BlindBobPosts: 514
Early In The Morning 1/21/2006 10:30:08 PM
I am seldom up early enough in the morning to listen to Bob Jones. On the rare occasions I am up, I'm in no mood for radio. So I am left with the task of drawing conclusions about the explosion that occurred follwing Captain Carrales' post about Homer V vs Jenny T by way of this board. While is is clear that tensions have been high and high, we know this much. EVW has posted his views quite passionately. Homer after apparently challenging Jenny's 'loyalty' [loyalty to WHAT is still in debate] has not had the balls to come onto this board and express his views. SCORE: EVW ......... 1 Jenny ....... 1 Homer ....... Nada Markx and Condot seem to have jumped to Homer's defense (ed. Note: Why, one must ask, would the editor and owner of THE DEFENDER need someone else to act as his mouthpiece and defender on THIS BOARD>) while simultaneously attacking Jenny, her ancestors, her "loyalty" (there's that word again), calling her the nastiest of names and making all sorts of personal allegations against her while describing Homer as a'cool' guy. Condot's remarks and Markx's remarks have been ponderously heavy with racial overtones and epithets. Their posts have been rambling, non-sensical, distorted, poorly worded, lacking factual verifiable information. To say there has not been a distinctly racial overtone about the issues of Homer and Illegal Immigration is to deny the obvious. SCORE: EVW ........................ 1 Jenny ...................... 1 Homer & Cast of Clowns ..... Tres Nada The discussions and points of view by Wild Ape, Hardcore Harry, my Humble Self, Jenny and even Curmdugeon is his own acidic way have by and large been outstanding as have been posts by several others on the issues that were spawned by the original post. They are full of factual information, verifiable sources and well thought out responses. SCORE: EVW & The CC Threadsters .... 141 Jenny ....................... 1 Homer & Cast of Clowns ...... Tres Nada Captain Carrales kinda started this whole thing then disappeared. Tsk Tsk. And Jaime ... well ... Jaime would try to bring the King Ranch Conspiracy To Take Over The World to a church ice-cream social. FINAL SCORE: EVW & The CC Threadsters ..... 141 Jenny ........................ 1 Homer & Cast of Clowns ....... Tres Nada Captain Carrales ............. DNF Jaime ........................ No Score (ed.note: for all you 'pinche' gringos out there, Tres Nada translates very loosely to Three Times Nuthin) Pax BB
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Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Hey BB..... 1/21/2006 10:39:46 PM
I have made several valid points with respect to the issue at hand. I will not defend either man as neither one needs defending. If you want to spend billions of dollars on a partial solution that will not improve Homeland Security that is your choice but please adjust my score.
skwardupntruPosts: 1482
HeHeHe You caught that to... 1/21/2006 10:40:43 PM
bigoPosts: 424
Re: Early In The Morning 1/21/2006 10:52:38 PM
I think maybe Dennis Miller had the answer when it came to building the wall. He said use the illegal''s to build it and when it''s completed nudge them over to the south side of it.
Capt CarralesPosts: 3377
In my defense... 1/22/2006 12:58:53 AM
...I was unprepared for the responses that post created, as well as several HATE e-mails from people I have never met.) Partly from shock I withdrew from that debate and went to that other forum sort of defend myself. I had nothing to do with the" name=51273 body board
skwardupntruPosts: 1482
Capt. I personally Have alwasys liked you.... 1/22/2006 12:38:37 AM
But we have enough words. We have enough races. We have enough Neo-names. We have enough organizations, We have enough hyphons. Amero-Hispanic, is this your creation? I hate the word Hispanic. It is not even a word to start with. Who came up with this word? It does not sound like a race it sounds like a virus. Amero, ???? come on man that sounds like something you suck out of peoples bones. You put them together and you get" name=51273
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
El Capitan I did not read...... 1/22/2006 12:19:02 AM
The Constitution of Aztlan. I figured I will read it later..... objectively. It was that ""GRINGE"" character. It was the deception. You are still one of the most liberal conservatives in our room. Ok,... middle upper alligned slightly to the right. I am dissappointed that Randall didnt clarify any of the slant. I did expect the Captain to hold the middle ground, but I mean in words, in here, on the board. El Capitan,.... all hate mail must be reported to the proper authorities. I am serious!
Capt CarralesPosts: 3377
David... 1/22/2006 12:03:54 AM
The reality of this world is as follows... All divisions of men are artificial...they are labels placed on eachother for arbitrary reason. So longs a people believe in these FIAT labels...they are real. The only way to change that is through the idea of a STRONG INDIVIDUAL THINKER. Integrity...that is my goal. Betterment for all... But reality fights it...people are set in their ways. Thus the unit has to begin...ironcally, with in the groups. If there can be no discourse between people of similar cultural heritage. Then there will never be discourse between those of differing backgrounds. The Homer/Trejo exchange demonstrates that division. I know in my heart of hearts that they both have admirable ideas about making people''s lives better. But their methodologies are much so that" http: The Individualist Approach: The Next Goal for Civil Rights
This document is intended to clear up an issue brought up you J.E. Carrales on the Bob Jones radio program “Common Sense” on 26 February 2005. Mr. Jones has my permission to discuss its content and read it or part of it on his program.
Individualism: The Ultimate End to Racism
It is the opinion of this author that the ultimate root of modern racism is the tendency of society to identify people as groups as opposed to individuals. This author is hesitant to even write this “theory” on race since such theories are themselves racist. However, it sometimes becomes necessary to look the “devil in the eye” as the first step defeat him. Thus, this document is hereby written.
Modern American society is a strange mix or contradicting goals. We love liberty, but we crave authority; we hold the U.S. Constitution in its highest regard, yet there exist people who seek to undermine its meaning with its own words. Additionally, there has been a clear attempt to shift away the responsibilities of the ordinary citizen to the government. Somehow, people in this nation began to yield their responsibilities to the government; they failed to understand that responsibilities and rights are universally linked. Soon those rights become curtailed. This also occurs when people yield their individual identity to that of a group.
The History of Artificial Grouping
But, what has this to do with race in America? At one time in the past racism was an institution. This was a country where the very fabric of the nation supported and perpetuated the institution of slavery. Where men who spoke of liberty also owned slaves. This aside, the wheels of liberty began their revolution with one great Revolution; the American Revolution. Later that nation was divided in Civil War and a whole populace was set free from bondage at a high price. A fee that had been unpaid for several decades. The Constitution was amended to include a much greater group of men. Then came Jim Crow and the segregation of American Humanity in the United States. Science of that 19th Century began to classify man and woman by their features and the color of their skin. Eugenics, the science of racism, developed and justified old beliefs…wrong beliefs! It seems all acts of evil can be justified, but racism had its own science to do so. People studied this “grouping” and added cultural and religious lineage to it. Persons were awarded degrees in this field and, as one century gave way to the next, there was a population divided into Black, White and countless other artificial categories of humanity.
American humanity then partook of the insanity of a World War, still divided…yet joined. More time and the million dead gave more credence to Eugenics and it entered a golden age. In greater Germany a leadership rose up based on the need to blame a group…the Jews. Soon the greatest of all institutional racism was implemented as over six million (not only just Jewish, but human) were led into gas chambers. A Second World War then was fought. These men, and the nations they pledged allegiance to, only tasted the bitter dregs of out of control institutional Eugenics in the images of the Holocaust.
One can only assume that, in the ages of rebuilding that followed the conflict, that the idea of grouping came under scrutiny. The 1950s, a time revered as a golden age, was a time of more than just reflection. Already, groups in the Untied States were challenging the institutions of Jim Crow, of male dominance, of Hispanic oppression and numerous other manipulations of grouping in their political and social spheres.
The 1960s saw a great push toward liberty and new battles of the American Revolution were fought in in the streets, in statehouses and in courtrooms. The fight was a long one, but the major institutions of grouping were dismantled. By the 1980s and 1990s much of these institutions were only present in memories, movies and history books.
The Legacy of Institutionalized Racism and Eugenics
In our times, the major tenets and practices of institutionalized racism have been greatly diminished. What remains however is a legacy that predominates our culture with race. This preoccupation with race is the direct result of the grouping mentality of Eugenics. When a baby is born in 21st century America, it comes into one of the most free societies the world has known. This being said, that child is instantly classified. Is it brown, black, white or any shade/ ethnicity? From that point, society is going to make judgments and expectations of it based on that determination. Why need we have this practice?
The answer is clear…modern Eugenics. Some feel that the past injustices of one group on another must be avenged? Others feel that some people should stay with in their own group? Others will attempt to used their classification to extract special privileges. If the child is white it will be expected by the society to be a leader, control monies and attract wealth. Should the child be brown it will be expected by the society to be lazy, maybe a janitor or other wise unfit to lead or gather wealth. If it is a black child, it will be considered at a disadvantage and will need to have additional helps and protections because they must inferior to the white child.
There are few that would agree that this type of thinking is correct, yet is remains to be true. The sentences in the last part of the above paragraph represent the legacy of Eugenics.
The Grouping must End as the First Step Toward the End of Racism
These stereotypes have got to come to an end. The classification of people causes the judgment of an individual to be based on the group…or the skin color…or the ethnicity, instead of who or what the person actually is. There must be a change. The goal of 21st Century Civil Rights leaders should be to stress the importance of the individual. The merits of the individual above the limits of the group and the limits of an individual based on the history of the individual, not the history of the group.
From this point, all artificial diversity (Jones) will become moot since it will have to yield to the superior abilities of the individual. To believe otherwise is to yield to the idea that the stereotype is superior. No one desires to be measured by the actions of criminals, murders and rapists…why then is it necessary to determine how many of these people make up a race or ethnic group? Should there be some large number of these people in this author’s race or ethnic group, does that make this author more likely to be said criminal? The answer is no, but there are those who would subscribe to what they would call “empirical data.” How is that any different from Eugenics?
The only solution viable is a truly educated populace of individuals who understand their rights and practices the responsibility thereof. Building statesmen, engineers, teachers and the like that seek “true progressivism,” the betterment of their lives through education, work and merit.
Final Remarks
This has been a presentation designed to explain the position of this author on how the idea of the worth of the “individual” can be a starting point for the end of racism. It is designed to begin debate on that issue for the betterment of the peoples of South Texas and the world. Additionally, it is an opinion to be regarded as a starting point for the author and does not constitute any infallible or immovable point. Much more thought will have to occur in the author’s garden before this issue is resolved…maybe even a lifetime’s worth.
Thank you for your time and consideration...
lookingglassPosts: 2120
Captain... 1/22/2006 7:48:14 AM
...I have, for the most part, not read much lately, nor too much of these threads. I have, however, gleaned some knowledge of what has transpired with this topic of late. The only remark I wish to make is this: Racism, unfortunately, lives in the hearts of wo/men. Thankfully, not all wo/men. When someone is different, whether by philosophy, religion, skin colour, culture or pick one, there is a banding together of some and an exclusion of others. I have seen it in many ""playing fields."" I have experienced it personally, both back home and here in America. Whether it is because a person speaks differently, is of a different age group, or an ""outsider,"" there is a palpable (to me) division. This is a sad state of affairs, but I am coming to understand that is because of the human factor. From your lips to God''s ears that racism should be laid to rest!! This world would be a far better place if ALL the players in it would exercise tolerance and be accepting of others. But, beware the hidden agenda of the enemy.
Wild ApePosts: 1823
Bob, Captain a word 1/22/2006 8:45:42 AM
Bob I think your post swings a homerun. However there has been a recent vanishing of postings. I think the source of this is condot''s and Markx postings being so lame and so sucking that they created a vacuum effect that created a sort of electronic black hole effect. I think you should consider a negative score. Last I checked the forum was nearing 32,000 posts. If your triple Nada factors that in then disreguard my findings as you have been one step ahead as usual. Captain, I for one am greatly offended by you postings. I am...well...ashamed that I am your associate and disappointed frankly. I think you could do well to regain my lost respect for you if you publically claim the Dallas Cowboys rock and have R E Porter put a plug in for Ape Theater. Otherwise I shall continue on with loyal support but silently morn that my compatriot has done this injustice to me.
Capt CarralesPosts: 3377
The Two Tree Times 1/22/2006 10:03:30 AM
Local Scientists encounter Discovery
Professor Fuit Bol of the University of Calcutta recently announced an amazing discovery. Based on research including the graviatational pull of Jupiter and the recent increase in the status of the are Haggis Bird of Northern Scotland, it was proven beyond a shadow of doubt that the Dallas Cowboys rock." the between a to and of
The Two Trees Police Department was called out to the corner of Van Matre St. and Old Stone Road after reports of public distrubance. Local newspaper editor and Radio Personality R.E. Porter was found to be drunk. ""Somehow he managed to lose his pants,"" said Officer Placa of the Two Trees Police Department, ""he was running up and down the TRACK screaming ""APE IS THE BETTER MAN!"" It is beleive that Mr. Porter was given a mixture of everclear, Tequila, rum and ABSENTHE which produced such adverse effects. Corpus Christi Lawyer Lorelie Carlisle negotiated the release of Mr. Porter after a special conference with officer Placa.
Wild ApePosts: 1823
gotta say cap that you have some influence 1/22/2006 6:02:34 PM
I can hold my head up now. Thanks Cap
MarkxPosts: 110
Homer is the ""in thing""; brilliant job he does 1/22/2006 6:23:43 PM
He is going places. I call all my friends when he is on the air. By the way most of active talk radio listeners Corpus are listening. I even heard from one city councilman that J Logo is concerned about Homer''s taking away a huge chunk of his audience. Homer is so natural to talk radio.
EVWPosts: 334
Re: Homer is the ""in thing""; brilliant job he does 1/22/2006 8:31:30 PM
MarkxPosts: 110
MarkxPosts: 110
HOMER does not fit our traditional tallies. His score is unmeasureable 1/23/2006 12:33:21 AM
As a businessman I say contract a deal with the dude before he gets away. He is loyal, thinks on his feet, affable, yet assertive. All that is liberal and progressive and conservative -- how many are the things that Homer represents all wrapped into one.

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