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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Posted on September 9, 2006 at 05:19:38 PM by Roger Stantos


I was told that your on ,,, is that true? If so, isnt that against all the socialist and commie talk you have been saying? You should think twice about throwing stones dont you think?

Your "personal" approach will.....
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 07:37:41 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

only bring back the objectivity to the discussion.

Your information is inaccurate.

As far as throwing stones, my house is transparent. Throw all the stones you like.

The issue taken by Los Kenedenos is the prevarication. The guise of a Democrat. The exploitation of a vulnerable people. It is the fact Kelley did not invite the Progressives and the Democrats to the Socialist Party of Texas Convention held right here in our city at the Bayfront Inn where the Broadcast booth of Air America is located. Is it not true that the Broacast Booth is owned by SPTX Executive Committee member or members?

Welfare is the WIA. There is a pending matter with respect to this slush fund. Why not look it up?

Posted on September 10, 2006 at 02:12:15 AM by HIMC

Who is Gail Blanpied and Reggie Bright?

Re(1): Jaime,
Posted on September 10, 2006 at 07:55:39 PM by The Host

Their my friends. Good people.

Why trust a man who has decieved South Texas?
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 07:49:46 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

Why put faith into an entity who has no faith? No spirit as himself? Do you guys actually believe that chant?

Remember, these guys are not from here. They came to South Texas for the Politics and Government. They dont care about you or South Texas. Maybe you Roger or Mr. Kelley should run for dog catcher under the SPTX Party? Go for it DUDE!

Re(1): Why trust a man who has decieved South Texas?
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 08:11:16 PM by Mijo

The Democratic Party is no more. A stanch Democrat I have been. No more. All thanks to the truth coming out. John Kelley and comrades (the Socialist Party) control the Democratic Party of Nueces County.

John Kelley was disingenuous. He lied to us the REAL Democrats
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 11:14:16 PM by bato

John Kelley was disingenuous. He lied to us the REAL Democrats. He was giving a report to the SOCIALIST PARTY OF TEXAS of our activities. Solomon Ortiz Jr. should have sounded the alarm bell. He didn't; he negotiated with the extremists. In order for anyone to join the Socialist Party of Texas one has to abided by the platform and principles of the Socialist Party USA. It calls for a "reconstruction" of U.S. society. For the Free Enterprise system to be replaced by a SOCIALIST SYSTEM. It makes commitment to connect with international radical groups. This is seditionist. It mirros Kelley's disingenousness; and Ortiz Jr.'s political expediency and convenience and greed. I do not believe in political dynasties. It is time for the Ortiz to allow others to run for office. OUR PARTY is down and Kelley and Ortiz Jr. are to blame.

Then it is not the Democratic Party anymore it is the Nueces Socialist Party....
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 08:47:01 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

It is sad so many sould will drown in the River.

Weak leadership in Alex Garcia?

Weak minds?

They will realize when it is too late.

Seemingly, it is already too late?

I believe there will be a split ticket phenomenon this election bigger than ever before.

Re(2): Why trust a man who has decieved South Texas?
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 08:42:36 PM by la verdad

The "Progressive Communists" came down here for one major purpose-to control the minds,the airwaves and to grow in membership. Democrats and Republicans alike will help make it happen. Chairman of both parties will only serve as tamed token heads....
We need to tell ex-teacher John Kelley and the rest of their gang to simply RELOCATE....

Why can't communists be Democrats
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 10:06:08 PM by Sally Smith

I know most would agree at this point that the President of the Corpus Christi Progressive Populist is affilated with the radical socialist/communist organzation mentioned before. So in John Kelley and Les Cassidy; however, what is wrong with that?
They are fighting for social justice. They want a classless society. Demilitarize this nation. What is so wrong with these three things? Anybody?

John Kelley is an opportunistic individual he will revel in the publicity but damage the local Dems
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 11:11:02 PM by THE MAN

Juan Garcia said, "he nor his family is aligned with the communist or socialist party". None of these accusations on Juan Garcia will hold water. But Juan wouldn't have to deal with this type of name calling if people like John Kelley weren't actually associated with the socialist party. If Kelley speaks for any Democrat then the Republicans will say look at those Democrats being promoted by a socialist (they'll even say communist). Thats wrong. Kelley and his associations are what the Republicans will use against the Demos. Kelley has such a small following and even smaller stroke in the party, yet he will be Newt Gingrinch, Tom Delay type poster child (for republicans) of what is wrong with local Democrats. Since John Kelley is such an opportunistic individual he will revel in the publicity but damage the local Dems. Kelley with his sociailist views and connections are hurting real Democrats who have never been with the Socialists. Juan Garcia is too good a man, to be attacked over some ridiculous charges like being a socialist or communist. Juan is an American...an American Hero...the next state representative of district 32.

Re(1): Why can't communists be Democrats
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 10:38:00 PM by Jaime Kenedeno

These are words that appeal to the "warm fuzzies" of a vulnerable thirsty people.

Why did Kelley & Cassidy have to enter as a Trojan Horse if the cause is so righteous?

Can one answer this question?

Re(1): Why can't communists be Democrats
Posted on September 9, 2006 at 10:14:56 PM by JVC

First, Communists cannot be Democrats. Democrats cannot be Communists. These folks you mentioned were lying, used fake political identities to promote their own radical agendas.

Secondly, when they talk about "social justice" they are talking about "Social(ist) Justice" don't be fulled.

Thirdly, a classless society is not going to be achieved within this system nor though peaceful means. One, I am not nor many others going to give up our properties. We will stand our ground to this wimpy utopianists.

Finally, if you demilitarize this nation, we are cooked. Their international connections or support will move in and wipe us out.

YOu know what Sally, I challenge the President of the CC Progressive Group Attorney Abel Cavada to prove I am wrong, on this board, on this forum... please call him. I assure you he cannot prove nor justify his the false identity position he took.
John Kelley and team used him because he was a radical Hispanic who had participated int he Chicano Movement to have the defunct Raza Unida Party join him. By the way he controls www.larazaunida.com ... Most in the Chicano Civil Rights Movement hate his guts. He has betrayed that movement as well.

I challege the vendido to respond and defend the political position he took within our Democratic Party????? I give him 48 hours... if not I will have to declare victory.

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