To be honest, I didn’t want to use this site for personal stuff. But I have worked with so many homeless guys and ex cons who have told me time and again how they have been really harassed by the cops and stuff. I just bought a $70.00 dollar tent for some homeless family. They were so grateful to get it. They had it set up and it was beautiful. The cops came and cut it to shreds. I felt I needed to have a section that deals with stuff like this.
I pray weekly for those in authority. I pray for those who are believers, unbelievers and those who are actively doing wrong [like the guy in Iran!]. I basically ask the Lord to strengthen righteous authority, to also rule in the hearts of those who are in authority but are unrighteous. I must admit, as I have debated posting this entry, I feel that judge Watts is actually one of the righteous ones I regularly pray for! I believe she is a believer! I sensed this as I prayed, plus she did make certain statements the day I was in her court that lead me to believe she is a believer. Before posting this entry I did email her office and told her that according to the admonition in Corinthians I am asking for her to simply acknowledge a wrongdoing that took place under her authority. She never got back with me [as of this posting].
(1) I am trying to be fair about this, but I must tell this story! I went to jury duty a few days ago. About a week before I had taken custody of a boy whose mom is a friend of my wife. Someone reported her to Child Protective Services and she was going to loose her kid, so we took custody for a while. Well when I went to jury duty I asked one of the Nueces county deputies, as well as the lady doing jury duty, who I should talk to about getting out of jury duty. I told them the situation with the boy and how I had to get him at the school bus and all. I was informed, BY THE ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR THE COURTHOUSE, to go thru the process of being put on the jury pool and when you go upstairs to the judge you hold your jury card up and they will talk to you. So I waited for a few hours and got on a jury pool and finally went upstairs to the courtroom. The judge was Sandra Watts. It was now around 11:00 am. I got to the courthouse at 7:50 am and have been asking all along what the proper procedure was to get excused. Now I hold my juror card up, I am the only one out of the 80 jurors in my pool that did this. The court bailiff approaches and I tell him the situation about C.P.S. placing a kid in our care. He asks ‘what time do you need to get home’ I told him the bus comes around 3. He says ‘no problem, wait a little and you will get excused’. So we go thru the polling process for around 2 hours. The judge actually said ‘we now have 79 jurors [as opposed to 80, the original number]’ she said this right after the bailiff spoke with me. Well I of course assumed she meant I was the 1 out of the 80 that was released. She actually seemed perturbed that I had an excuse, but it was really legitimate. So at around 12:30- 1:00 p.m. she releases for lunch and says ‘I will see all 79 of you at 1:30p.m.’ I took this to mean I won’t be coming back! These were the directives I received thru out the day. Go upstairs, hold your card, etc. So I go home and right when the school bus is dropping off the boy the Sheriffs dept. comes with a warrant. My wife says ‘the S.O. wants you’? I was mad! They tell me judge Watts has a warrant on you. I told them I was released by her! The poor Sheriffs guy was scared. They sent a woman and a guy. He was like ‘we don’t want any problems’ I told him ‘Oh, That’s too late brother, we are gonna have problems. You come to my house with a warrant. You threaten to handcuff me. We have big problems’! I tell them ‘I will take my truck’ they said no way. I told them ‘how will I get back’ they said ‘we will take you home’. [First lie of the day!] Well at the courthouse you could tell that the Sheriffs guys must have said ‘this guys mad’ as we went upstairs the judge says to the deputies for me to wait in the hall until the trials over. So I requested a court appointed lawyer. They were telling me ‘O, don’t worry. All you need to do is go in and apologize and she might let you go’ I told them ‘you don’t understand, I think the fact that you picked me up under false pretense and have me handcuffed and brought to court is you’re liability, not mine’! After requesting a lawyer they finally bring one up. I asked at least 15 times for representation and was refused, before they finally gave me a lawyer! I know the judge must have been furious that I made them appoint me a lawyer. They wanted to play the game of ‘you cry for mercy and we let you go’. After a few hours I go in to the judge. She berates me for a few minutes and then I explain how I followed all the directives given to me thru out the day. The fact that your own courthouse employees have miss communicated the process, should under no circumstances have led to the handcuffing and restraining of a citizen and also denying him the right to counsel. I told her that she stated ‘we have 79 jurors who will come back’ seemed to say I shouldn’t come back. She admitted so much, but I don’t know how she explained this away? The bailiff actually lied in court. The poor kid [30 yrs old?] was asked ‘did you tell him this or that’ and he lied and said ‘I told him to be back at 1:30’. He did lie thru his teeth! He didn’t know we were going to be released at 12:30 for an hour break when he spoke to me at 11:00am. The defense lawyer thought we would break at 12:00, but the judge said continue and we did. This guy lied! So after all this, the judge gives me contempt of court and I have to pay a 100 dollar fine. I find it amazing that I showed up for jury duty as a citizen, wound up getting handcuffed and lied about in Sandra Watts court, berated and fined. And when it was time to leave they tell the judge ‘he was told he would get a ride home’ I don’t know her reply, but after everyone left I asked the sheriffs guys ‘where’s my ride’ they just walked away!
Today is the next day. As I was debating whether or not to go ahead and post this article, I went to pay my 100 dollar fine. Yesterday, when I was told ‘pay the fine’ I specifically asked where to pay it. I was told ‘just ask the deputies on the first floor’. I knew this was trouble. These are the same guys who lied about getting a ride home after they said ‘we will ride you home’. [They work for the same law enforcement agencies] Now, I have worked with law enforcement for 25 years. I know the games. Sure enough, as I walked in to the Nueces courthouse I asked the deputies where to pay the fine. The guy recognized me for sure, he let me know. He says ‘go to the 2nd floor and go to the corner office’ well I go to where he said. They direct me to another office. I go there and they direct me to the 3rd spot. You guessed it, I go to office 3 [all on floor 2] and they send me to floor 3. I go to floor 3 and they send me to floor 4. I told the lady at floor 4, after she was directing me to floor 5, that this is enough. What kind of court system holds it citizens to 100 percent perfection ‘you better pay the fine’ and then is specifically not told where to pay it. This is the same courthouse that had its bailiff lie to my face in court! I told the lady ‘you need to accept this bill’ she was not going to give me a receipt until I requested one. I told her I need to speak with someone about this entire situation. They give me a number and the person suggests to drop the matter. I am not sure who the person was. As he is trying to convince me to forget it, I explain I have worked with this system for many years, there has been real wrongdoing these past few days, who do I report it to? He says ‘I am not a lawyer, I really don’t know anything about it’. Then why was he the person I was directed to talk to? If this Nueces courthouse, and judge Watts court are this unbelievably incompetent, how in the world does the average citizen who doesn’t have a web site even begin to deal with it? I felt like I needed to post this entry for the sheer sake of freedom of the press. Without a doubt there have been real wrongdoings at this courthouse in these past few days.
DAY 3- As I am still waiting for resolution in this case, I wanted to mention a few more things. During this whole scenario I saw how from the point of being picked up and hauled into court, to the time when the bailiff actually gave false testimony about me. The way this situation was handled was one of complete and total disrespect for the citizen. When you are dealing with a citizen, not the actual murder defendant [this was a murder case] you do not tell him ‘you will not need a lawyer’ when he actually requests one of the court! You do not threaten him with ‘unless you lower your voice she will put you in the holding cell overnight’. My voice was raised because of the abusive treatment and contempt from those who actually followed me into my bedroom while getting changed to go to the courthouse! For a citizen to wake up one morning and go to jury duty, to try as best as possible to comply with all the directives given, which by the way one of them was ‘at no time will you personally speak to me, all correspondence will go thru my bailiff’ [judge Watts] then for me to be told by judge Watts ‘the bailiff cant release you, the law states I alone must tell you’ seems a contradiction. Plus I am an average citizen walking in off the street. I know ignorance is no excuse, but you can’t hold a citizen to a standard that he is not aware of. Or at least you try to clarify as much as possible what his requirements will be thru out the day. Any person could have interpreted the events that happened to me as thinking ‘she released me’. This wasn’t some blatant disregard for law, as judge Watts claimed as she berated me as an irresponsible citizen who if it weren’t for the graciousness of the lawyers this case could have been damaged by me. The total and complete disdain from her and her representatives was completely wrong. Now I felt the tide turn at one point. After humiliating me with a long speech, after being initially told ‘you don’t need a lawyer’ after being lied about right in the court by an officer of the court! I asked if I could speak. She says ‘go ahead’. I kinda felt like Paul [apostle] who gave his defense in Acts. I went thru the whole process of me showing up in the morning to court. Trying to honestly follow all the directives given to me thru out the day. And then wind up getting arrested, handcuffed and treated like an imbecile by the system. I informed her that her bailiff was lying right then and there. I was the only one under oath. She put me under, but not the bailiff. If he was already under then he flatly lied under oath! I then told her ‘this morning you gave quite a dissertation on the origins of natural and moral law, but in order for that law to work, the people involved must speak the truth’. You could see on her face that she was a little surprised that this citizen who they attempted to intimidate time and again actually wasn’t a complete idiot! I could tell that she began to regret the fact that they picked me as the one to ‘make an example out of’. So after emailing this letter to all the city, county council members. To the state and local representatives. To the mayor and County judge. To Senators Hutchinson and Cornyn [I do get carried away sometimes] and last but not least to the state attorney generals office! I will wait and see what happens. But in all seriousness [I did send it to them!] I feel the system often deals with its citizens thru intimidation. Did the bailiff begin his day thinking ‘today I will put my job at risk and perjure myself in court’? No. But he made the mistake of lying in court, at my expense, to think it would give him job protection. A big mistake. Did the officers who told me ‘you won’t need a lawyer’ realize that this one statement is violating the rights of a U.S. citizen? No. but the system took a simple miscommunication of events, by their own people [bailiff and others thru out the day] and raised it into an example of ‘let’s get this guy’. But they picked ‘the wrong guy’.
UPDATE- Let me do a little clinic on unjust govt. First, I am positive it took a brief investigation by the county to realize the poor bailiff lied in court. He only spoke to me once, at 11:00 am, and he in no way would have been able to say ‘return at 1:30 p.m.’ he didn’t know we were breaking for lunch at 12:30 when he spoke to me. It is obvious that he lied. Now this was the basis for arresting me and finding me in contempt of court. But I want to show you the posture that the county has taken. I worked for the city of Kingsville for 25 years. When a city does wrong [incurs liability] the usual posture is ‘don’t admit, respond or have any correspondence with the plaintiff’. So even though the county must know for a fact that they have committed an offense, they will not only deny it, but will actually not even give the common courtesy of even contacting the citizen. I have been contacted by the United States senator of Texas, but no local officials. Now you begin to see unjust govt. at work. This entity, Nueces County, had me in court and fined me for ‘contempt’. In essence ‘your are an individual of low moral turpitude’. After realizing that they were of lower moral turpitude, one of their officers lying in court and giving false testimony, instead of being ‘moral’ their posture has now become ‘lets see if this guy really has the means to sue us. After all no attorney would take a case where he doesn’t think he will get money’. So the entity that judged the citizen of ‘low morality’ has now become the entity that postures itself by saying ‘he can’t really get us’. This my friend is ‘contempt of a U.S. citizen’. Are any of you local officials who have been getting these emails going to respond to a complaint from a citizen? I have been asking you to address a concern, I have no intent of suing or doing anything along those lines. I want you guys to act righteously. [Thanks to Loyd Neal, Sheriff Kaelin and the Police Chief for contacting me. You guys are honorable!]
John Chiarello Director of Corpus Christi Outreach Ministries
P.O. box 181256 C.C. TX. 78480
(2) Over the years I have seen how the legal system has humans working in it. People make mistakes. I have had friends who were jailers [when I used to preach in the county jails] who the prisoners respected. But there were many instances where a jailer was a ‘jerk’. He was one of those people who would be a bully at school. Derive enjoyment from using his authority to get on peoples nerves. How many times have I as a firefighter been upset because we got another ‘Anthrax call’. Some citizen saw sugar on a store floor, it must be Anthrax! I have a homeless friend who is an absolute outstanding Christian. He teaches Sunday school. Is an ordained deacon and is very intelligent. If you look at him he looks like a little scraggly. Full beard, does live on the streets. But to judge him by his looks would be a huge mistake. The cops often see him sitting. They tell him ‘get up and move’. He politely walks around until he’s tired. Sits again ‘get up and move’. This night the cop is an idiot! Does he have the right to do this? No. But he has the vested authority to get away with it. In the Sandra Watts case, the woman should have discerned ‘this guy really was miss communicated to thru out the day. Even though I am incensed at him for thinking he blatantly disregarded the law. Now that he has explained in a reasonable fashion what happened, I will rebuke him and not find him in contempt’. But I believe once I forced the court to provide me with a lawyer, she thought ‘he’s going to pay now’. Is it just for her to do this? No. Does she have the authority to get away with it? Yes. The legal system deals with humans. I think judge Watts is probably a good person. But once you allow your own officer of the court to perjure himself in court by giving false testimony, then you have had your judgment clouded by anger. I realize the anger that my friends have had while dealing with humans in the legal system. Some are good people, others use their authority to get even with people. To say ‘I personally dislike this person. I will rule against him, even if I have to use false testimony to do it’. Maybe Paul was right when he said ‘women should not have authority over men’? I am being sarcastic, don’t want to get all our women readers mad, just Sandra!

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Saturday, April 05, 2008
‘I will see all 79 of you at 1:30 p.m.’
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After reading, there are significant discrepancies from the procedural process regarding Jury Duty (Summons and Service).
The first event: "Well when I went to jury duty I asked one of the Nueces county deputies, as well as the lady doing jury duty, who I should talk to about getting out of jury duty. I told them the situation with the boy and how I had to get him at the school bus and all. I was informed, BY THE ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WORK FOR THE COURTHOUSE, to go thru the process of being put on the jury pool and when you go upstairs to the judge you hold your jury card up and they will talk to you. So I waited for a few hours and got on a jury pool and finally went upstairs to the courtroom. The judge was Sandra Watts. It was now around 11:00 am. I got to the courthouse at 7:50 am and have been asking all along what the proper procedure was to get excused. Now I hold my juror card up, I am the only one out of the 80 jurors in my pool that did this. The court bailiff approaches and I tell him the situation about C.P.S. placing a kid in our care. He asks ‘what time do you need to get home’ I told him the bus comes around 3. He says ‘no problem, wait a little and you will get excused’. So we go thru the polling process for around 2 hours. The judge actually said ‘we now have 79 jurors [as opposed to 80, the original number]’ she said this right after the bailiff spoke with me. Well I of course assumed she meant I was the 1 out of the 80 that was released. She actually seemed perturbed that I had an excuse, but it was really legitimate.
A few months back I too appeared in response to a summons for Jury Duty. Before the selection process began anyone who had a reason to be excused was instructed to form a line and to speak to the Judge. The other way is to appear before the date and speak to a judge. No wonder Judge Watts was irritated.
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