanics have been in power here for at least 20 years,so any past insensitivity wouldn't have affected YOU personally.You'd do far better to look within yourself as to why you feel like life may not be giving you a fair shake. "We have the right as humans to be who we are - is that a given?" Of course it's a given,but if you think that somehow anglos or "past insensitivities" are restricting your "right to be who you are" today,you're not seeing things realistically..you're buying into the "victimhood" mentality..the stock in trade of people who exploit hispanics for their own gain. " There is apparrent a huge gap between you and I.However the "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" argument you use (which is really a "victimizing the historically victimized) will not engender a dialogue. And that gap seems to be caused by your penchant for attributing your ethnicity to your lot in life..a premise that I reject soundly.In this part of the country,hispanics dominate society..if you're not happy with your situation,you have nobody to blame but yourself.The anglo didn't do it you.."past injustices" are irrelevant because you didn't suffer them personally. As to my "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" arguments..they're not mine,Kojak..they's Vera's and Ortiz's and Rodriguez's.These folks apparently believe that it's ok to call someone a racist without having to prove it..they'd have you believe that everything's the gringo's fault.If you think they're justified in doing that,then you're part of the problem..not part of the solution. "races (plural) implies that God made more than one race.An inferior one and a superior one". WHAT? You've bought into the crap people like Vera are selling lock stock and barrel,didn't you? Because there are many races doesn't mean one is superior to the other,my sadly misguided friend..it just means there are many races.there are a hundred different breeds (races) of dogs..is one superior to the other? There are a dozen different breeds (races) of horses..is one better than the other? If you really believe that bunk..then I submit the problem is yours..not society's.You've got one hell of an inferiority complex if you believe that B.S...and nothing short of making you king of the world's gonna make you happy..make you fulfilled.
You use race baitingPosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:32:55 PM by JVC
when you are the baiter. So this is the golden tactic that you use to fight. An enlightened man would share a dialogue not turn to ErVonCulo's schemes to "rationalize" the historical wrongs. Anglos have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power. However, it does not make ALL Anglos guilty because it does not. But why can you not understand that the one imposed such insenstiveness over the years would feel as if ethnicity or race has not been factor in determing his life chances? We have the right as humans to be who we are - is that a given? Of course we take consequences for posturing ourselves in that mental light. There are repercussions, not only for the one making such a decision but for those it will affect. There is apparrent a huge gap between you and I. However the "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" argument you use (which is really a "victimizing the historically victimized) will not engender a dialogue. We should be coming together not drifting apart. It will be the only way to join a mutual fight against oppression and hate. But let me tell you, the genuine enemy is not out there, it is inside us, you and I. Have you found it? My weakness and failure is to have too much admiration for another human being that belives he or she is more than me. "Race baiting" labels are such powermongering -- races (plural) implies that God made more than one race. An inferior one and a superior one. Universal truths? Keeping the body pure? I'm not a mystic. "rationalizing" races, is not essentially have, but a distorted view of reality. The Rutherford Institute calls it FRAMING. Yet, I can see we are incredibly brave and stupid at the same time. Maybe we need to destroy our egos, and realize we are both manure. But even manure can fertilize fields.
Re(2): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:40:51 AM by Elwood Blues
Apparently you're not a "disciple" of the dictionary..are you? What?..because I point out the inconsistincies and blatent contradictions in the positions of people who have the gall to call themselves "Simply Smart" or self appointed "community leaders" who use race mongering to further their own selfish agendas,I'm a "disciple" of SWJ's? I guess it escaped you that I've been the only one thus far in this discussion that has expressed concern and sympathy for what the boy involved in this senseless attack is going through..the pain this has inflicted on him..his family..the people around him..the community. I'm just "rationalizing hate",though..right? Beam me up,Scotty..there is no intelligent life down here.
Re(1): Elwood Blues
, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 15, 2006 at 02:06:47 PM by JVC
Elwood is a diciple of Curmudgeon, bato loco, bato sapio. Hate, rationalized.
LULAC is a good thing.....Posted on May 16, 2006 at 11:21:41 AM by Elwood Blues
"..but it seems it is being utilized for personal gain.Nancy Vera (by not helping all and focusing on the racial aspects)is using her own people and reducing the credibility it has taken LULAC years to build". You're a hater,Jaime..you're spreading a message of hate when you say things like that..you must be challenged..you're a weed that must be pulled..you're no better than Vato. ..right Simply Simple?
Hey EB, Posted on May 16, 2006 at 05:11:24 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
I hear ya. I dont think youre a hater. But I do believe the word tamale hole was in distaste. Anyway, I concur with you for the most part regarding the Nancy Vera Yanqui-ing of a select group. Maybe she will learn her lesson and start helping causes for the right reasons and not the limelight.
LULAC is a good thing.....Posted on May 15, 2006 at 04:12:54 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
but it seems it is being utilized for personal gain. Nancy Vera (by not helping all and focusing on the racial aspects)is using her own people and reducing the credibility it has taken LULAC years to build. This is WATT I call a YANQUI.
Word is that Nancy Vera will soon be outPosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:09:50 PM by Corsic
I think we have enough on her now to attempt to remove her. She has done a great disservice to the community.
Re(1): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:15:58 AM by Elwood Blues
"Nancy Vera is half white" Which half? (sorry,you just made it too easy) Why does it matter? What difference does it make what color she is? David Duke is a racist,and he's anglo..Rene Rodriguez is a racist,and he's hispanic..what's your point? "She does not speak for all of LULAC and its various chapters." Really? You'd better tell HER that,then.When she got her size 24 chones in a wad over what Judge Rank said in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION that was eavesdropped on..she went in front of the TV cameras with two stooges holding up the LULAC Council banner behind her..even though it wasn't LULAC matter.You're right about one thing,though..Council 1 won't have anything to do with her. We would still be in the " Plesby vs Ferguson" phase. Don't you mean " Plessy vs. Ferguson"? And what does Plessy have to do with anything? The Plessy decision set the precedent that "separate" facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional as long as they were "equal". The "separate but equal" doctrine was quickly extended to cover many areas of public life,such as restaurants,theaters,restrooms,and public schools.Not until 1954,in the equally important Brown v. Board of Education decision,would the "separate but equal" doctrine be struck down. Basically,Plessy said that segregation was legal as long as the facilities were equal..and FYI..Justice John Harlan (an evil white man) wrote the lone dissenting opinion: " Our Constitution is color-blind,and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.In respect of civil rights,all citizens are equal before the law.In my opinion,the judgment this day rendered will,in time,prove to be quite as pernicious as the decision made by this tribunal in the Dred Scott case.The present decision, it may well be apprehended,will not only stimulate aggressions,more or less brutal and irritating,upon the admitted rights of colored citizens,but will encourage the belief that it is possible,by means of state enactments,to defeat the beneficient purposes which the people of the United States had in view when they adopted the recent amendments of the Constitution". "LULAC has been a blessing". As with all "blessings"..in the wrong hands,they become curses.King Midas was "blessed" in that everything he touched turned to gold,but quickly found out his "blessing" was also a curse when he realized that EVERYTHING he touched turned to gold.Blessings are only blessings as long as they're used wisely.It may be a blessing that you win the lottery tomorrow,but if your newfound fortune results in your friends not speaking to you anymore because you didn't share your wealth with them..it's a curse.You buy a brand new sports car,then wreck it,killing your parents..it's a curse.One of your family members is kidnapped by people looking to extort your newfound riches from you..your blessing is now a curse. Have you even READ LULAC's Constitution,Simply Simple?..I have.LULAC is a fine,noble,upstanding organization.It is indeed a blessing to those it serves,but people like Vera have used and ARE using it to drive a wedge between people in this community,to keep us at each other's throats instead of using it as it was intended,to foster the principles of equality and community service that create a fuller and richer community. In a nutshell..LULAC's Constitution advocates building strong communities through co-operation,unity,and mutual respect..Vera uses it to divide the community..hence..the blessing becomes a curse. "You idiot". I'm sure I am an idiot..but I'm "Simply Smart" enough to know that if I'm going to cite Supreme Court case law to support my weak ass arguments..then I need to at least cite the RIGHT CASE.. If this is your idea of "challenging me"..or "pulling the weeds",dude..you might want to rethink your strategy..you're getting your ass handed to you in a paper bag so far.
Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 15, 2006 at 02:03:06 PM by Simply Smart
This I understand. If you don't know her you shouldn't generalize about her. She does not speak for all of LULAC and its various chapters. We would still be in the "Plesby vs Ferguson" phase. LULAC has been a blessing. You idiot.
Re(1): You should advocate for this despite the color of skinPosted on May 15, 2006 at 11:49:11 AM by Elwood Blues
You're wasting your breath,Jaimero.People like Vera see ONLY skin color..nothing else. I can ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE you that had the victim in this heinous crime had been black or homosexual or anything other than hispanic,you wouldn't have heard a peep out of her OR her race mongering Council. Notice that all she sobs about is the lack of publicity in the case? Notice that she goes to great lengths to be as graphic and explicit about the details of the crime as her limited vocabulary can muster..but NEVER ONCE expresses concern or sympathy for the victim and his family?..NOT ONCE! In that regard,she's not one bit better than David Duke or Al Sharpton..she's just another race monger looking to exploit the suffering of a poor young boy for her own selfish gain. Why don't you use some more LULAC funds to hire a few protesters to picket the local TV stations or the newspaper,Nancy?..THAT should get the TV cameras back in your face again.
You should advocate for this despite the color of skinPosted on May 15, 2006 at 04:03:11 AM by Jaime Kenedeno
Nancy, maybe it was a hate crime however, you help the cause only less by bringing in the race card. IMO it is an attempt to appeal to a select group of people instead of all who despise this heinous act. Your credibility is diminshed as is the cause your fight for. This is a provocation attempt to build a united base for YOU to YANQUI (exploit). It is obvious YOU are in it for YOU first and then for the cause. You should advocate for this despite the color of skin. Quit using your people and let's start creating equality. Work smarter not harder.
Esperanza Y PoderPosted on May 15, 2006 at 04:00:40 AM by Nancy Vera on 4/28/2006 Contributed by: Nancy Vera on 4/28/2006
Let's talk about the plight of immigrants, the struggle of the poor, and how we can take action against atrocities and crimes against humanity. Let's talk about class struggle and let's talk about true freedom. I am appalled with the following incident about how two teens in Spring, Texas attacked a Mexican teen. I am equally as appalled that prosecutors " are considering whether to attach hate-crime charges." When racial epithets are blurted during an act of violence, it is a hate crime. These prosecutors, whether the penalty is the same with what the alleged perpetrators are already charged or not, should call it what it is. It should be noted for the record. To do otherwise is a sin against humanity and God. There is no doubt that racist video games perpetuate these heinous crimes. Where is the outrage? Reports state that the teen attackers dragged the young man from a party and into the yard and sodomized him with a plastic pipe from a patio table umbrella. They also indicate that the victim had high levels of toxins in his organs which means that the attackers may have poured bleach inside the pipe. Additionally, after they got him down, the attackers stomped his head with steel-toed boots and one official says that the attackers kicked the pipe further into him with the boots.The pipe was sharpened at one end and the attackers also tried to carve something on the young victim's chest with a knife. The attackers were also spewing racial epithets as they committed the act. May God help us all and may peace, nonviolence and social justice reign in the world, especially in the country of the free and the brave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Submitted By: Nancy Vera posted on 5/4/2006 @ 5:33:50 AM The national news has made little of this hate crime. However, the Caller ran an editorial about it in yesterday's paper. Perhaps we can do more in our community to bring more national attention to this. Do you have any suggestions? [Report as objectionable] Submitted By: phil perez posted on 5/3/2006 @ 9:21:37 PM think about it...latinos jumped on the amnesty bandwagon and made alot of noise. why can't they use that same energy and instead of hurting the economy for a day, they decide to bring this poor kid's life up front...that's a start. it's not even a week later and already this case has dissappeared from the news. [Report as objectionable] Showing 1-2 of 2 Comments CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION Nancy Vera Corpus Christi , TX Nancy has posted 1 blog entry and 1 comment since joining on 4/28/2006. Nancy 's average blog rating is 0. view profile view other postings from Nancy » VIEW BLOG ENTRIES BY CATEGORY Goals (0) Plans (0) Hopes (1) ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT This YourHub.com community is produced by Corpus Christi Caller Times http://corpuschristi.yourhub.com/Blog.aspx?contentid=80142
can make things better here in our little neck of the woods. The MAN is Rainbow of course. Tokens of every gender and color.
Re(1): Damn boy,Posted on May 19, 2006 at 12:21:00 PM by Elwood Blues
" Damn boy,you wrote an epic". A useless epic,no doubt,because it'll most certainly fall on deaf ears..and did you just call me "boy"? Are you trying to oppress me? Are you looking to exploit me for your selfish gain? Watch it,Jaime..don't make me get Al Sharpton down here.. "I say it is the MAN who is the problem". Who exactly IS the man? To minorities..he's the evil gringo..to poor anglos,he's the RICH white man.Seems either way,he's white though,doesn't it? The problem isn't "the man" no matter what color he is..the problem is people who won't take responsibility for their life choices blaming the consequences of those choices on somebody else.The problem is,people who somehow think that life is supposed to be "fair" when it isn't and never has been.It's people who think that someone else is going to make things better for them,when the only one who can do that is the person staring back at them in the mirror. ==================================================
Damn boy,Posted on May 18, 2006 at 04:51:04 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
you wrote an epic. I say it is the MAN who is the problem. Not the anglo or the token mexican but the MAN.
Re(2): You use race baitingPosted on May 20, 2006 at 02:40:19 AM by dannoynted1
eb:For the last twenty years,Hispanics have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power in South Texas and throughout the southwest..and has life improved for hispanics because of it? I'd submit to you it has. "
ok it is possible alot more of our parents realized the importance of "learning english" to the point i was denied
my first language deliberately,
hence i forgot it at 4 yrs old
i went to headstart
i could not speak english and "tanto"
i think it meant "dense"
but i was removed from my family who spoke to me in spanish
i am grateful i learned english
but i was once accused over the cb radio-"i bet she has blond hair and blue eyes"
that was sooo hilarious cuz if they had seen me.........
i used to wish i had blonde hair and blue eyes cuz i thought
that was "pretty"
now why did that person accuse me of having blonde hair and blue eyes?
cuz of the way i talked?
cuz she could not see me?
if only my mom would have heard it!!
she would have thought she did her job!
no one would accuse me of being a dumb mexican
Re(1): You use race baitingPosted on May 18, 2006 at 11:12:42 AM by Elwood Blues
"You use race baiting when you are the baiter".
Now THERE'S an enlightened statement.That's like saying you use abuse when you're the abuser..gee..ya think? "So this is the golden tactic that you use to fight". Hardly..the tactic I use is to confront you with your own hypocrisy.It's not pleasant,I know..but genuine,productive dialogue can't flourish as long as it's ok for one side to do something that the other side gets villified for..mi entendes? "An enlightened man would share a dialogue not turn to ErVonCulo's schemes to "rationalize" the historical wrongs". An enlightened man would know it's counterproductive and pointless to resort to name calling to disparage someone else,too..he'd let facts and logic make his case for him.An enlightened man wouldn't go to the "you're a disciple of vato" card and accuse someone else of being a "messenger of hate" simply because they read something they disagreed with.An enlightened man would also know that "historical wrongs" can't be corrected by present day actions since history is history and present day is present day.An enlightened man would focus on the here and now,and not allow himself to be burdened by events that are clearly beyond his control. "Anglos have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power". For the last twenty years,Hispanics have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power in South Texas and throughout the southwest..and has life improved for hispanics because of it? I'd submit to you it has. You seem to be laboring under the impression that somehow..the anglo has kept you down..has oppressed you..that you have no power..an impression many hispanics hold.Look around you,JVC..hispanics permeate every aspect of South Texas business,culture,politics,education,finance,medicine,law enforcement,the judiciary..hispanics are Congressmen,Senators,judges,Sheriffs,police chiefs,school superintendents,college presidents and everything else you can imagine..so how the hell do you figure you're kept down,that you're oppressed,that you have no power? "But why can you not understand that the one imposed such insenstiveness over the years would feel as if ethnicity or race has not been factor in determing his life chances?" Ok..let's try a little role reversal,shall we? If you really believe that ethnicity or race is a factor in determing your life chances..consider this: Do you think your life have been different had you been born anglo under the same economic conditions you were born under? Do you really think more opportunities would be open to you because you're anglo? I've got news for you,dude..you're FAR better off being born hispanic in this part of the country.As a hispanic in South Texas,you have "rights advocacy groups" that'll protect your rights..anglos don't..you can call anyone a racist you want and not have to prove it..as an anglo,all you can do is sit there and take the accusations.As an anglo male,you're responsible for every calamity,every injustice,real or imagined,every social disorder,and every act of unfairness in the world.As an anglo..everything is YOUR fault..you're an oppressor,a hater,a racist,and a xenophobe when someone else takes issue with you.As to "past insensitiveness"..as I said..hispanics have been in power here for at least 20 years,so any past insensitivity wouldn't have affected YOU personally.You'd do far better to look within yourself as to why you feel like life may not be giving you a fair shake. "We have the right as humans to be who we are - is that a given?" Of course it's a given,but if you think that somehow anglos or "past insensitivities" are restricting your "right to be who you are" today,you're not seeing things realistically..you're buying into the "victimhood" mentality..the stock in trade of people who exploit hispanics for their own gain. " There is apparrent a huge gap between you and I.However the "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" argument you use (which is really a "victimizing the historically victimized) will not engender a dialogue. And that gap seems to be caused by your penchant for attributing your ethnicity to your lot in life..a premise that I reject soundly.In this part of the country,hispanics dominate society..if you're not happy with your situation,you have nobody to blame but yourself.The anglo didn't do it you.."past injustices" are irrelevant because you didn't suffer them personally. As to my "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" arguments..they're not mine,Kojak..they's Vera's and Ortiz's and Rodriguez's.These folks apparently believe that it's ok to call someone a racist without having to prove it..they'd have you believe that everything's the gringo's fault.If you think they're justified in doing that,then you're part of the problem..not part of the solution. "races (plural) implies that God made more than one race.An inferior one and a superior one". WHAT? You've bought into the crap people like Vera are selling lock stock and barrel,didn't you? Because there are many races doesn't mean one is superior to the other,my sadly misguided friend..it just means there are many races.there are a hundred different breeds (races) of dogs..is one superior to the other? There are a dozen different breeds (races) of horses..is one better than the other? If you really believe that bunk..then I submit the problem is yours..not society's.You've got one hell of an inferiority complex if you believe that B.S...and nothing short of making you king of the world's gonna make you happy..make you fulfilled.
You use race baitingPosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:32:55 PM by JVC
when you are the baiter. So this is the golden tactic that you use to fight. An enlightened man would share a dialogue not turn to ErVonCulo's schemes to "rationalize" the historical wrongs. Anglos have had control of institutions and agencies of government and power. However, it does not make ALL Anglos guilty because it does not. But why can you not understand that the one imposed such insenstiveness over the years would feel as if ethnicity or race has not been factor in determing his life chances? We have the right as humans to be who we are - is that a given? Of course we take consequences for posturing ourselves in that mental light. There are repercussions, not only for the one making such a decision but for those it will affect. There is apparrent a huge gap between you and I. However the "reverse racism" or ridiculous "race bating" argument you use (which is really a "victimizing the historically victimized) will not engender a dialogue. We should be coming together not drifting apart. It will be the only way to join a mutual fight against oppression and hate. But let me tell you, the genuine enemy is not out there, it is inside us, you and I. Have you found it? My weakness and failure is to have too much admiration for another human being that belives he or she is more than me. "Race baiting" labels are such powermongering -- races (plural) implies that God made more than one race. An inferior one and a superior one. Universal truths? Keeping the body pure? I'm not a mystic. "rationalizing" races, is not essentially have, but a distorted view of reality. The Rutherford Institute calls it FRAMING. Yet, I can see we are incredibly brave and stupid at the same time. Maybe we need to destroy our egos, and realize we are both manure. But even manure can fertilize fields.
Re(2): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:40:51 AM by Elwood Blues
Apparently you're not a "disciple" of the dictionary..are you? What?..because I point out the inconsistincies and blatent contradictions in the positions of people who have the gall to call themselves "Simply Smart" or self appointed "community leaders" who use race mongering to further their own selfish agendas,I'm a "disciple" of SWJ's? I guess it escaped you that I've been the only one thus far in this discussion that has expressed concern and sympathy for what the boy involved in this senseless attack is going through..the pain this has inflicted on him..his family..the people around him..the community. I'm just "rationalizing hate",though..right? Beam me up,Scotty..there is no intelligent life down here.
Re(1): Elwood Blues
, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 15, 2006 at 02:06:47 PM by JVC
Elwood is a diciple of Curmudgeon, bato loco, bato sapio. Hate, rationalized.
LULAC is a good thing.....Posted on May 16, 2006 at 11:21:41 AM by Elwood Blues
"..but it seems it is being utilized for personal gain.Nancy Vera (by not helping all and focusing on the racial aspects)is using her own people and reducing the credibility it has taken LULAC years to build". You're a hater,Jaime..you're spreading a message of hate when you say things like that..you must be challenged..you're a weed that must be pulled..you're no better than Vato. ..right Simply Simple?
Hey EB, Posted on May 16, 2006 at 05:11:24 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
I hear ya. I dont think youre a hater. But I do believe the word tamale hole was in distaste. Anyway, I concur with you for the most part regarding the Nancy Vera Yanqui-ing of a select group. Maybe she will learn her lesson and start helping causes for the right reasons and not the limelight.
LULAC is a good thing.....Posted on May 15, 2006 at 04:12:54 PM by Jaime Kenedeno
but it seems it is being utilized for personal gain. Nancy Vera (by not helping all and focusing on the racial aspects)is using her own people and reducing the credibility it has taken LULAC years to build. This is WATT I call a YANQUI.
Word is that Nancy Vera will soon be outPosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:09:50 PM by Corsic
I think we have enough on her now to attempt to remove her. She has done a great disservice to the community.
Re(1): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 16, 2006 at 11:15:58 AM by Elwood Blues
"Nancy Vera is half white" Which half? (sorry,you just made it too easy) Why does it matter? What difference does it make what color she is? David Duke is a racist,and he's anglo..Rene Rodriguez is a racist,and he's hispanic..what's your point? "She does not speak for all of LULAC and its various chapters." Really? You'd better tell HER that,then.When she got her size 24 chones in a wad over what Judge Rank said in a PRIVATE CONVERSATION that was eavesdropped on..she went in front of the TV cameras with two stooges holding up the LULAC Council banner behind her..even though it wasn't LULAC matter.You're right about one thing,though..Council 1 won't have anything to do with her. We would still be in the " Plesby vs Ferguson" phase. Don't you mean " Plessy vs. Ferguson"? And what does Plessy have to do with anything? The Plessy decision set the precedent that "separate" facilities for blacks and whites were constitutional as long as they were "equal". The "separate but equal" doctrine was quickly extended to cover many areas of public life,such as restaurants,theaters,restrooms,and public schools.Not until 1954,in the equally important Brown v. Board of Education decision,would the "separate but equal" doctrine be struck down. Basically,Plessy said that segregation was legal as long as the facilities were equal..and FYI..Justice John Harlan (an evil white man) wrote the lone dissenting opinion: " Our Constitution is color-blind,and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens.In respect of civil rights,all citizens are equal before the law.In my opinion,the judgment this day rendered will,in time,prove to be quite as pernicious as the decision made by this tribunal in the Dred Scott case.The present decision, it may well be apprehended,will not only stimulate aggressions,more or less brutal and irritating,upon the admitted rights of colored citizens,but will encourage the belief that it is possible,by means of state enactments,to defeat the beneficient purposes which the people of the United States had in view when they adopted the recent amendments of the Constitution". "LULAC has been a blessing". As with all "blessings"..in the wrong hands,they become curses.King Midas was "blessed" in that everything he touched turned to gold,but quickly found out his "blessing" was also a curse when he realized that EVERYTHING he touched turned to gold.Blessings are only blessings as long as they're used wisely.It may be a blessing that you win the lottery tomorrow,but if your newfound fortune results in your friends not speaking to you anymore because you didn't share your wealth with them..it's a curse.You buy a brand new sports car,then wreck it,killing your parents..it's a curse.One of your family members is kidnapped by people looking to extort your newfound riches from you..your blessing is now a curse. Have you even READ LULAC's Constitution,Simply Simple?..I have.LULAC is a fine,noble,upstanding organization.It is indeed a blessing to those it serves,but people like Vera have used and ARE using it to drive a wedge between people in this community,to keep us at each other's throats instead of using it as it was intended,to foster the principles of equality and community service that create a fuller and richer community. In a nutshell..LULAC's Constitution advocates building strong communities through co-operation,unity,and mutual respect..Vera uses it to divide the community..hence..the blessing becomes a curse. "You idiot". I'm sure I am an idiot..but I'm "Simply Smart" enough to know that if I'm going to cite Supreme Court case law to support my weak ass arguments..then I need to at least cite the RIGHT CASE.. If this is your idea of "challenging me"..or "pulling the weeds",dude..you might want to rethink your strategy..you're getting your ass handed to you in a paper bag so far.
Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half whitePosted on May 15, 2006 at 02:03:06 PM by Simply Smart
This I understand. If you don't know her you shouldn't generalize about her. She does not speak for all of LULAC and its various chapters. We would still be in the "Plesby vs Ferguson" phase. LULAC has been a blessing. You idiot.
Re(1): You should advocate for this despite the color of skinPosted on May 15, 2006 at 11:49:11 AM by Elwood Blues
You're wasting your breath,Jaimero.People like Vera see ONLY skin color..nothing else. I can ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE you that had the victim in this heinous crime had been black or homosexual or anything other than hispanic,you wouldn't have heard a peep out of her OR her race mongering Council. Notice that all she sobs about is the lack of publicity in the case? Notice that she goes to great lengths to be as graphic and explicit about the details of the crime as her limited vocabulary can muster..but NEVER ONCE expresses concern or sympathy for the victim and his family?..NOT ONCE! In that regard,she's not one bit better than David Duke or Al Sharpton..she's just another race monger looking to exploit the suffering of a poor young boy for her own selfish gain. Why don't you use some more LULAC funds to hire a few protesters to picket the local TV stations or the newspaper,Nancy?..THAT should get the TV cameras back in your face again.
You should advocate for this despite the color of skinPosted on May 15, 2006 at 04:03:11 AM by Jaime Kenedeno
Nancy, maybe it was a hate crime however, you help the cause only less by bringing in the race card. IMO it is an attempt to appeal to a select group of people instead of all who despise this heinous act. Your credibility is diminshed as is the cause your fight for. This is a provocation attempt to build a united base for YOU to YANQUI (exploit). It is obvious YOU are in it for YOU first and then for the cause. You should advocate for this despite the color of skin. Quit using your people and let's start creating equality. Work smarter not harder.
Esperanza Y PoderPosted on May 15, 2006 at 04:00:40 AM by Nancy Vera on 4/28/2006 Contributed by: Nancy Vera on 4/28/2006
Let's talk about the plight of immigrants, the struggle of the poor, and how we can take action against atrocities and crimes against humanity. Let's talk about class struggle and let's talk about true freedom. I am appalled with the following incident about how two teens in Spring, Texas attacked a Mexican teen. I am equally as appalled that prosecutors " are considering whether to attach hate-crime charges." When racial epithets are blurted during an act of violence, it is a hate crime. These prosecutors, whether the penalty is the same with what the alleged perpetrators are already charged or not, should call it what it is. It should be noted for the record. To do otherwise is a sin against humanity and God. There is no doubt that racist video games perpetuate these heinous crimes. Where is the outrage? Reports state that the teen attackers dragged the young man from a party and into the yard and sodomized him with a plastic pipe from a patio table umbrella. They also indicate that the victim had high levels of toxins in his organs which means that the attackers may have poured bleach inside the pipe. Additionally, after they got him down, the attackers stomped his head with steel-toed boots and one official says that the attackers kicked the pipe further into him with the boots.The pipe was sharpened at one end and the attackers also tried to carve something on the young victim's chest with a knife. The attackers were also spewing racial epithets as they committed the act. May God help us all and may peace, nonviolence and social justice reign in the world, especially in the country of the free and the brave. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Submitted By: Nancy Vera posted on 5/4/2006 @ 5:33:50 AM The national news has made little of this hate crime. However, the Caller ran an editorial about it in yesterday's paper. Perhaps we can do more in our community to bring more national attention to this. Do you have any suggestions? [Report as objectionable] Submitted By: phil perez posted on 5/3/2006 @ 9:21:37 PM think about it...latinos jumped on the amnesty bandwagon and made alot of noise. why can't they use that same energy and instead of hurting the economy for a day, they decide to bring this poor kid's life up front...that's a start. it's not even a week later and already this case has dissappeared from the news. [Report as objectionable] Showing 1-2 of 2 Comments CONTRIBUTOR INFORMATION Nancy Vera Corpus Christi , TX Nancy has posted 1 blog entry and 1 comment since joining on 4/28/2006. Nancy 's average blog rating is 0. view profile view other postings from Nancy » VIEW BLOG ENTRIES BY CATEGORY Goals (0) Plans (0) Hopes (1) ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT This YourHub.com community is produced by Corpus Christi Caller Times http://corpuschristi.yourhub.com/Blog.aspx?contentid=80142
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
for the feds
Can you please....Posted on May 10, 2006 at 10:41:39 PM by Jaime Kenedeño
forward the copies of this publication? Email me for my address and phone number. It seems a critique is in order. Dont make me call the Feds again!
well i "think GOD" AINT GOING ANYWHERE and much less the feds or the rest of the alphabet soup
forward the copies of this publication? Email me for my address and phone number. It seems a critique is in order. Dont make me call the Feds again!
well i "think GOD" AINT GOING ANYWHERE and much less the feds or the rest of the alphabet soup
Monday, June 05, 2006
best defense
DEFENZOR: A NEWSPAPER FROM THE HEART & SOUL OF AZTLAN 608 Indiana Street, Robstown, Texas 78380 (361) 387-6216 email: staff@defenzor.net ... Note: The posting here do not reflect the position of El Defenzor newspaper nor its staff. This board was created to encourage a mutual dialogue on improving matters in our community.
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cruelty to animals........... - By dannoynted1 June 5, 2006 at 02:02:29 AM
barrio hit parader for 06062006 - By cchwnn June 4, 2006 at 05:53:21 PM
hejola repor for 06062006 - By cchwnn June 4, 2006 at 04:30:05 PM
internet illiterate........ - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 06:41:40 AM
Re(1): internet illiterate........ - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 07:02:19 AM
kingsville.......... - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 06:46:53 AM
Re(1): kingsville.......... - By la pava June 4, 2006 at 08:30:29 PM
Re(2): kingsville.......... - By dannoynted1 June 5, 2006 at 02:04:06 AM
ccredc.blogspot.com - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 06:39:53 AM
cash cab...... - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 06:48:09 PM
barrio stock market from the pass 09172005 - By cchwnn June 2, 2006 at 06:36:28 PM
Re(1): barrio stock market from the pass 09172005 - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 07:10:24 AM
Re(2): barrio stock market from the pass 09172005 - By lamar23 June 4, 2006 at 03:59:41 PM
I Love My Corpus Christi - By Jaime Kenedeno June 2, 2006 at 09:18:55 AM
(no subject) - By J June 2, 2006 at 09:34:43 AM
(no subject) - By J June 2, 2006 at 10:05:58 AM
Yes sir ocifer we were trying to buy a baby and we paid for it - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 10:15:45 PM
WATT happened on LAGO this morning - By Jaime Kenedeno June 2, 2006 at 08:03:09 PM
Re(1): WATT happened on LAGO this morning - By Elwood Blues June 3, 2006 at 01:26:00 PM
Every single one of the seven.... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 3, 2006 at 01:55:37 PM
Re(1): Every single one of the seven.... - By Elwood Blues June 4, 2006 at 11:48:00 PM
not one single one of the seven.... - By dannoynted1 June 5, 2006 at 05:23:48 AM
Re(2): Every single one of the seven.... - By dannoynted1 June 5, 2006 at 05:05:41 AM
WATT happens when U "Piss Off A Billionaire? A “judicial drive-by shooting” against one's attorney - By Jaime Kenedeno June 3, 2006 at 10:30:45 AM
Quantum Meruit: nolo or pro bono? - By dannoynted1 June 3, 2006 at 10:58:03 AM
Now we know why the All American City Counsel is reconsidering.... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 3, 2006 at 11:00:25 AM
karma knows kismet - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 08:10:22 PM
Does that infer..... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 2, 2006 at 08:59:07 PM
jaime, more info on threat to marc please. - By Estevan June 3, 2006 at 02:12:44 AM
Re(1): jaime, more info on threat to marc please. - By dannoynted1 June 3, 2006 at 07:06:01 PM
Re(1): Does that infer..... - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 09:00:53 PM
Re(2): Does that infer..... - By Jaime June 2, 2006 at 09:31:12 PM
U.S. government officials would secretly create "a public relations script" leeks taste good when . - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 09:17:20 AM
Re(1): U.S. government officials would secretly create - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 06:04:01 PM
Re(2): U.S. government officials would secretly create - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 06:05:04 PM
la china cano - By CCHWNN June 1, 2006 at 09:03:46 AM
does this make common sense? - By dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 00:15:31 AM
Two reasons cited for tearing down a historical landmark.... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 00:56:42 AM
Curmy in response to Rock's infrastructure enhancement arguement. Rock might as well give it up - By Jaime 4 Curmy June 1, 2006 at 11:29:51 AM
Re(1): Two reasons poor progressives are not benefiting - By dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 09:15:02 AM
CENSORSHIP: Good grief, did we hit a nerve? - By Jaime 4 TEXWRITES June 1, 2006 at 00:43:40 AM
Re(1): CENSORSHIP: Good grief, did we hit a nerve? - By Jaime 4 CATO June 1, 2006 at 00:44:46 AM
censor capitan? does this make common sense? - By dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 00:26:30 AM
It might be best... - By Major Carrales June 1, 2006 at 02:19:32 PM
Thank You El Capitan...... - By Jaime & dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 04:11:17 PM
Two things that threaten the Corporate Welfare beneficiaries..... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 00:38:53 AM
hejola report for 05312006 - By CCHWNN May 31, 2006 at 10:20:43 AM
weekend barrio report con maria la vandia first chicana cyber space weekend anchor reporter - By cchwnn May 28, 2006 at 12:23:28 PM
Energy/Water Funding Bills for Corpus/South Texas - By Offices of Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz May 28, 2006 at 01:53:01 AM
Ramsey Muniz: "Writing from Solitary Confinement - By Irma M. May 28, 2006 at 01:49:28 AM
Nueces Democratic Party/events - By info May 28, 2006 at 01:40:04 AM
Juan more voice..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 29, 2006 at 01:28:04 AM
Chuy urges AEP electric company to pay back $250 million to customers - By Offices of Juan Chuy Hinojosa May 28, 2006 at 01:35:25 AM
Alarm ARMED SERVICE Target - CCISD Shortcuts & Their Path of Least Resistance - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 07:22:58 AM
press release of final boxing rresults. - By cchwnn May 28, 2006 at 01:06:11 AM
Re(1): press release of final boxing rresults. - By jvc May 28, 2006 at 01:29:56 AM
Re(1): press release of final boxing rresults. - By jvc May 28, 2006 at 01:29:56 AM
Re(1): press release of final boxing rresults. - By jvc May 28, 2006 at 01:29:55 AM
exclusive coverage of el taqucha sporting events commadre boxing results for first two bouts - By cchwnn May 27, 2006 at 07:25:37 PM
a taqucha sports up date from el barrio conjunto jam 06 - By cchwnn May 27, 2006 at 02:24:07 PM
exclusive coverage of el taqucha sporting events new barrio sports complex - By cchwnn May 27, 2006 at 12:20:19 PM
barrio memorial day conjunto jam - By CCHWNN May 26, 2006 at 09:32:12 AM
WATTA YALL EXTREME RIGHT WINGERS SKEERED OF - By Jaime Kenedeno May 26, 2006 at 01:53:41 AM
They are skeered of - By JVC May 26, 2006 at 03:16:02 AM
Re(1): They are skeered of - By Estevan May 27, 2006 at 04:53:53 PM
Re(2): They are skeered of - By NotPhulin May 30, 2006 at 10:48:46 PM
simple words.... they ... - By Estevan June 3, 2006 at 02:19:54 AM
Re(1): simple words.... they ... - By Elwood Blues June 3, 2006 at 01:01:46 PM
what do you know fool! - By Estevan June 3, 2006 at 09:24:34 PM
Re(1): what do you know fool! - By Elwood Blues June 5, 2006 at 00:21:25 AM
Perhaps one of these days..... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 3, 2006 at 06:42:17 AM
It got deleted but Jaime saves everything - By dannoynted1 May 30, 2006 at 11:18:54 PM
Re(1): It got deleted but Jaime saves everything - By Elwood Blues May 31, 2006 at 00:18:11 AM
Re(2): It got deleted but Jaime saves everything - By dannoynted1 May 31, 2006 at 02:52:32 AM
Re(3): It got deleted but Jaime saves everything - By Elwood Blues May 31, 2006 at 12:22:40 PM
EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 31, 2006 at 02:49:28 AM
Re(1): EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By Elwood Blues May 31, 2006 at 12:40:16 PM
Huh,........ - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 01:01:23 AM
Re(2): EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By dannoynted1 May 31, 2006 at 03:08:50 PM
Re(3): EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By Elwood Blues June 1, 2006 at 00:00:22 AM
I am betting...... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 05:40:39 AM
Re(1): I am betting...... - By Elwood Blues June 3, 2006 at 01:10:39 PM
Re(2): I am betting...... - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 01:32:38 AM
Re(4): EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 00:17:23 AM
WATT happened to...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 31, 2006 at 02:19:14 AM
greg abbott dont "mess with texans" - By dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 11:30:14 PM
Why Nueces Abbot? - By CCX May 26, 2006 at 03:21:25 AM
A Momma's Boy tells..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 27, 2006 at 00:52:16 AM
Re(1): greg abbott - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 26, 2006 at 00:01:26 AM
barrio stock market for 05262006 - By cchwnn May 25, 2006 at 09:44:30 PM
la voz del westhinghouse barrio mall 05252006 - By CCHWNN May 25, 2006 at 09:45:56 AM
Did somebody mention Ed Byrne Memorial Grant?? Which State was that in? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 04:40:56 AM
Re(1): Did somebody mention Ed Byrne Memorial Grant?? Which State was that in? - By Estevan May 27, 2006 at 04:56:04 PM
Exxon is common between KFATSO & King Ranch as is Hunt oil (where Ray Lee Hunt is CEO) - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 05:10:53 AM
Since 1999 I have been fighting for my life back - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 04:58:59 AM
Shame on you Greg Abbot, Tim Nowell & Roger Williams...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 04:50:53 AM
Re(1): Shame on you Greg Abbot, Tim Nowell & Roger Williams...... - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 04:53:41 AM
Can I vouch for the Ed Byrne Targeting of Little People????? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 05:05:26 AM
Re(1): Can I vouch for the Ed Byrne Targeting of Little People????? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 05:25:40 AM
Caller Times E Marketing........ - By Team Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 04:14:10 AM
Re(1): Caller Times E Marketing........ - By Old School Vampire May 26, 2006 at 03:23:06 AM
Re(1): Caller Times E Marketing........ - By dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 04:16:53 AM
beech blockade tiff? - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 01:00:14 AM
Elbert Ocanas withdraws from representation??? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 02:57:07 AM
barrio hit parade for week 20th - By cchwnn: chicano cornerstone May 24, 2006 at 10:34:40 AM
hejola report for 05232006 - By cchwn May 24, 2006 at 09:27:24 AM
Sen. Hinojosa ask for accountability on Linebacker funds - By Office of Texas Sen. Juan Chuy Hinojosa May 23, 2006 at 02:36:35 PM
It was time someone stood up - By Simply Smart May 23, 2006 at 05:15:21 PM
Re(1): It was time someone stood up - By dannoynted1 May 23, 2006 at 10:37:16 PM
Alarm ARMED SERVICE Target - CCISD Shortcuts & Their Path of Least Resistance - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 07:20:59 AM
Great job Homer on the Keys morning show - By Polisurf May 23, 2006 at 02:29:11 PM
Instead of Abbot & Costello.... - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 23, 2006 at 07:08:42 PM
Re(1): Instead of Abbot & Costello.... - By Ernest May 24, 2006 at 01:21:53 AM
Director from Atty General greg Abbott came over very condescending.... - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 24, 2006 at 01:30:20 AM
Did Ms Hale's partisan attacks citing the sources as Liberal qualify as.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 24, 2006 at 11:53:05 PM
spookys west side warrior news network shoot from the pass - By CCHWNN May 23, 2006 at 09:02:38 AM
WATT about the fact that a little Pharmacy College was being squeezed? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 23, 2006 at 04:18:55 AM
Why is the Equal Time Rule ignored by the South Texas Media & District Attorneys? Too Political? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 10:01:23 PM
That is how it works..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 11:41:08 PM
Why is the Equal Time Rule ignored by the South Texas Media & District Attorneys? Too Political? - By dannoynted1 May 21, 2006 at 11:13:42 PM
The Fairness Doctrine ceased to be a requirement in 1987 - By dannoynted1 May 21, 2006 at 11:16:48 PM
The scraps are WATT divide the Little People - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 06:27:09 AM
I wander WATT they gonna do 'bout that shower message? - By Jaime May 20, 2006 at 03:47:12 AM
Promo or Ad,.... that is the question? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 04:40:00 AM
Re(1): Promo or Ad - By dannoynted1 May 21, 2006 at 04:19:26 AM
i love this song - By dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 08:26:45 PM
Promo or Ad John Trice? Guess U 4got bout 1984 @ Sea Wall? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 05:07:01 AM
Remember the deal our all american city counsel..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 05:20:25 AM
Re(1): Remember the deal our all american city counsel..... - By dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 08:14:11 PM
i could not speak english and "tanto" - By This belongs @ the top jfk/d1 May 20, 2006 at 02:45:43 AM
I luv my blonde hair & blue eyed....... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 03:13:05 AM
barrio stock market report for 05192006 - By cchwn May 19, 2006 at 09:16:15 AM
Transparent and Electronic Documentation.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 00:16:32 AM
Re(1): Transparent and Electronic Documentation.... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 03:39:03 AM
Dear Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CCISD, Legislators & South Texas Judiciary - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 08:03:23 AM
Re(1): Dear Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CCISD, Legislators & South Texas Judiciary - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 08:34:06 AM
Mission: To establish standards and guidelines for the systematic implementation and integration... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 00:30:24 AM
el barrio conjunto enchanted land theme park grand opening report - By CCHWNN May 17, 2006 at 09:53:20 AM
George Crocker - kingsville cop trying to sue.... - By Estevan May 17, 2006 at 04:57:25 AM
Door to door intimidation in kingsville is that ..... - By dannoynted1 May 21, 2006 at 07:19:29 AM
Re(1): George Crocker - kingsville cop trying to sue.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 06:49:23 PM
Re(2): George Crocker - kingsville cop trying to sue.... - By Estevan May 18, 2006 at 00:49:36 AM
the grand............. - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:35:01 AM
One of member of the Cleberg Grand Jury.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 01:28:41 AM
the caucasian evolution - By CCHWNN May 16, 2006 at 01:08:34 PM
Re(1): the caucasian evolution - By Not A Mexican May 27, 2006 at 01:40:06 AM
Re(1): the caucasian evolution - By Elwood Blues May 21, 2006 at 02:14:42 PM
I like it but...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 05:21:18 PM
Also EB, That is the American Way of Entrepreneurship 'cept.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 10:33:34 PM
Re(1): the caucasian evolution - By Elwood Blues May 21, 2006 at 02:14:42 PM
I like it but...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 05:21:18 PM
Also EB, That is the American Way of Entrepreneurship 'cept.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 10:33:34 PM
Re(1): the caucasian evolution - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 03:55:31 AM
Re(2): the caucasian evolution - By lapava May 20, 2006 at 10:54:52 PM
westside warrior news network report - By CCHWNN May 16, 2006 at 09:38:11 AM
As per the Rationale of anti raw labor movement & immigration reform agitators.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 15, 2006 at 06:56:51 PM
From a guy who grew up in the home-town of the Ohio hub of the KKK - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 03:43:15 AM
Re(1): As per the Rationale of anti raw labor movement & immigration reform agitators.... - By Elwood Blues May 17, 2006 at 12:10:58 PM
ok, EB, so you.................... - By jj May 19, 2006 at 01:17:14 PM
Re(1): ok, EB, so you.................... - By Elwood Blues May 19, 2006 at 01:41:24 PM
EB, - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 05:23:33 PM
EB, I think,.......... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 05:37:59 PM
Re(2): ok, EB, so you.................... - By JJ May 19, 2006 at 02:47:20 PM
I hear ya EB, - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 04:54:25 PM
Respect EB,..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 04:12:37 PM
Re(1): Respect EB,..... - By Estevan May 18, 2006 at 00:51:34 AM
Re(2): Respect EB,..... - By Elwood Blues May 18, 2006 at 11:17:01 AM
Re(3): Respect EB,..... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 03:33:18 AM
Re(4): Respect EB,..... - By Elwood Blues May 19, 2006 at 12:30:02 PM
Re(5): Respect EB,..... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 07:38:09 PM
Re(4): Respect EB,..... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 04:04:21 AM
Re(2): Respect EB,..... - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:37:21 AM
the new tejanos y que. - By cchwnn: May 15, 2006 at 05:00:54 PM
hejola report for 05152006 - By cchwnn May 15, 2006 at 11:30:19 AM
(no subject) - By Comments by nancy vera & phil perez May 15, 2006 at 04:06:47 AM
Re(1): (no subject) - By Elwood Blues May 15, 2006 at 11:33:18 AM
I agree for the most part EB but,..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 15, 2006 at 04:25:24 PM
Re(1): I agree for the most part EB but,..... - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 12:10:31 PM
There are things I am not at liberty ..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 16, 2006 at 05:16:31 PM
Re(1): There are things I am not at liberty ..... - By Elwood Blues May 17, 2006 at 00:45:46 AM
Re(2): There are things I am not at liberty ..... - By dannoynted1 May 17, 2006 at 05:31:26 PM
Marinkovich is...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 01:04:41 AM
Re(1): Marinkovich is...... - By Elwood Blues May 17, 2006 at 11:06:11 AM
As I have noted previously EB, time will prove my words - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 10:30:35 PM
Re(2): Marinkovich is...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 05:48:42 PM
Re(3): Marinkovich is...... - By Elwood Blues May 17, 2006 at 06:55:50 PM
jaime is...... - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:40:36 AM
Re(1): jaime is...... - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:48:02 AM
Re(2): jaime is...... - By Elwood Blues May 18, 2006 at 11:28:49 AM
YES..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 04:29:18 PM
Re(1): jaime is...... - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:41:37 AM
Ignorance..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 07:22:46 PM
he ignores del mar.............. - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:43:22 AM
Re(1): he ignores del mar.............. - By Elwood Blues May 18, 2006 at 11:36:34 AM
Sexual Harrassment is Sexual Harrassment...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 04:44:55 PM
Elwood Blues, try to defend the hate, be oblivious to history, - By Simply Smart May 15, 2006 at 02:00:21 PM
Re(1): Elwood Blues, try to defend the hate, be oblivious to history, - By Elwood Blues May 15, 2006 at 08:52:06 PM
"Tamale Hole" -- such words are an act of violence - By Simply Smart May 15, 2006 at 09:57:03 PM
Re(1): - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 04:24:04 AM
sounds like you read-mcdougall and little-world history-texas edition - By dannoynted1 May 16, 2006 at 04:40:56 AM
Re(1): - By Comments by Nancy Vera May 16, 2006 at 02:11:15 AM
Esperanza Y Poder - By Nancy Vera on 4/28/2006 May 15, 2006 at 04:00:40 AM
You should advocate for this despite the color of skin - By Jaime Kenedeno May 15, 2006 at 04:03:11 AM
Re(1): You should advocate for this despite the color of skin - By Elwood Blues May 15, 2006 at 11:49:11 AM
Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half white - By Simply Smart May 15, 2006 at 02:03:06 PM
Re(1): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half white - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 11:15:58 AM
Word is that Nancy Vera will soon be out - By Corsic May 16, 2006 at 11:09:50 PM
LULAC is a good thing..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 15, 2006 at 04:12:54 PM
Re(1): LULAC is a good thing..... - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 11:21:41 AM
Hey EB, - By Jaime Kenedeno May 16, 2006 at 05:11:24 PM
Re(1): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half white - By JVC May 15, 2006 at 02:06:47 PM
Re(2): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half white - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 11:40:51 AM
You use race baiting - By JVC May 16, 2006 at 11:32:55 PM
Re(1): You use race baiting - By Elwood Blues May 18, 2006 at 11:12:42 AM
Re(2): You use race baiting - By dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 02:40:19 AM
Damn boy, - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 04:51:04 PM
Re(1): Damn boy, - By Elwood Blues May 19, 2006 at 12:21:00 PM
Eb, You & I....... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 12:37:05 PM
Re(1): Eb, You & I....... - By Elwood Blues May 19, 2006 at 01:29:31 PM
Re(2): Eb, You & I....... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 09:16:32 PM
I hope you.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 05:30:12 PM
And if,....... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 05:36:05 PM
The Enemy is...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 06:43:48 PM
boxing matchefor boxing card 4 - By cchwnn May 14, 2006 at 10:31:27 PM
boxing card results for match three - By cchwnn May 14, 2006 at 10:30:11 PM
2006 boxing results for boxing card one. - By cchwnn May 14, 2006 at 10:28:40 PM
2006 mothers day world premier of la commaderboxing matches - By cchwnn May 14, 2006 at 10:24:38 PM
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers! - By Jaime Kenedeno May 14, 2006 at 08:58:05 PM
Face it Gabe Rivas, Carlos Garcia & Ben Blanco; Del Mar Female Students are not interested in YOU! - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 01:06:53 AM
Re(1): Face it Gabe Rivas, Carlos Garcia & Ben Blanco; Del Mar Female Students are not interested - By dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 01:13:56 AM
Stan Johnsey (kingsville tx) - By latin May 13, 2006 at 07:19:41 PM
Preach all the freedom you want guy but not here? - By Major Carrales May 13, 2006 at 10:17:14 PM
Hey Capitan, I understand..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 11:02:32 PM
Just keep in mind... - By Major Carrales May 14, 2006 at 05:08:03 PM
Actually. I am not......... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 14, 2006 at 08:47:39 PM
Re(1): Actually. I am not......... - By dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 10:06:52 PM
It's like the restaurants, they have a posting - By JVC May 13, 2006 at 07:47:02 PM
Re(1): Stan Johnsey (kingsville tx) - By Elwood Blues May 13, 2006 at 07:31:59 PM
That was just.... - By Jaime May 13, 2006 at 08:33:41 PM
Re(2): Stan Johnsey (kingsville tx) - By jj May 13, 2006 at 08:32:53 PM
Bush considering national guard to secure border? Sick? - By Simply Smart May 13, 2006 at 02:21:59 AM
Re(1): Bush considering national guard to secure border? Sick? - By Estevan May 13, 2006 at 04:32:16 AM
If they truly wanted to ..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 05:12:42 AM
Somebody is posting as me, Estevan!! - By Estevan May 14, 2006 at 08:23:51 AM
I did not post these threads on the 13th! - By Estevan May 14, 2006 at 08:25:03 AM
Re(1): I did not post these threads on the 13th! - By dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 10:07:49 PM
Re(1): If they truly wanted to ..... - By Estevan May 13, 2006 at 10:38:24 AM
Re(2): Bush considering national guard to secure border? Sick? - By Estevan May 13, 2006 at 04:33:12 AM
(no subject) - By Offices of Sen. J. "Chuy" Hinojosa May 13, 2006 at 00:08:37 AM
Ramsey Muniz, pol prisoner, moved to Oklahoma City - By E Salazar May 13, 2006 at 00:02:09 AM
Ramsey Muniz, dope dealer . . . - By El Vato Sabio May 29, 2006 at 10:18:06 AM
Re(1): Ramsey Muniz, - By dannoynted1 May 29, 2006 at 07:25:03 PM
Murderers dont even recieve..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 29, 2006 at 08:50:47 PM
3rd in command of CIA arrested - By JVC May 12, 2006 at 11:52:59 PM
Re(1): 3rd in command of CIA arrested - By code name: Smith May 13, 2006 at 07:17:20 PM
Also, the King Ranch wants.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 08:46:39 PM
He always goes to Florida in the Summertime, however...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 08:37:40 PM
Re(1): He always goes to Florida in the Summertime, however...... - By dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 00:07:20 AM
Sounds kinda like Loyd "the Steal" Neal.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 05:17:52 AM
And yes...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 05:21:12 AM
bario stock market report - By cchwnn May 12, 2006 at 09:34:50 AM
Re(1): bario stock market report - By JVC May 12, 2006 at 11:51:14 PM
world premier de la commadre boxing matches - By cchwnn May 11, 2006 at 11:03:06 AM
hejola report for 05112006 - By cchwnn May 11, 2006 at 09:43:26 AM
selena felt liking singing on the radio - By dannoynted1 May 11, 2006 at 03:33:32 AM
Re(1): selena felt liking singing on the radio - By Elwood Blues May 11, 2006 at 11:38:34 AM
Hey, - By Jaime Kenedeño May 11, 2006 at 03:38:47 AM
Re(1): Hey, - By dannoynted1 May 11, 2006 at 03:43:38 AM
Captain Carrales might be able to enlighten us on the choice??? - By Jaime Kenedeño May 11, 2006 at 03:17:10 AM
I will have to answer this outside of my position - By J. E. Carrales May 11, 2006 at 01:24:42 PM
Is this a case of Dr. Jekell & Mr. Hyde? - By justicia May 10, 2006 at 10:19:16 PM
Can you please.... - By Jaime Kenedeño May 10, 2006 at 10:41:39 PM
Created a little page just for you guys - By Jaime Kenedeño May 10, 2006 at 11:07:00 PM
TOSS NOT THE FIRST STONE - By lamar23 May 10, 2006 at 10:28:26 PM
Re(1): TOSS NOT THE FIRST STONE - By dannoynted1 May 10, 2006 at 10:44:08 PM
hit parade 18th week - By cchwnn: c May 10, 2006 at 06:21:55 PM
LA VOZ DEL WESTINGHOUSE BARRI O MALL - By cchwnn May 10, 2006 at 09:04:51 AM
bring down - By JVC May 10, 2006 at 11:44:02 AM
Re(1): bring down - By cchwnn May 10, 2006 at 05:20:27 PM
thats a long......... - By dannoynted1 May 11, 2006 at 02:37:26 AM
(no subject) - By Jaime Kenedeño May 9, 2006 at 11:07:05 PM
(no subject) - By dannoynted1 May 9, 2006 at 11:08:44 PM
hejola report for 05092006 - By cchwnn: May 9, 2006 at 09:34:22 AM
Do not start a new discussion on the same topic... - By Defenzor Webmaster May 8, 2006 at 02:16:17 PM
Re(1): Do not start a new discussion on the same topic... - By BlindBob May 8, 2006 at 06:12:26 PM
We support Vato Loco - By Flawless May 8, 2006 at 12:54:37 PM
sport supporter is what you need Vato Loco - By lamar 23 May 9, 2006 at 09:33:52 AM
to support Vato Loco is the...... - By dannoynted1 May 9, 2006 at 00:27:15 AM
You support racism and ignorance when..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 8, 2006 at 06:01:15 PM
Does El Defenzor Really Think .... - By BlindBob May 8, 2006 at 01:34:22 PM
He is not here..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 8, 2006 at 06:04:58 PM
Do you want to try it? Please try your wits? - By Defenzor Webmaster May 8, 2006 at 03:47:30 PM
Re(1): Do you want to try it? Please try your wits? - By BlindBob May 8, 2006 at 06:09:46 PM
Blind Bob ..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 8, 2006 at 08:01:35 PM
Vato Loco/Sapio/Alligator is banned - By Defenzor Webmaster May 8, 2006 at 12:49:33 PM
johnsey is destructive anyway you look at it! - By Estevan May 11, 2006 at 08:31:18 AM
censorship - By verdevamanos May 8, 2006 at 12:24:35 PM
Re(1): censorship - By verdevamanos May 9, 2006 at 08:34:10 AM
Re(1): censorship - By JJ May 9, 2006 at 02:11:46 AM
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cruelty to animals........... - By dannoynted1 June 5, 2006 at 02:02:29 AM
barrio hit parader for 06062006 - By cchwnn June 4, 2006 at 05:53:21 PM
hejola repor for 06062006 - By cchwnn June 4, 2006 at 04:30:05 PM
internet illiterate........ - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 06:41:40 AM
Re(1): internet illiterate........ - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 07:02:19 AM
kingsville.......... - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 06:46:53 AM
Re(1): kingsville.......... - By la pava June 4, 2006 at 08:30:29 PM
Re(2): kingsville.......... - By dannoynted1 June 5, 2006 at 02:04:06 AM
ccredc.blogspot.com - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 06:39:53 AM
cash cab...... - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 06:48:09 PM
barrio stock market from the pass 09172005 - By cchwnn June 2, 2006 at 06:36:28 PM
Re(1): barrio stock market from the pass 09172005 - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 07:10:24 AM
Re(2): barrio stock market from the pass 09172005 - By lamar23 June 4, 2006 at 03:59:41 PM
I Love My Corpus Christi - By Jaime Kenedeno June 2, 2006 at 09:18:55 AM
(no subject) - By J June 2, 2006 at 09:34:43 AM
(no subject) - By J June 2, 2006 at 10:05:58 AM
Yes sir ocifer we were trying to buy a baby and we paid for it - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 10:15:45 PM
WATT happened on LAGO this morning - By Jaime Kenedeno June 2, 2006 at 08:03:09 PM
Re(1): WATT happened on LAGO this morning - By Elwood Blues June 3, 2006 at 01:26:00 PM
Every single one of the seven.... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 3, 2006 at 01:55:37 PM
Re(1): Every single one of the seven.... - By Elwood Blues June 4, 2006 at 11:48:00 PM
not one single one of the seven.... - By dannoynted1 June 5, 2006 at 05:23:48 AM
Re(2): Every single one of the seven.... - By dannoynted1 June 5, 2006 at 05:05:41 AM
WATT happens when U "Piss Off A Billionaire? A “judicial drive-by shooting” against one's attorney - By Jaime Kenedeno June 3, 2006 at 10:30:45 AM
Quantum Meruit: nolo or pro bono? - By dannoynted1 June 3, 2006 at 10:58:03 AM
Now we know why the All American City Counsel is reconsidering.... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 3, 2006 at 11:00:25 AM
karma knows kismet - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 08:10:22 PM
Does that infer..... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 2, 2006 at 08:59:07 PM
jaime, more info on threat to marc please. - By Estevan June 3, 2006 at 02:12:44 AM
Re(1): jaime, more info on threat to marc please. - By dannoynted1 June 3, 2006 at 07:06:01 PM
Re(1): Does that infer..... - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 09:00:53 PM
Re(2): Does that infer..... - By Jaime June 2, 2006 at 09:31:12 PM
U.S. government officials would secretly create "a public relations script" leeks taste good when . - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 09:17:20 AM
Re(1): U.S. government officials would secretly create - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 06:04:01 PM
Re(2): U.S. government officials would secretly create - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 06:05:04 PM
la china cano - By CCHWNN June 1, 2006 at 09:03:46 AM
does this make common sense? - By dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 00:15:31 AM
Two reasons cited for tearing down a historical landmark.... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 00:56:42 AM
Curmy in response to Rock's infrastructure enhancement arguement. Rock might as well give it up - By Jaime 4 Curmy June 1, 2006 at 11:29:51 AM
Re(1): Two reasons poor progressives are not benefiting - By dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 09:15:02 AM
CENSORSHIP: Good grief, did we hit a nerve? - By Jaime 4 TEXWRITES June 1, 2006 at 00:43:40 AM
Re(1): CENSORSHIP: Good grief, did we hit a nerve? - By Jaime 4 CATO June 1, 2006 at 00:44:46 AM
censor capitan? does this make common sense? - By dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 00:26:30 AM
It might be best... - By Major Carrales June 1, 2006 at 02:19:32 PM
Thank You El Capitan...... - By Jaime & dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 04:11:17 PM
Two things that threaten the Corporate Welfare beneficiaries..... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 00:38:53 AM
hejola report for 05312006 - By CCHWNN May 31, 2006 at 10:20:43 AM
weekend barrio report con maria la vandia first chicana cyber space weekend anchor reporter - By cchwnn May 28, 2006 at 12:23:28 PM
Energy/Water Funding Bills for Corpus/South Texas - By Offices of Congressman Solomon P. Ortiz May 28, 2006 at 01:53:01 AM
Ramsey Muniz: "Writing from Solitary Confinement - By Irma M. May 28, 2006 at 01:49:28 AM
Nueces Democratic Party/events - By info May 28, 2006 at 01:40:04 AM
Juan more voice..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 29, 2006 at 01:28:04 AM
Chuy urges AEP electric company to pay back $250 million to customers - By Offices of Juan Chuy Hinojosa May 28, 2006 at 01:35:25 AM
Alarm ARMED SERVICE Target - CCISD Shortcuts & Their Path of Least Resistance - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 07:22:58 AM
press release of final boxing rresults. - By cchwnn May 28, 2006 at 01:06:11 AM
Re(1): press release of final boxing rresults. - By jvc May 28, 2006 at 01:29:56 AM
Re(1): press release of final boxing rresults. - By jvc May 28, 2006 at 01:29:56 AM
Re(1): press release of final boxing rresults. - By jvc May 28, 2006 at 01:29:55 AM
exclusive coverage of el taqucha sporting events commadre boxing results for first two bouts - By cchwnn May 27, 2006 at 07:25:37 PM
a taqucha sports up date from el barrio conjunto jam 06 - By cchwnn May 27, 2006 at 02:24:07 PM
exclusive coverage of el taqucha sporting events new barrio sports complex - By cchwnn May 27, 2006 at 12:20:19 PM
barrio memorial day conjunto jam - By CCHWNN May 26, 2006 at 09:32:12 AM
WATTA YALL EXTREME RIGHT WINGERS SKEERED OF - By Jaime Kenedeno May 26, 2006 at 01:53:41 AM
They are skeered of - By JVC May 26, 2006 at 03:16:02 AM
Re(1): They are skeered of - By Estevan May 27, 2006 at 04:53:53 PM
Re(2): They are skeered of - By NotPhulin May 30, 2006 at 10:48:46 PM
simple words.... they ... - By Estevan June 3, 2006 at 02:19:54 AM
Re(1): simple words.... they ... - By Elwood Blues June 3, 2006 at 01:01:46 PM
what do you know fool! - By Estevan June 3, 2006 at 09:24:34 PM
Re(1): what do you know fool! - By Elwood Blues June 5, 2006 at 00:21:25 AM
Perhaps one of these days..... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 3, 2006 at 06:42:17 AM
It got deleted but Jaime saves everything - By dannoynted1 May 30, 2006 at 11:18:54 PM
Re(1): It got deleted but Jaime saves everything - By Elwood Blues May 31, 2006 at 00:18:11 AM
Re(2): It got deleted but Jaime saves everything - By dannoynted1 May 31, 2006 at 02:52:32 AM
Re(3): It got deleted but Jaime saves everything - By Elwood Blues May 31, 2006 at 12:22:40 PM
EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 31, 2006 at 02:49:28 AM
Re(1): EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By Elwood Blues May 31, 2006 at 12:40:16 PM
Huh,........ - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 01:01:23 AM
Re(2): EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By dannoynted1 May 31, 2006 at 03:08:50 PM
Re(3): EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By Elwood Blues June 1, 2006 at 00:00:22 AM
I am betting...... - By Jaime Kenedeno June 1, 2006 at 05:40:39 AM
Re(1): I am betting...... - By Elwood Blues June 3, 2006 at 01:10:39 PM
Re(2): I am betting...... - By dannoynted1 June 4, 2006 at 01:32:38 AM
Re(4): EB, you can agree and chastise..... - By dannoynted1 June 1, 2006 at 00:17:23 AM
WATT happened to...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 31, 2006 at 02:19:14 AM
greg abbott dont "mess with texans" - By dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 11:30:14 PM
Why Nueces Abbot? - By CCX May 26, 2006 at 03:21:25 AM
A Momma's Boy tells..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 27, 2006 at 00:52:16 AM
Re(1): greg abbott - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 26, 2006 at 00:01:26 AM
barrio stock market for 05262006 - By cchwnn May 25, 2006 at 09:44:30 PM
la voz del westhinghouse barrio mall 05252006 - By CCHWNN May 25, 2006 at 09:45:56 AM
Did somebody mention Ed Byrne Memorial Grant?? Which State was that in? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 04:40:56 AM
Re(1): Did somebody mention Ed Byrne Memorial Grant?? Which State was that in? - By Estevan May 27, 2006 at 04:56:04 PM
Exxon is common between KFATSO & King Ranch as is Hunt oil (where Ray Lee Hunt is CEO) - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 05:10:53 AM
Since 1999 I have been fighting for my life back - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 04:58:59 AM
Shame on you Greg Abbot, Tim Nowell & Roger Williams...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 04:50:53 AM
Re(1): Shame on you Greg Abbot, Tim Nowell & Roger Williams...... - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 04:53:41 AM
Can I vouch for the Ed Byrne Targeting of Little People????? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 05:05:26 AM
Re(1): Can I vouch for the Ed Byrne Targeting of Little People????? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 05:25:40 AM
Caller Times E Marketing........ - By Team Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 04:14:10 AM
Re(1): Caller Times E Marketing........ - By Old School Vampire May 26, 2006 at 03:23:06 AM
Re(1): Caller Times E Marketing........ - By dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 04:16:53 AM
beech blockade tiff? - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 25, 2006 at 01:00:14 AM
Elbert Ocanas withdraws from representation??? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 25, 2006 at 02:57:07 AM
barrio hit parade for week 20th - By cchwnn: chicano cornerstone May 24, 2006 at 10:34:40 AM
hejola report for 05232006 - By cchwn May 24, 2006 at 09:27:24 AM
Sen. Hinojosa ask for accountability on Linebacker funds - By Office of Texas Sen. Juan Chuy Hinojosa May 23, 2006 at 02:36:35 PM
It was time someone stood up - By Simply Smart May 23, 2006 at 05:15:21 PM
Re(1): It was time someone stood up - By dannoynted1 May 23, 2006 at 10:37:16 PM
Alarm ARMED SERVICE Target - CCISD Shortcuts & Their Path of Least Resistance - By dannoynted1 June 2, 2006 at 07:20:59 AM
Great job Homer on the Keys morning show - By Polisurf May 23, 2006 at 02:29:11 PM
Instead of Abbot & Costello.... - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 23, 2006 at 07:08:42 PM
Re(1): Instead of Abbot & Costello.... - By Ernest May 24, 2006 at 01:21:53 AM
Director from Atty General greg Abbott came over very condescending.... - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 24, 2006 at 01:30:20 AM
Did Ms Hale's partisan attacks citing the sources as Liberal qualify as.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 24, 2006 at 11:53:05 PM
spookys west side warrior news network shoot from the pass - By CCHWNN May 23, 2006 at 09:02:38 AM
WATT about the fact that a little Pharmacy College was being squeezed? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 23, 2006 at 04:18:55 AM
Why is the Equal Time Rule ignored by the South Texas Media & District Attorneys? Too Political? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 10:01:23 PM
That is how it works..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 11:41:08 PM
Why is the Equal Time Rule ignored by the South Texas Media & District Attorneys? Too Political? - By dannoynted1 May 21, 2006 at 11:13:42 PM
The Fairness Doctrine ceased to be a requirement in 1987 - By dannoynted1 May 21, 2006 at 11:16:48 PM
The scraps are WATT divide the Little People - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 06:27:09 AM
I wander WATT they gonna do 'bout that shower message? - By Jaime May 20, 2006 at 03:47:12 AM
Promo or Ad,.... that is the question? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 04:40:00 AM
Re(1): Promo or Ad - By dannoynted1 May 21, 2006 at 04:19:26 AM
i love this song - By dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 08:26:45 PM
Promo or Ad John Trice? Guess U 4got bout 1984 @ Sea Wall? - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 05:07:01 AM
Remember the deal our all american city counsel..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 05:20:25 AM
Re(1): Remember the deal our all american city counsel..... - By dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 08:14:11 PM
i could not speak english and "tanto" - By This belongs @ the top jfk/d1 May 20, 2006 at 02:45:43 AM
I luv my blonde hair & blue eyed....... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 20, 2006 at 03:13:05 AM
barrio stock market report for 05192006 - By cchwn May 19, 2006 at 09:16:15 AM
Transparent and Electronic Documentation.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 00:16:32 AM
Re(1): Transparent and Electronic Documentation.... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 03:39:03 AM
Dear Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CCISD, Legislators & South Texas Judiciary - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 08:03:23 AM
Re(1): Dear Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CCISD, Legislators & South Texas Judiciary - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 08:34:06 AM
Mission: To establish standards and guidelines for the systematic implementation and integration... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 00:30:24 AM
el barrio conjunto enchanted land theme park grand opening report - By CCHWNN May 17, 2006 at 09:53:20 AM
George Crocker - kingsville cop trying to sue.... - By Estevan May 17, 2006 at 04:57:25 AM
Door to door intimidation in kingsville is that ..... - By dannoynted1 May 21, 2006 at 07:19:29 AM
Re(1): George Crocker - kingsville cop trying to sue.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 06:49:23 PM
Re(2): George Crocker - kingsville cop trying to sue.... - By Estevan May 18, 2006 at 00:49:36 AM
the grand............. - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:35:01 AM
One of member of the Cleberg Grand Jury.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 01:28:41 AM
the caucasian evolution - By CCHWNN May 16, 2006 at 01:08:34 PM
Re(1): the caucasian evolution - By Not A Mexican May 27, 2006 at 01:40:06 AM
Re(1): the caucasian evolution - By Elwood Blues May 21, 2006 at 02:14:42 PM
I like it but...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 05:21:18 PM
Also EB, That is the American Way of Entrepreneurship 'cept.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 10:33:34 PM
Re(1): the caucasian evolution - By Elwood Blues May 21, 2006 at 02:14:42 PM
I like it but...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 05:21:18 PM
Also EB, That is the American Way of Entrepreneurship 'cept.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 21, 2006 at 10:33:34 PM
Re(1): the caucasian evolution - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 03:55:31 AM
Re(2): the caucasian evolution - By lapava May 20, 2006 at 10:54:52 PM
westside warrior news network report - By CCHWNN May 16, 2006 at 09:38:11 AM
As per the Rationale of anti raw labor movement & immigration reform agitators.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 15, 2006 at 06:56:51 PM
From a guy who grew up in the home-town of the Ohio hub of the KKK - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 03:43:15 AM
Re(1): As per the Rationale of anti raw labor movement & immigration reform agitators.... - By Elwood Blues May 17, 2006 at 12:10:58 PM
ok, EB, so you.................... - By jj May 19, 2006 at 01:17:14 PM
Re(1): ok, EB, so you.................... - By Elwood Blues May 19, 2006 at 01:41:24 PM
EB, - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 05:23:33 PM
EB, I think,.......... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 05:37:59 PM
Re(2): ok, EB, so you.................... - By JJ May 19, 2006 at 02:47:20 PM
I hear ya EB, - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 04:54:25 PM
Respect EB,..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 04:12:37 PM
Re(1): Respect EB,..... - By Estevan May 18, 2006 at 00:51:34 AM
Re(2): Respect EB,..... - By Elwood Blues May 18, 2006 at 11:17:01 AM
Re(3): Respect EB,..... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 03:33:18 AM
Re(4): Respect EB,..... - By Elwood Blues May 19, 2006 at 12:30:02 PM
Re(5): Respect EB,..... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 07:38:09 PM
Re(4): Respect EB,..... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 04:04:21 AM
Re(2): Respect EB,..... - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:37:21 AM
the new tejanos y que. - By cchwnn: May 15, 2006 at 05:00:54 PM
hejola report for 05152006 - By cchwnn May 15, 2006 at 11:30:19 AM
(no subject) - By Comments by nancy vera & phil perez May 15, 2006 at 04:06:47 AM
Re(1): (no subject) - By Elwood Blues May 15, 2006 at 11:33:18 AM
I agree for the most part EB but,..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 15, 2006 at 04:25:24 PM
Re(1): I agree for the most part EB but,..... - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 12:10:31 PM
There are things I am not at liberty ..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 16, 2006 at 05:16:31 PM
Re(1): There are things I am not at liberty ..... - By Elwood Blues May 17, 2006 at 00:45:46 AM
Re(2): There are things I am not at liberty ..... - By dannoynted1 May 17, 2006 at 05:31:26 PM
Marinkovich is...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 01:04:41 AM
Re(1): Marinkovich is...... - By Elwood Blues May 17, 2006 at 11:06:11 AM
As I have noted previously EB, time will prove my words - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 10:30:35 PM
Re(2): Marinkovich is...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 05:48:42 PM
Re(3): Marinkovich is...... - By Elwood Blues May 17, 2006 at 06:55:50 PM
jaime is...... - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:40:36 AM
Re(1): jaime is...... - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:48:02 AM
Re(2): jaime is...... - By Elwood Blues May 18, 2006 at 11:28:49 AM
YES..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 04:29:18 PM
Re(1): jaime is...... - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:41:37 AM
Ignorance..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 07:22:46 PM
he ignores del mar.............. - By dannoynted1 May 18, 2006 at 01:43:22 AM
Re(1): he ignores del mar.............. - By Elwood Blues May 18, 2006 at 11:36:34 AM
Sexual Harrassment is Sexual Harrassment...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 04:44:55 PM
Elwood Blues, try to defend the hate, be oblivious to history, - By Simply Smart May 15, 2006 at 02:00:21 PM
Re(1): Elwood Blues, try to defend the hate, be oblivious to history, - By Elwood Blues May 15, 2006 at 08:52:06 PM
"Tamale Hole" -- such words are an act of violence - By Simply Smart May 15, 2006 at 09:57:03 PM
Re(1): - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 04:24:04 AM
sounds like you read-mcdougall and little-world history-texas edition - By dannoynted1 May 16, 2006 at 04:40:56 AM
Re(1): - By Comments by Nancy Vera May 16, 2006 at 02:11:15 AM
Esperanza Y Poder - By Nancy Vera on 4/28/2006 May 15, 2006 at 04:00:40 AM
You should advocate for this despite the color of skin - By Jaime Kenedeno May 15, 2006 at 04:03:11 AM
Re(1): You should advocate for this despite the color of skin - By Elwood Blues May 15, 2006 at 11:49:11 AM
Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half white - By Simply Smart May 15, 2006 at 02:03:06 PM
Re(1): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half white - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 11:15:58 AM
Word is that Nancy Vera will soon be out - By Corsic May 16, 2006 at 11:09:50 PM
LULAC is a good thing..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 15, 2006 at 04:12:54 PM
Re(1): LULAC is a good thing..... - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 11:21:41 AM
Hey EB, - By Jaime Kenedeno May 16, 2006 at 05:11:24 PM
Re(1): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half white - By JVC May 15, 2006 at 02:06:47 PM
Re(2): Elwood Blues, Nancy Vera is half white - By Elwood Blues May 16, 2006 at 11:40:51 AM
You use race baiting - By JVC May 16, 2006 at 11:32:55 PM
Re(1): You use race baiting - By Elwood Blues May 18, 2006 at 11:12:42 AM
Re(2): You use race baiting - By dannoynted1 May 20, 2006 at 02:40:19 AM
Damn boy, - By Jaime Kenedeno May 18, 2006 at 04:51:04 PM
Re(1): Damn boy, - By Elwood Blues May 19, 2006 at 12:21:00 PM
Eb, You & I....... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 12:37:05 PM
Re(1): Eb, You & I....... - By Elwood Blues May 19, 2006 at 01:29:31 PM
Re(2): Eb, You & I....... - By dannoynted1 May 19, 2006 at 09:16:32 PM
I hope you.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 05:30:12 PM
And if,....... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 19, 2006 at 05:36:05 PM
The Enemy is...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 17, 2006 at 06:43:48 PM
boxing matchefor boxing card 4 - By cchwnn May 14, 2006 at 10:31:27 PM
boxing card results for match three - By cchwnn May 14, 2006 at 10:30:11 PM
2006 boxing results for boxing card one. - By cchwnn May 14, 2006 at 10:28:40 PM
2006 mothers day world premier of la commaderboxing matches - By cchwnn May 14, 2006 at 10:24:38 PM
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers! - By Jaime Kenedeno May 14, 2006 at 08:58:05 PM
Face it Gabe Rivas, Carlos Garcia & Ben Blanco; Del Mar Female Students are not interested in YOU! - By Jaime & dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 01:06:53 AM
Re(1): Face it Gabe Rivas, Carlos Garcia & Ben Blanco; Del Mar Female Students are not interested - By dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 01:13:56 AM
Stan Johnsey (kingsville tx) - By latin May 13, 2006 at 07:19:41 PM
Preach all the freedom you want guy but not here? - By Major Carrales May 13, 2006 at 10:17:14 PM
Hey Capitan, I understand..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 11:02:32 PM
Just keep in mind... - By Major Carrales May 14, 2006 at 05:08:03 PM
Actually. I am not......... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 14, 2006 at 08:47:39 PM
Re(1): Actually. I am not......... - By dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 10:06:52 PM
It's like the restaurants, they have a posting - By JVC May 13, 2006 at 07:47:02 PM
Re(1): Stan Johnsey (kingsville tx) - By Elwood Blues May 13, 2006 at 07:31:59 PM
That was just.... - By Jaime May 13, 2006 at 08:33:41 PM
Re(2): Stan Johnsey (kingsville tx) - By jj May 13, 2006 at 08:32:53 PM
Bush considering national guard to secure border? Sick? - By Simply Smart May 13, 2006 at 02:21:59 AM
Re(1): Bush considering national guard to secure border? Sick? - By Estevan May 13, 2006 at 04:32:16 AM
If they truly wanted to ..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 05:12:42 AM
Somebody is posting as me, Estevan!! - By Estevan May 14, 2006 at 08:23:51 AM
I did not post these threads on the 13th! - By Estevan May 14, 2006 at 08:25:03 AM
Re(1): I did not post these threads on the 13th! - By dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 10:07:49 PM
Re(1): If they truly wanted to ..... - By Estevan May 13, 2006 at 10:38:24 AM
Re(2): Bush considering national guard to secure border? Sick? - By Estevan May 13, 2006 at 04:33:12 AM
(no subject) - By Offices of Sen. J. "Chuy" Hinojosa May 13, 2006 at 00:08:37 AM
Ramsey Muniz, pol prisoner, moved to Oklahoma City - By E Salazar May 13, 2006 at 00:02:09 AM
Ramsey Muniz, dope dealer . . . - By El Vato Sabio May 29, 2006 at 10:18:06 AM
Re(1): Ramsey Muniz, - By dannoynted1 May 29, 2006 at 07:25:03 PM
Murderers dont even recieve..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 29, 2006 at 08:50:47 PM
3rd in command of CIA arrested - By JVC May 12, 2006 at 11:52:59 PM
Re(1): 3rd in command of CIA arrested - By code name: Smith May 13, 2006 at 07:17:20 PM
Also, the King Ranch wants.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 08:46:39 PM
He always goes to Florida in the Summertime, however...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 08:37:40 PM
Re(1): He always goes to Florida in the Summertime, however...... - By dannoynted1 May 14, 2006 at 00:07:20 AM
Sounds kinda like Loyd "the Steal" Neal.... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 05:17:52 AM
And yes...... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 13, 2006 at 05:21:12 AM
bario stock market report - By cchwnn May 12, 2006 at 09:34:50 AM
Re(1): bario stock market report - By JVC May 12, 2006 at 11:51:14 PM
world premier de la commadre boxing matches - By cchwnn May 11, 2006 at 11:03:06 AM
hejola report for 05112006 - By cchwnn May 11, 2006 at 09:43:26 AM
selena felt liking singing on the radio - By dannoynted1 May 11, 2006 at 03:33:32 AM
Re(1): selena felt liking singing on the radio - By Elwood Blues May 11, 2006 at 11:38:34 AM
Hey, - By Jaime Kenedeño May 11, 2006 at 03:38:47 AM
Re(1): Hey, - By dannoynted1 May 11, 2006 at 03:43:38 AM
Captain Carrales might be able to enlighten us on the choice??? - By Jaime Kenedeño May 11, 2006 at 03:17:10 AM
I will have to answer this outside of my position - By J. E. Carrales May 11, 2006 at 01:24:42 PM
Is this a case of Dr. Jekell & Mr. Hyde? - By justicia May 10, 2006 at 10:19:16 PM
Can you please.... - By Jaime Kenedeño May 10, 2006 at 10:41:39 PM
Created a little page just for you guys - By Jaime Kenedeño May 10, 2006 at 11:07:00 PM
TOSS NOT THE FIRST STONE - By lamar23 May 10, 2006 at 10:28:26 PM
Re(1): TOSS NOT THE FIRST STONE - By dannoynted1 May 10, 2006 at 10:44:08 PM
hit parade 18th week - By cchwnn: c May 10, 2006 at 06:21:55 PM
LA VOZ DEL WESTINGHOUSE BARRI O MALL - By cchwnn May 10, 2006 at 09:04:51 AM
bring down - By JVC May 10, 2006 at 11:44:02 AM
Re(1): bring down - By cchwnn May 10, 2006 at 05:20:27 PM
thats a long......... - By dannoynted1 May 11, 2006 at 02:37:26 AM
(no subject) - By Jaime Kenedeño May 9, 2006 at 11:07:05 PM
(no subject) - By dannoynted1 May 9, 2006 at 11:08:44 PM
hejola report for 05092006 - By cchwnn: May 9, 2006 at 09:34:22 AM
Do not start a new discussion on the same topic... - By Defenzor Webmaster May 8, 2006 at 02:16:17 PM
Re(1): Do not start a new discussion on the same topic... - By BlindBob May 8, 2006 at 06:12:26 PM
We support Vato Loco - By Flawless May 8, 2006 at 12:54:37 PM
sport supporter is what you need Vato Loco - By lamar 23 May 9, 2006 at 09:33:52 AM
to support Vato Loco is the...... - By dannoynted1 May 9, 2006 at 00:27:15 AM
You support racism and ignorance when..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 8, 2006 at 06:01:15 PM
Does El Defenzor Really Think .... - By BlindBob May 8, 2006 at 01:34:22 PM
He is not here..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 8, 2006 at 06:04:58 PM
Do you want to try it? Please try your wits? - By Defenzor Webmaster May 8, 2006 at 03:47:30 PM
Re(1): Do you want to try it? Please try your wits? - By BlindBob May 8, 2006 at 06:09:46 PM
Blind Bob ..... - By Jaime Kenedeno May 8, 2006 at 08:01:35 PM
Vato Loco/Sapio/Alligator is banned - By Defenzor Webmaster May 8, 2006 at 12:49:33 PM
johnsey is destructive anyway you look at it! - By Estevan May 11, 2006 at 08:31:18 AM
censorship - By verdevamanos May 8, 2006 at 12:24:35 PM
Re(1): censorship - By verdevamanos May 9, 2006 at 08:34:10 AM
Re(1): censorship - By JJ May 9, 2006 at 02:11:46 AM
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