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Sunday, September 10, 2006

K.I.S.S. Texas: Socialism entered South Texas by way of deception.

K.I.S.S. Texas
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 08:39:32 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

Keep It Simple South Texas


How has Socialism been introduced and sold to South Texas?

Under the Guise of John Kelley being a "Good Democrat".

SPTX used Prevarication and deception so as to back door South Texas.

We dont need to define Socialism any further; it has been represented and sold in a deceptive manner. Is that not enough to reveal it's nature?

You hit the nail in the head, Jaime, right on nonsocialist friend
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 08:56:48 PM by JVC

To the point.

Socialismos, “we are going to use our Incumbent resources to discourage (SQUEEZE) Defenzor clients
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 09:46:54 PM by HIMC

Monday, October 10, 2005 9:54:00 PM

Shamsie “Strong Arms” Solomon Ortiz & Rene Rodriguez

Democrats are not behind Shamsie! There is only certain clique of Democrats who want to “Strong Arm” Shamsie back into the Nueces Constitutional County Court! This “clique” (or group of “Cronies”) I will refer to as the “Shamsie Clique” or “Shamsie Cronies”. It is my understanding, Shamsie’s support stems from the Office of Congressman Solomon Ortiz and certain other witnesses to the “Capelo Deal”. Attorney Shamsie (along with George Finley {Nueces County Hospital District}) witnessed the transaction between Attorney & State Representative Jaime Capelo and Attorney Rene Rodriguez.. Capelo represented Citgo at the time and Rodriguez was in dispute with Corpus Christi Police Officers Association! (Laredo National Bank VP) Roland Guerra had to break the bad news to Capelo and then he was thrown to the dogs! Why was Shamsie never deposed? Why not Finley (deposed)? Tony “The Two Fer” was mad at Rodriguez and Capelo! What about Hugo Berlanga grooming Capelo for the JOB? I seem to remember some kind of criminal charges filed on Hugo Berlanga and his backroom politics! Now Capelo and Berlanga are both better off! They are both successful lobbyists in Austin! Then we go to the Medical Legislation! Who was it good for? Was “The Two Fer” Pro or Con with the proposition authored by Joe Nixon? The Doctor’s Malpractice insurance increased! Who made out on this deal?

Now back to the “Shamsie Cronies” it is rumored and warnings have been issued! The media is being “Strong Armed” financially! Elite and Power Brokers (Powercrats) within the Democratic Party are frowning on the media who promote any other option for the Democratic primary and certainly to support an independent will bring the wrath of both Parties! They are in essence saying, “we are going to use our Incumbent resources to discourage (SQUEEZE) clients from working with your business’ if you (the Media) speak negatively of Shamsie! Even if it is truth you are speaking! Simple, Powercrats are making threats behind the scenes; so as to affect the balance! Rodriguez’ wife sits on the 13th COA and this has nothing to do with her as I can see! I venture to say that the “Republicans for Lord Neal” are working the slate the same underhanded way of “Strong Arming”. All I can say is the recorded messages do not lie! Maybe Solomon is unaware of the tactics but he needs to be aware of these things! The only remedy is to support the Media YOU threatened to shun, blackball, squeeze and hurt (financially)! I bet you will want “equal time”? They expected this to hush the media but not this time!

Re(1): You hit the nail in the head, Jaime, right on nonsocialist friend
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 09:07:26 PM by john kelley

Besides if you defined socialism by its attributes you would disprove yourself or maybe you just dont know what it is.

Socialism entered South Texas by way of deception.
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 09:11:17 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

That is the only definition we need.

You are untrue Mr Kelley.

Re(1): Socialism entered South Texas by way of deception.
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 09:13:30 PM by john kelley

I never hid the fact that i met with the socialists, and i have never tried to introduce their platform into the democratic party please prove so if you can other wise you are just running your mouth again

Re(2): Socialism entered South Texas by way of deception.
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 10:19:14 PM by Just The Facts

A traitor might betray his country for money, for love, for fame, certainly for ideological reasons. Second, a traitor such as you John Kelley should consider choosing to change geographical location in harmony with his ideals – China, Cuba, Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela. If I had any power, I would exile you traitor.
Today we hear the Communist battle cry: "Oh, liberate the poor Hispanics from the barrios from capitalism." We recognize that Communism does not agree with our historical understanding that God is the center of history, is the creator of certain churches, and the push for the liberation of those oppressed.
Communism is based on the materialist conception of the world and world liberation. It rejects God and it rejects Tejanismo and Chicanismo and all that is ours. It calls religion "the opiate of the masses," and is devoted to stamping out religion. On Carranza show Abel Cavada, the president of the Progressive Populist told Carrazan: “Those who use religion in a radio program, are panderings to the Republican Right.” The remark of course was directed at Carranza.
In theory also, it contradicts its own claim of liberation. It is undoubtedly a liberation scheme against God and, as the flag bearer of the devil, challenges the flag bearer of God's own church. This is the conclusion we can draw on Communism.
What is Communism? It is the religion of the devil, taking on the form of a real religion to those who are gullible. I see Communism as a theoretical instrument of the devil, called materialism. Why? Because it is evil.

Why do you try to skirt the fact that you never intended for South Texas to learn of these facts?
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 09:17:53 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

Of course the answer you supply is a year late and everybody knows you are a Trojan Horse.

Re(1): Why do you try
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 10:26:57 PM by john kelley

I have yet to see one proof or one fact on this board from any of the critics. I never hid it nor do i deny that i went to the meeting when it came up. so what exactly is your major dysfunction?

Seems to me this information is new to all of us
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 11:45:16 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

Some remain in the River (D Nile) and some of us feel very betrayed.

South Texas is in shock.

The Socialist Party infilterated the Nueces Democratic Party and you are part of the infilteration. Who just comes into South Texas and gets a radio station and a newspaper.

There is a Socialismo bankroll behind you Kelley.

And now to act as if there is no dinero and funding is solicited from the "Good Dems" who have put their faith and believed in you. All this was done through deception and prevarication.

Below is the proof u met with traitor of this nation. You are not a Democrat; you are lying demon.
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 10:32:59 PM by Karol


Socialist Party USA 339 Lafayette St. #303 New York, NY 10012

2006-07 Platform
The Socialist Party stands for the abolition of every form of domination and exploitation, whether based on social class, gender, race/ethnicity, age, education, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.
We are committed to the transformation of capitalism through the creation of a democratic socialist society based on compassion, empathy, and respect as well as the development of new social structures. Socialism will establish a new social and economic order in which workers and community members will take responsibility for and control of their interpersonal relationships, their neighborhoods, their local government, and the production and distribution of all goods and services.
For these reasons we call for social ownership and democratic control of productive resources, for a guarantee to all of the right to participate in societal production, and to a fair share of society's product, in accordance with individual needs.
As we pursue a socialist transformation of society, we join with others in making radical demands on the existing system: demands that challenge the basic assumptions of a capitalist market economy while pointing the way to a new society. Although reforms will not in themselves bring about socialism, the fight for them will advance the cause by demonstrating the inherent limitations and injustice of the capitalist system. As we build the socialist movement, we organize around a platform committed to our common and interdependent struggles and aspirations.
Socialist Party Platform: Economics

The Socialist Party stands for a fundamental transformation of the economy, focusing on production for need not profit. So-called fair trade is meaningless as long as the world economy is dominated by a few massive corporations. Only a global transformation from capitalism to democratic socialism

Re(1): Below is the proof
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 10:43:13 PM by john kelley

As i have said, i am not nor have i ever been a member of the socialist party. I do believe in a mixed economy, you can read about my beliefs at stx chisme or in my article in we the people news, if you really care about what i believe. just exactly what do you find so wrong with what is said above, "the abolition of every form of domination and exploitation" "a democratic socialist society based on compassion, empathy, and respect" "Socialism will establish a new social and economic order in which workers and community members will take responsibility for and control of their interpersonal relationships, their neighborhoods, their local government, and the production and distribution of all goods and services." "social ownership and democratic control of productive resources, for a guarantee to all of the right to participate in societal production, and to a fair share of society's product, in accordance with individual needs." I'm confused, can you tell my how well capitalism is working for you? Pure capitalism is the domination of those with capital of those without it. If you have that much money you should be a republican. Pure capitalism does away with social security, medicare, public roads, schools, utilities, community services etc. those are socialist, and are supported by the democratic party last i looked at the platform. do you not support those things???

K.I.S.S. Texas: Who believes WATT you say anymore John Kelley
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 11:51:57 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

Who cares about the definitions being thrown around.

The one thing on which we must remain focused on is, the wolf came to South Texas in Sheep's clothing.

South Texas does not take kindly to being played. I feel most betrayed and to watch you attempt (and I do use the word attempt) to split hairs.

You came in as a "Good Democrat" and this sir you are not.

John, What a brilliant defense of the agenda of Socialist Party USA
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 11:03:04 PM by JVC

If your heart is with them, be a man and say it. The deception has gone on long enough.

Say it if you truly believe. A true statement will set you free, and who knows you might even earn my respect... I will wait 30 minutes more before bed time.

Dont hold your breath.....
Posted on September 11, 2006 at 00:40:12 AM by Jaime Kenedeno

The USSR never admitted it.

To admit it is to sink swiftly instead of slowly.

John Kelley's written words reveal everything he stands for.....
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 11:55:01 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

He has already said it and then backs away and then his passion cannot control himself anymore and he demostrates where his heart truly does reside.

One thing is for sure, his heart is not with South Texas.

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