Capt CarralesPosts: 3377
Homer V and Jenny T... 1/10/2006 7:51:47 AM
I am sad to say that the state of Amero-Hispanic relations, with itself, is somewhat fragmented. From the exchange of the two sidea of the issue on Bob Jones this morning...that was made quite evident. I would like to see a full length show with the two of them...hopefully to resolve such differences. I wonder where I stand on that spectrum between the two?
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curmudgeonPosts: 3459
To say that American-Mexican relations . . . 1/10/2006 8:03:02 AM
is fragmented is an understatement. We are at war with Mexico, we are being invaded.
No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.The Americans of Mexican decent must chose to be American or Mexicans, they cannot be both. Inventing another label will not solve the problem . . . a rose by any other name.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Homer is not the only one.... 1/10/2006 11:11:45 AM
against the wall Curmy. Surely you have not changed your mind? The wall is a waste. every wall built has been torn down. Immigration needs to be addressed but Jenny is much too condescending and forgetful of her roots. Her Grandparents are illegal immigrants. Maybe Great grandparents it is. High Cotton sure did thrive off of the cheap labor. Mercantile ""me bra""?
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Eric you have every right..... 1/10/2006 11:31:40 AM
to your opinion and to even blast Homer for at times he has blasted you. But he is there with Bob Jones cuz who asked him to be there? Not Bob Jones. Right? Bob Jones was on the chopping block. Right Eric? Today (as every tuesday) BOB had a big listening crowd. One of the biggest as I understand. Where were you big bad Elwood? You know WATT they say about media attention. There is no such thing as bad press. Jenny Trejo is very arrogant and I agree Homer could have handled her better but he allowed his passion to control. I would thouroughly enjoy a joust with her. And every single one of you know I will stand up to Homer in an instant when he is wrong. I dont believe he was wrong but he did make mistakes. Somehow the subject of building a wall did not register tosome. It will not work. One other thing. Our border to the South has been controlled by the CIA since JFK assassination and tha is why the Terrorist are not coming in through the south. OTM catch & release WATTt is up with that. Building a wall to stop illegal immigration is dumber than when they tried to build the Tower of Babel (to heaven). It wont work.
Elwood BluesPosts: 120
Re: Jaimero 1/11/2006 12:58:16 AM
""Where were you big bad Elwood?"" I don''t listen to talk radio much anymore,Jaimster.But,I DO regret missing this one,though.Sounds like Ms.Trejo took a rolled up newspaper to your boy,Homer,and if you''re not careful,she''s gonna take it to you,too. Sounds to me she maneuvered your boy into an extended ""Bob Novak"" moment,and publicly exposed him as just another self serving race baiter..and you want to try to get his back? ""I would thouroughly enjoy a joust with her."" LOL..think Jaimero..Homer..while not particularly bright,is a lot smarter than you are,and Ms.Trejo went right through him in what..5?..10 minutes? See where I''m goin'' with this Jaimster? Besides..she''s absolutely right across the board.Would that more people listen to the Jenny Trejos of this country,and less to the Homer Villarreals..we wouldn''t have HALF the racial tensions we have now. Good luck Kingsville''re gonna need it.I don''t think konspiracies about KFATSO,the Diocese,Christus Spohn,or deadbeat MEs are going to carry the day with this lady,and it''s not likely she''ll be impressed with your power lunches with the politicos at Girabaldi''s.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Dude I negated her in..... 1/11/2006 12:12:05 AM
one sentence even with ole Russo muting me. Ole Bob well, I trumped him as well. The wall wont work period. Ole Curmy in one sentence said more to negate Homer than everybody else included. This by Homer''s own words. Something about Canada.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Dude I negated her in..... 1/11/2006 12:10:01 AM
one sentence even with ole Russo muting me. Ole Bob well, I trumped him as well. The wall wont work period. Ole Curmy in one sentence said more to negate Homer than everybody else included. This by Homer''s own words. Something about Canada.
EVWPosts: 334
Re: Eric you have every right..... 1/11/2006 7:37:42 AM
Look, If Bob Jones wants to bring a pet rock on his show for an interview it''s completely his prerogative. I am just calling it like it is when it comes to the statements and actions of Homer Villarreal. I know some of you like Homer and I''m sure on a personal level he is a barrel of laughs but he is a facilitator for the some of the WORST mentality in America. He wants ""race"" and skin color to be the first and most dominant factor in America. I want a ""color-blind society. When I critisize someone, it''s based on something that I concluded from a factual origination. When Hector lambastes someone it''s a memorized diatribe of left-wing, race bating, propaganda, or like many of his newspaper rags it just a bunch of outright lies. A man ought to have some ethical standards and I have yet to see anything from this man that causes me to respect him in the slightest. Good people wouldn''t associate themselves with people of such low character. A word to the wise, never take Homer at his word without checking it out yourself unless you like being humiliated.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Homer''s Bully Pulpit 1/10/2006 11:42:56 AM
I like you Jaime but this isn''t really about the wall is it? Homer, and you perceive Jenny as a traitor to the cause because her grandmother committed a crime? That''s absurd! Moreover, look how far that Jenny has come in reference to that illegal crossing so many years ago by her grandmother. There are generations...make that GENERATIONS...of Hispanics here who do not bother to better their lot in life to the extent that is evident what Jenny has accomplished. If more families actually BOTHERED to get an education and enculturate themselves into the country at large we would not be having this debate over illegal immigration would we. One Jenny Trejo is worth more than 100,000,000 illegal immigrants who will never bother to realize their potential as human beings and become educated American citizens rather than Mexicans living in the United States. It is one thing to be proud of one''s culture. It is quite another thing to allow one''s feelings of culture close oneself off from opportunities of advancement. Wait a minute! I see where Homer is going with this! Mexicans are to advance themselves all at once united behind half baked La Raza demagogues like Homer or not advance themselves at all??????? Jenny is the standard, the AMERICAN standard, to which Homer is judged. Homer knows this. Hence the feelings of animosity and resentment that ring forth from his bully pulpit! Hardcore Harry
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
I dont know Jenny..... 1/10/2006 11:54:45 AM
I do know that KEYS brought her on this morning as an ambush. She acts like her chit dont stink, very arrogant and condescending. And you Hardcore did you haer the show?? I think you need to listen to it next week. Jenny Trejo, I heard her the other day with Bob. I dint like her then. I dont care about WATTtt her ancestors did or committed but I cannot appreciate the Pot calling the Ketttle black. Jenny well she is not my cup of Tea. and I can chew her up and spit her out nicely. Conservatives dont build walls. She is crazy to think thatt a wall would work. That is just no common sense WATT so ever?
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: I dont know Jenny..... 1/10/2006 12:53:18 PM
I usually listen to Bob Jones Saturday show and most often catch Jenny''s editorial. Say what you will, Jenny is one very articulate woman! I can most certainly see where Homer would get his knickers in a twist having Jenny there to counter him! I missed today''s show but have heard Homer a few times; and, while he can come across as intelligent most times, I feel he is far too partisan to my tastes. He is too much ""Rah! Rah! La Raza!"" and too little ""Hip Hip Hooray for the USA!"" Don''t get me wrong, I am all for dialogue and debate but we must agree we are Americans first. I don''t get that from Homer. Homer, I feel would be too willing to continue or escalate division if it meant him having a greater voice. Jenny one the other hand, is the standard, in my humble opinion, that of an educated, extremely articulate Hispanic who''s appeal cuts across cultural divisions and speaks of universal truths of family, hard work, and human potential. I don''t think the wall will work either. The only solution I can see is a vigorous border enforcement policy and threats of military action if Vincente Fox and his government do not get their act together. I am with a certain “savage” talk show host who believes a barrel of oil for very illegal here in this country per month is a start to bringing some sanity to this debate. We most certainly have the military capabilities to seize complete control of Mexico''s oil fields if they continue to facilitate the flow of their citizens across our shared border. Imagine that, Homer and I both agree the wall is a bad idea. Homer on the other hand ties the wall to his feelings of cultural identity that happens to conflict with what ought to be good for this country. I assume he is an American citizen? How about he behave like one?!! A wall is just a thing, in itself it cannot be racist. The entire concept of a wall is there to address an epidemic of migration that threatens the ruin of this country. Homer knows this. He is a populist who appeals to the margins who would rather see himself defined by his culture rather than his nation. There is an inherent selfishness in all “culturalists” like Homer and it lies in their inability to see the big picture. Homer is far too provincial and divisive and too quick to trot out the race card to ever be a true voice for reason here in South Texas. Hardcore Harry
Wild ApePosts: 1823
Get your own country somewhere else Homer 1/10/2006 2:06:22 PM
I have for a while withheld judgement of Homer but after a few weeks I think I concur with Harry. There is nothing wrong with being proud of ones heritage but he has reflected several times other ambitions than just being a force for hispanics. The open border if anything hurts hispanics. The illegals are exploited with sex rings, used as mules for drug rings is one issue. They deflate the working wages here in the US for everyone. If they were here legally they would not only make more but they would improve the economy. This should be a no brainer. The health care system has been trampled. Having legal immigration would make the health care system more manageable. It would also force Mexico to come to terms with their corrupt government. If Homer wants to start a revolution he should start one over there. Texas has its problems but they are mild in comparison. The border and illegal alien situation is bad for legal hispanic residents here too. It is a source of racial division and frankly Curm has it right in that Homer''s allegiance is definitely in question. The stereotypical answer is that illegals take up jobs other Americans won''t take. That is just not true anymore. The illegals aren''t dumb. They''ll take a better job just as anyone else would. I''ve listened and he shouts down every person who disagrees with him and calls them racists. I find myself distancing myself more and more from his view point. As a non-native Texan my exposure to hispanics and Texas history was what I watched on Disney. I didn''t know why hispanics were so angry. After taking a course on Texas history I have a better understanding of why hispanics are angry. My hispanic friends have told me what it was like for them to grow up here. The wall that Homer witnessed when he was young outrages me. But that was then and this is now. It would be better served as a reminder of what we don''t want to return to. We should not ignore the wall that exists within our own community. These walls are made of bricks of ignorance that are meant to keep the tyrants in power. They don''t mind who picks their cotton just so long as there is a steady supply of serfs to keep them in power. These tyrants are not confined to just the white men on this side of the border either. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors and both borders. Get your own country Homer.
BlindBobPosts: 514
Re: Get your own country somewhere else Homer 1/10/2006 2:12:30 PM
Brilliantly stated, Ape. Well done and thank you. BB
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Funny . . . 1/10/2006 2:17:38 PM
. . . I betcha I picked more cotton than ole Homer did. Also in a war of words and ideas, the choice of words is carefully thought out. There is a reason they refer to themselves as ABM (Anything But Mexican).
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
WATTT will a wall do ...... 1/10/2006 4:30:02 PM
These guys dont exploit through the brush country of south texas. They doi ti right down 69 or 77 corridor. Do you think the wetbacks coming through the brush are bringing the tons of Cocaine, Marijuana or even thousands and thousands of ca$h? It comes in the Eighteen Wheelers and the Train. The Caurs and SUVS that get popped are just feeding the local Jeffes in towns like Kingsville, refugio and Driscoll. The big rigs are paid for in full so as to make it to their destination. The Cartel and the CIA control the Border to our South.
Wild ApePosts: 1823
Re: WATTT will a wall do ...... 1/10/2006 5:32:43 PM
What is WATTT? I suspect that they do bring it down a corridor somewhere with impunity and under the guard of someone within. That is one of the reasons I''m against NAFTA. The controls for trucking seem to be on this side of the border only. I''m not placing the blame of drug trafficing solely at the feet of illegal immigration. But the gang activities are have a strong illegal alien membership. This issue has many strattas. I don''t think the Cartel is concerned with who are their mules and enforcers. They aren''t exactly upstanding people. If I have lumped illegal aliens into one catagory that was not my intention nor part of my point. The problem is the impact illegal immigration has on the economy in that it undermines and weakens it.
BlindBobPosts: 514
Re: Homer V and Jenny T... 1/10/2006 9:54:11 AM
Didn''t hear the show. Elaborate on what happened, please. BB
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Re: Homer V and Jenny T... 1/10/2006 10:22:44 AM
Yes, please elaborate. Jenny is an extremly intelligent guest and I respect her opinions a great deal. I haven''t had much exposure to Homer V yet, but am I right to assume that Homer and Jenny exchanged words? Let''s hear it! Hardcore Harry
Wild ApePosts: 1823
It was ugly Bob 1/10/2006 10:23:34 AM
Homer was asked about what his opinion on the border wall was. Paraphrasing: He said the wall was a part of a racist agenda targeting hispanics and masked as patriotism. He thought it would hurt hispanic self esteem. He took issue at the caller who said the illegals were parasites on the system. She pointed out the drug use, the pregnancies, and all. She was plainly hispanic and it caused a scrap on the air. I have mixed feelings about this. I like Homer but I think he is short sighted about this. He is very proud of his heritage, and he should be but I think something must be done about illegal immigration or we will cease to be a nation. I would like to call in one time because I would like to hear Homer''s opinion of Atzlan.
EVWPosts: 334
Re: Homer V and Jenny T... 1/10/2006 10:22:31 AM
I don''t want to offend my good friend Bob Jones but Homer Villareal is a complete and utter moron as well as the most illegitimate political voice of our area. This is a small minded man who blames all his short commings and failures on racism. His so-called paper is PRIMARILY a bunch of mental retards fabricating out-right lies because they have zero accountability brought to bear by their editor Homer V. and they lack the maturity to feel shame. On more than one occasion I have had stories written about me in Homer''s paper that have absolutely no truth and no basis for truth. Homer is a sad, angry failure who unfortunately is being encouraged by a well meaning talk show host.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
This will be one the subjects . . . 1/10/2006 10:34:58 AM
. . . we agree on or as my ole sixth grade grammer teacher would say, on which we agree. Homer is both intelligent and clever. He has an agenda, Atzlan, which is just a code word for the reconquest of the Southwest by Mexico.
CalPosts: 679
Re: Re: Homer V and Jenny T... 1/10/2006 10:35:56 AM
Homer is a sad, angry failure who unfortunately is being encouraged by a well meaning talk show host. Besides the above He is of Mexican Heritage and has so been programed into that area of propagander. He was way off key this am and nauseiating. He is NOT AN AMERICAN FIRST IMHO. :mad:
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
=Applause= Eric! 1/10/2006 10:40:18 AM
That has been my exact take on Homer so far. It is a sad and unfortunate set of events when folks like Homer are given legitimacy far exceeding their merits. I do not doubt that Homer can come across as quite bright and intelligent. However, I get the feeling that Homer would like to see us return to the politics and divisions of the past. Moreover, if Homer is now crusading for illegal immigrants he has lost all credibility on the issues of Hispanic poverty, crime, education, and the future of South Texas. We need to wake up to the ""facilitators"" within the Hispanic community who would rather see the country flooded with cheap labor if it meant they would be given greater power and a bigger political voice. I am all for policies that help improve the plight of the poor and less fortunate who happen to be “United States” citizens. We owe NOTHING to those who refuse to obey our laws and come here illegally. Shame on you Homer! Hardcore Harry
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Homer is after . . . 1/10/2006 11:19:09 AM
. . . power and control. Mexican are the source of that power. More Mexicans = More Power. Just like in communist take overs, those ruling will be above the laws and conditions imposed on the common folk. How do you think the communists decided who would have a Dacha on the Black Sea or ride around in a limo in a workers paradise?
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Re: Homer V and Jenny T... 1/10/2006 2:54:02 PM
1. My grandmother, Jilma Montemayor Vela NEVER EVER committed any crime-- She and her family were born in San Diego, Texas. her family was glad America took over Tejas! 2. My grandfather was born in Mier, Mexico, across from Rio Grande, Texas and his family came to San Diego when they were young. He immigrated and made a great life for himself and all of us who have come after him. He and his famil contribued to America and they loved it. 3. I''m NOT against immigration. Illegal immigration is out of control and it is a Homeland Security issue. 4. If the WALL was going to be so ineffective-- why is the government of Mexico so afraid of it putting up? CUZ their second source of federal monies is the money mexican nationals sent home and the wall will impede their ecomony. 5. I still have family in Mexcio. I want that country to be strong and safe and prosperous. I also KNOW the difference in this-- THEY ARE MEXICAN and I am AMERICAN. 6. It''s impossible to have a conversation with anyone who refuses to see, hear or even understand what I have to say. 7. I apologize to NO ONE for loving America and LASTLY--8. My family, culture, education and the fact that my dad died because he served his country--ALL give me a VOICE-- the voice of a servant who wants to bolster the world around me. I''m not here to be chewed up and spit out-- but if you feel it necessary-- ....
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Is Carlos Montemayor ..... 1/10/2006 4:58:52 PM
Jenny: ""2. My grandfather was born in Mier, Mexico, across from Rio Grande, Texas and his family came to San Diego when they were young. He immigrated and made a great life for himself and all of us who have come after him. He and his famil contribued to America and they loved it."" We all know WATT Curmy says about these kind of immigrants. They are Criminals. Jenny: ""3. I''m NOT against immigration. Illegal immigration is out of control and it is a Homeland Security issue."" I agree illegal immigration is out of control. As for the Homeland Security Issue; WATTS up with those OTM''s? Somebody was not worried about Homeland Security but they sure did not want the Mejicano''s coming in. The terrorist will not enter through the brush and a wall will only make it easier as the comfortability level will increase. Money is WATTtt allows the Human cargo to pass as well as the other contraband. The wall will do nothing for homeland security. Besides the terrorists are already here. Visit TAMUK and then tell me otherwise. The CIA is commonplace in Kingsville as is the Chatter and the devices to eavesdrop. WHY do you suppose Kingsville of all places. Check out the past 15 years of the South Texan and their staff. Jenny you are very naive if you believe a wall will even put a dent in our illegal immigration problem or help the DHS. Did the Tower of Babel work? The Border Wall makes about as much sense plus a wall in AMERICA? Not my America, the one that boast home of the free and the brave. A wall is an insult and a slap in the face to President Reagan. As for president Fox; it is in his interest so as to gain support for his Politics. You Jenny Trejo are officially Mexican American. Jenny: ""It''s impossible to have a conversation with anyone who refuses to see, hear or even understand what I have to say"" I concur with you Jenny. Homer is very passionate with respect to this subject and you must imagine the feeling of ambush this morning. I will enjoy jousting with you.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Homer''s feelins get hurt? 1/10/2006 5:31:20 PM
""Homer is very passionate with respect to this subject and you must imagine the feeling of ambush this morning."" Had to laugh at this statement from Jaime. Homer thinking he was bushwhacked this morning? =cackle= You have to have tougher skin to be in the buisness of demagooguery Jaime. You just pass that on to ole Homer now! Homer was outclassed by all accounts and completely lost his cool this morning. I''d say any threadster here could eaily push him to behave in a similar manner in a live face off. You would have to abstain from the roasting, you are too much his fan. Hardcore Harry
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
That is not my point... 1/10/2006 5:55:39 PM
my point was that who ever brought her in put hewr in that position. She should have tough skin as well. Homer can fight his own fights. I am disgusted at the intellegence level and the failure to see the inefficiency of the wall as a tool to fix the illegal immigration problem.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
You understand . . . 1/10/2006 6:07:21 PM
. . . the problems of building a fence 2,000 miles long. I understand the logistics of manning such a fence. The average citizen looks at the fence in their back yard and asks, ""What''s the problem?""
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
And that excuses Homer ''s ad hominem attacks? 1/10/2006 6:14:05 PM
It''s quite clear that if Homer was getting ""personal"" he had already lost the debate. What better way to create the illusion of victory but to assault Jenni''s patriotic motivations! A tried and true El Defenzor tactic! Homer can get away with it in El Defenzor because he runs the show and can ban, delete, or attack anyone who doesn''t agree with him. Homer is only supreme in his little empire of Robstown. It must drive him bonkers when he strays from his castle and has to contend with debaters he cannot bully and subvert with his race card he has on loan from The Reverend Jesee Jackson. Feel free to pass on my condolences to El Homero. Tell him he is invited to debate the issues any time in a forum he does not control. For a few minutes of my time, it would be worth sending him into a mad frothing at the mouth hissing sissy fit! Hardcore Harry
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Jaime K. 1/10/2006 3:22:51 PM
You admit you don''t know me but then you attack the good name and memory of my beloved grandparents. I was raised by those good people and they were BOTH law abiding and hard working people. I don''t agree with you so you call me arrogant. If I were on your side I would be a STRONG mejicana. I''m asking you to please stop dishonoring my grandparents. You want to attack me--even though you don''t know me-- go ahead-- leave my abuelos out of this.They are both dead and not here to defend themselves. Dejalos que descansen en paz.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Jaime K. 1/10/2006 3:41:00 PM
I think you are a marvelous spokesperson for the entire community Jenni. Homer and company are not accustomed to having them called on the validity of their rhetoric. It comes as no surprise that the allegations of your grandparents being illegal are completely untrue. El Defenzor''s tactics if they cannot beat you with facts are to trash your good name with baseless accusations. In this case, your grandparents memory. I believe an apology ought to be forthcoming. Keep up the good work Jenni! If I had my way, Homer would not be allowed on the air without you to balance his vitriol. I would be interested in hearing your take on this morning''s spat. I am able to catch your editorials most Saturdays and think you are most often right on target with them. Personally, I think you ought to have your own show. I know I''d tune in! Hardcore Harry
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Hardcore Harry 1/10/2006 3:44:12 PM
I sent you an email... Thanks for the kind encouragment.--Jenni
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Jenny..... 1/10/2006 4:18:29 PM
WATT does being an American have to do with putting up a wall? America''s borders do not need a fence. It is un american to build a wall. Undocumented workers have helped build this land of High Cotton. Thus the name Robstown Cottonpickers. I must ask you Jenny how NOW can you speak against illegal immigration as you are a product of it. I am not attacking your grandparents but merily making an observation as to how you sit that HIGH? Let us debate this subject of a wall. nothing else. WATT will a wall do without the manpower? My statement as to your lineage,... was it untrue? I have friends who have immigrated over to Texas both legal & illegal. To immigrate legally is relatively hard to do else the illegals would do it legally. The Wall is an insult to Mexico that is why Fox is against it. Our Border Politicos are against it as well. The wall will never work. No wall has ever worked. It will create an unpredictable backlash. There are many holes in the issue of a wall.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Good fences make good neighbors . . . 1/10/2006 4:43:41 PM
. . . so someone once said. A wall is no more un-American than having the Border Patrol. Un-American usually means nothing more than something you do not agree with. That said, the wall is a stupid idea because it is not a very effecient way of accomplishing the desired end. Jenny speaks out against illegal immigration because she is an American and owes her loyality and alegiance to the U.S. not to Mexico.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Jaime, time to put a cork in the accusations 1/10/2006 5:19:16 PM
Jenni spoke on the matter of her family and you ought to drop it and apologize. As for any policy the United State''s adopts: 1) Who here really gives a rat''s ass what Mexico and Vincente Fox thinks???? I look up, I see fifty stars on my flag, not a single one of them represent Mexico and I don''t recall having voted for Vincente Fox in the last election! 2) How about you knock it off with the ""WATT"" line already. Nobody here has the faintest clue what you are alluding to Jaime. 3) As for immigration. I have three ""legal"" immigrants in my family and they got here the lawful way. Sure it took several months and several thousand dollars in fees, but thems the rules bubba! Want to bet that folks who got here lawfully resent illegals who didn''t? The poll results here in my family are 100 percent. Care to ask Lookingglass and Blindbob their views? I bet they fall right in line with Ginny (my wife) and the kids! Hardcore Harry
Wild ApePosts: 1823
Minute men 1/10/2006 6:14:01 PM
I think Curm in the past has stated his position about the ineffectiveness of a wall. I agree in part with what he says. The wall should not begin with a physical wall on the border but an administrative wall to not reward illegals. For instance welfare should not be allowed for illegals. Period. And that list should include alot more things than I have time to list. Employers of illegal aliens should be fined until it hurts and branded as traitors. We need to take a second look at (I think the 14th Amendment--the Jus soli clause wherever it is). Those who come to this country illegally and have babies should have citizenship of their country of origin. I think this encourages illegal activity to cross. I do not see the roadblocks to people immigrating to this country. In fact I wonder why there isn''t a flood of illegal immigrants trying to get amnesty that the president offered. Not many takers and who could blame them? It isn''t like it is being enforced. I bet it makes the joke circles at Vicente Foxx''s crowd. And speaking of Foxx this man has no loyalty. He has snubbed Bush at every turn even though they supposedly were good friends when he was govenor. He has been more sympathetic to Al Quaida than to America post 911. He has no collateral with me. He is a snake. I think Curm is right in that the wall is nothing more than politicians throwing a bone to the crowd. I think we have all the moral and legal authority already vested in the system but for whatever reason no one is using it. The Minute Men did more for border control than anyone has done in decades. Jaime your crack about Jenny''s family was poor and disappointing. You should be above that. You say you are a man of honor and I think you should prove it with an appology. We all mispeak at times.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
The Jus soli clause . . . 1/10/2006 6:34:22 PM
Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.I don''t agree should be this way but it is part of the consitution and I believe in a strict interpretation. The meaning is clear. As an aside, the 14th Amendment (as well as the 13th and 15) were pass when the Southern States were under puppet governments and it could be argued, not properly ratified.
Wild ApePosts: 1823
Re: The Jus soli clause . . . 1/10/2006 6:44:36 PM
It is clear to me but perhaps a lawyer who knows alot about Constitutional law can interpret something different. If they can find a woman''s right to abortion, arms control, and separation of church and state I''m sure they will have no trouble interpreting that. I think this is killing us. I think persons born to citizens of the US should be citizens. If the children''s parents are naturalized then that should extend to them as well. This is a huge crack in the system.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
This is on of the few . . . 1/10/2006 6:58:43 PM
. . . things the French got right. The bad part about twisting the constitution to fit your needs is that it will be twisted at some point to stick it in yer . . . well, let say they might try to fit it into your anal orifice. Anchor babies are a problem but they are not the biggest problem. There is nothing to say that we can deport illegal aliens who have American born children. Hell, the children can stay. Stick them in a orphanage and they may learn to speak English and become productive citizens.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
My crack about Jenny''s familia..... 1/10/2006 8:08:07 PM
is in response to her introducing them into the Joust. She opened the door so to speak. Hey guys, I never have seen you take up for illegal immigration before. WATT up with that. I do not believe I lied about anything. It was a point in arguement to her addressing other ""Undocumented Workers"" immigration. It was not in poor taste as it is definitely viable. Also you guys taking up for the girl is fine with me if it is alright with YOUR woman. Jenny is a big girl. You will see that she can fend for herself. But i am enjoying the interaction after being ignored for so long. WATT does that guy on the KEYS ad say about being deprived??? LOL :)
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
You''ll get all . . . 1/10/2006 8:23:50 PM
. . . the interaction you can stand around here if you chose to carry on an intelligent conversation. BTW, I don''t really give a damn about Watt, any of ''em. So ole Jenny''s family was wetbacks, so what. Same goes for ole Homer''s. As long as they show alegiance to the U.S. over Mexico I don''t really give a damn where there grandma, or abuela or oma or whatever came from. Homer seems to be a Mexican at heart. I think he should follow his heart. If he choses Mexican culture over U.S. culture he should emigrate to Mexico and excercise that right freely. I he wants to convert the U.S. to fit his views I think we should treat him like any enemy/traitor.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
It is not my fault ...... 1/10/2006 8:39:56 PM
it flies right over your head. NOT! There are just some things we are not supposed to talk about. But i do. They are feeling it too. This crap has been going on way too long. Anyway i dont care go back to ignoring me. I just find the info. That dont mean that you gotta answer it. But I know you read it all. So does many others.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
It is not my fault ...... 1/10/2006 8:42:31 PM
it flies right over your head. NOT! There are just some things we are not supposed to talk about. But i do. They are feeling it too. This crap has been going on way too long. Anyway i dont care go back to ignoring me. I just find the info. That dont mean that you gotta answer it. But I know you read it all. So does many others.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
It is not my fault ...... 1/10/2006 8:44:22 PM
it flies right over your head. NOT! There are just some things we are not supposed to talk about. But i do. They are feeling it too. This crap has been going on way too long. Anyway i dont care go back to ignoring me. I just find the info. That dont mean that you gotta answer it. But I know you read it all. So does many others.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
It is not my fault ...... 1/10/2006 8:45:54 PM
it flies right over your head. NOT! There are just some things we are not supposed to talk about. But i do. They are feeling it too. This crap has been going on way too long. Anyway i dont care go back to ignoring me. I just find the info. That dont mean that you gotta answer it. But I know you read it all. So does many others.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: My crack about Jenny''s familia..... 1/10/2006 10:00:43 PM
Jaime, my woman does not have a problem with it. I cannot imagine why you think it would be problematic. I am going to have to insist that you come up with conclusive proof to you accusations or retract them and apologize. The statement you made regarding her family was onerous and without foundation and is only designed to discredit her via a personal affront. You and Homer need to beat her on the issues not attack with baseless ad homiem attacks. (Good luck there, from what I have heard; the girl can handle herself quite well!) This IS NOT El Defenzor, prove it or move on! While we are at it, where does Homer''s true faith and allegiance lie? He most certainly damaged himself by avoiding that question today! Hardcore Harry
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Re: Homer V and Jenny T... 1/10/2006 4:38:16 PM
I am not a product of illegal immigration. I am a product of Faith,family, freinds, education and hard work.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
You fit the typical pattern of immigration . . . 1/10/2006 4:50:47 PM
. . . from Mexico in the early 1900s during the Mexican revolution. I would be very surprised if your grandparents were legal immigrant although it matters little at this stage of the game. The important part is that you have decided to be an American not a Tejana, Chicana, Mexicana, Mexican-American or Latina. Your grandparents were in good company as Hector P. Garcia''s father brought him and the rest of his family over probably illegally at about the same time.
MarkxPosts: 110
We all are the product of faith 1/10/2006 8:52:51 PM
Who do you pledge loyalty to -- a country or your family? This question was answered by the famous conservative Edmund Burke.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
There are levels . . . 1/10/2006 9:00:10 PM
. . . of loyalty. My first loyalty I suppose is to my family. Even within my family there are levels of loyality. I would have difficulty arguing with someone who chose loyality to family over loyality to country. That is why ya person probably won''t get a high level security clearance if he has questionable family members. On can only have loyality to one country. If you ain''t loyal to the U.S. you oughta leave.
MarkxPosts: 110
Wow, Homer wiped out Jenni in less than 60 seconds: she is not match for 1/10/2006 7:33:23 PM
Jenni, it can be summarized, should not have challenged Homer to a debate on the air... He wiped out like that in less than a minute... At my place of work all the Hispanics were cheering. ""Jenni the sellout"": ""Have you learned your lesson."" I personally don''t feel that Homer wanted to debate her. My question is, ""why was she there?""; ""would you get in the say of an oncoming train?"" Did someone ask you to be there jenni? I also heard Homer''s ""lip-service"" to a full apology. Between the lines he was saying to his other audience. ""I didn''t want to do this..... why would she be so sacrificial."" Jenni, I don''t think she is going anywhere any more. She turned too many of the community against her and her poor performance just totally discredited her..."" Even with me and I''m not Hispanic. Jenni, I really think HOmer felt for you.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Yeah, I could tell by . . . 1/10/2006 7:38:13 PM
. . . the shrill voice, the stuttering and the cries of racism that ole Homer was firmly in control.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
I thought he was...... 1/10/2006 8:27:09 PM
a little melodramatic myself. However, he knows a little more about Jenny than we do. For Jenny to play the naive goody two shoes part was in the plan. He should have not llowed her to digress. He should have stuck to the issue at hand; THE WALL. It will not accomplish WATT the Naive have been led to believe. Hell the drugs are already coming in via the Gulf of Mexico, buried in the dunes and transported after a slight hiatus. Who knows how many are already circumventing the ""Desert of the Dead"". In that sense Homer dominated. I always say, ""Never let them see you sweat"". Both of em were definitely sweating. I believe for Homer to be successful he will need to evolve. He needs to allow the rhetoric to come at him and disect it. We must remember that when being attacked from all sides one might byte any who get close. Homer is a writer and is adapting to talk back radio. I ask him to listen more and I ask the callers and others to hear him out as well. Bob Jones wont last without Homer.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Everything... 1/10/2006 10:31:10 PM
need not be a fricken conspiracy Jaime! Some things are as they are! So what, Homer had to share the airwaves with an opposing view! This crap about Homer having the ""goods"" on Jenni is pure unmitigated bullshit too! It may work in his little hovel at Ell Defenzor but it doesn''t wash here! Where is Homer by the way? I notice that Jenni most ably defended herself here in these forums. All Homer does in return is send a few little toadies from his website! Hardcore Harry
condotPosts: 100
impressive! Warned you long ago of Homer''s skills 1/10/2006 8:29:03 PM
His debate skills are unorthodox. He asked Jenni, ""Are you an American?""; Jenni: ""Yes""; Homer: ""Jenni, you are in love with the word American! You don''t love America... You love yourself...."" Jenni was stamped and shippped back to her roots in San Jodida. Homer has an aura about him. In real life I hear he is the humblest of humans. Eats a bowl of beans wistling old tunes. I personally spend my time watching TV. I once saw him debate some lawyers at Texas A&I... he brew them away... his line was simple.... ""You guys can never win, because oppression can never be justiced."" He is a true believer. As for Aztlan...... he doen''t believe inr returning U.S. to mexico... Aztlan is a reminder of his Native American Heritage... his true ""Americanism.""
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
I''m sure ole Homer . . . 1/10/2006 9:22:31 PM
. . . brew them away. They are probably still laughin'' at el pendejo con Robestown to this day.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: impressive! Warned you long ago of Homer''s skills 1/10/2006 10:34:39 PM
""Aztlan is a reminder of his Native American Heritage... his true ""Americanism."" "" Pooper scooper isle nine! Someone''s cow crapped in the thread! Hardcore Harry
Elwood BluesPosts: 120
Re: impressive! Warned you long ago of Homer''s skills 1/11/2006 11:34:38 AM
""His debate skills are unorthodox."" LOL..unorthodox?..try woefully lacking..or maybe inferior?..but,then again,the arguments of race baiters almost always are. ""Homer has an aura about him."" So does Al Sharpton,but people with triple digit IQ''s ignore him,too.Usually,the only people who see these ""auras"" are people who seek to blame their lot in life on others. ""Eats a bowl of beans wistling old tunes."" I guess we now know where the ""aura"" comes from. ""he brew them away... his line was simple.... ""You guys can never win, because oppression can never be justiced."" If that''s a direct,verbatim quote,it''s easy to see why they were ""brewn"" away..there''s no such word as ""justiced"". ""He is a true believer."" Of what? Rene Rodrgiguez is a ""true believer"",too.He truly believes that by keeping the races at each other''s throats,that it empowers him to race bait with impunity,and without fear of repurcussion.
Wild ApePosts: 1823
Enjoyed the good flame. 1/11/2006 3:22:09 PM
Did he brew or blow em away? Because I''m thinking Homer can out drink them. He sounded a bit sauced this last time. We should have a poll to see how many seconds into the call he calls them a racist or jumps all over them. I''m thinking 2-3 seconds tops.
condotPosts: 100
impressive! Warned you long ago of Homer''s skills 1/10/2006 8:31:14 PM
His debate skills are unorthodox. He asked Jenni, ""Are you an American?""; Jenni: ""Yes""; Homer: ""Jenni, you are in love with the word American! You don''t love America... You love yourself...."" Jenni was stamped and shippped back to her roots in San Jodida. Homer has an aura about him. In real life I hear he is the humblest of humans. Eats a bowl of beans wistling old tunes. I personally spend my time watching TV. I once saw him debate some lawyers at Texas A&I... he brew them away... his line was simple.... ""You guys can never win, because oppression can never be justiced."" He is a true believer. As for Aztlan...... he doen''t believe inr returning U.S. to mexico... Aztlan is a reminder of his Native American Heritage... his true ""Americanism.""
MarkxPosts: 110
The real issue is that he outdebated a bunch of us Anglos 1/10/2006 8:43:17 PM
How many Anglos did Homer take out during the show? This is the real issue. Jenni was but a sacrificial lamb in all this affair. I sensed Homer was trying to warn her; but she egged him on. So be it a Chapter has been written. Homer is the ""conversation"" of the town. The true genuis (is hidden in this picture) the one that identified him and put him to ""good"" use. Homer, clearly I admire and despite Curmy''s accusations, is as legitimate as ""American Pie."" He is welcomed at my restaurant anytime.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Re: The real issue should have nothing to do with.... 1/10/2006 8:57:12 PM
Anglo or Mexican. The issue is the Wall wont work period..... I think Homer appreciated Mark''s respectful tone and manner even though Mark disagreed. Mark, the wall will not work. And besides if they cant hire 2000 Border Patrol then how they gonna come up with that kind of mula to build the next ""Tower of Babel""?
MarkxPosts: 110
Re: Re: The real issue should have nothing to do with.... 1/10/2006 9:07:23 PM
Guess you''re right.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
The miltary occassionally . . . 1/10/2006 9:31:49 PM
. . . uses obstacles. Typically in the military it is mine fields but the principal is the same. A wall/fence can have limited success if it is used to channalize the flow of wetbacks to make apprehension easier.
dannoynted1Posts: 558
Re: Re: The real issue should have nothing to do with.... 1/11/2006 1:11:25 AM
i guess you think the mula to build a physical wall plus hiring the manpower to patrol IT.... is cheaper than teaching each other and breaking the language barrier? not in the long run
Wild ApePosts: 1823
Re: Re: Re: The real issue should have nothing to do with.... 1/11/2006 3:28:18 PM
Last time I was in Brownsville I made the mistake of going to the Wal Mart. Absolutely no one spoke english at the counter. No one. They didn''t even try. Just how are they breaking the language barrier in Brownsville? I don''t see an adoption of a new nation but a continuance of an old one. Nothing wrong with keeping a heritage but this is not Mexico.
EVWPosts: 334
Re: The real issue is that he outdebated a bunch of us Anglos 1/11/2006 8:01:16 AM
Mark, obviously you work with a bunch of anti-American, put Mexico first, racisit types and I would be ashamed to so matter-of-factly boast about it. You actually had people at your work standing around and not working while an educated, intellegent, and informed hispanic woman taught a blow hard how a debate on logic and facts is made and they called her a ""SELL OUT!"" SELL OUT to what, ignorance, juvenile behavior, and stupidity being celebrated as if it''s something to be proud of? Wake up! Maybe more of those you work with should consider Selling out?
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Yeah, I could tell by . . . 1/10/2006 10:19:24 PM
Laughing my ass off Curmudgeon! Good one and to the point! Any way we can get a tape of the segment so we can have Homer''s Howard Dean like shrill screaming as a promo for the segment? Homer brought nothing but shame on himself and his err umm three or so followers. =laugh= Hardcore Harry
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Don''t laugh . . . 1/10/2006 10:30:02 PM
. . . they can''t stand to be laughed at. BWAHAHAHA!!!
MarkxPosts: 110
Hardcore U R A Coward: why not face Homer directly 1/10/2006 10:54:40 PM
You Hardcore fit the genre of the typical coward. You hide behind screen names. Face Homer una a una.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Hardcore U R A Coward: why not face Homer directly 1/11/2006 12:23:05 AM
I make no secrets about my identity and I am certainly not afraid to face Homero. I have met most of the threadsters here personally. I will give the great pretender more than he can handle, and, you can bet if he dares to question my patriotism like he did Jenni''s he will eat those words. I have heard enough of Homer to know that I could easily best him in any debate topic of his choosing. Truth is, Homer is too busy fighting to retake ground already won when real oppression is getting ignored. I meet a hundred Homers each and every day who think it is alright to stare at me like some kind of fascinating carnival curiosity If Homer wants to have it out with me personally, my email is to the left of these words I am typing. I do not expect I''ll hear from your demigod though. The last thing Homer wants is to come across ""insensitive"" to the disabled veterans. =chuckle= He needs to repair his bridges after today’s fiasco, not burn down more! Nice try though Marky! Hardcore Harry
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Re: Re: Hardcore U R A Coward: why not face Homer directly 1/11/2006 1:28:18 AM
""He needs to repair his bridges after today’s fiasco, not burn down more!"" I say he brings KEYS very high ratings. Jenny too! Why dont we do it again on Saturday on Jenny''s hour?? The Border Wall. Whadya say the John? Maybe we need to get a few more of these uys? Royal & the other Dr guy talks kinda funny very informed inth area. WATTYA say boys & girls? The wall. Why dont we include Eric in on this. I can only speak for myself as I allign with Homer on the Border Wall issue although my reasons are mine, not his. I am the leader of myself ..... others follow me.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
I say HOMER brings KEYS very high ratings 1/11/2006 1:29:16 AM
""He needs to repair his bridges after today’s fiasco, not burn down more!"" I say he brings KEYS very high ratings. Jenny too! Why dont we do it again on Saturday on Jenny''s hour?? The Border Wall. Whadya say the John? Maybe we need to get a few more of these uys? Royal & the other Dr guy talks kinda funny very informed inth area. WATTYA say boys & girls? The wall. Why dont we include Eric in on this. I can only speak for myself as I allign with Homer on the Border Wall issue although my reasons are mine, not his. I am the leader of myself ..... others follow me.
Capt CarralesPosts: 3377
How ridiculous that all sounds... 1/11/2006 12:11:57 AM
To call one a coward over this is sheer smacks of stupidity. I will ask you to take back those words. If you want to see bravery...look into Hardcore Harry''s to him in person. Don''t call him a coward because he upsets you... I''ll be damned you anyone here will call this man a coward because of some empty Rhetoric on some forum that can be deleted easier than it can be written. To have done so is to show that" name=49875 comments
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: How ridiculous that all sounds... 1/11/2006 12:10:56 AM
That would be peachy Captain! Maybe we can surprise Homer with another bushwhack at El Defenzor Pass! What is Homer going to do? Take away my birthday? Truth is, even if everything came off nice as pie and we all agreed one hundred percent on the issues, Homer''s disciples would claim victory--i.e. Hardcore backed down. If things got ugly and we were privileged to a repeat performance of ""Homer the Shrill,"" Homer''s disciples would claim victory--what the hell, bad press is a way of life at El Defenzor! If, I, as if by magic, rendered Homer mute by the force and logic of any argument, Homer''s disciples would claim victory--I am after all a white male and protestant. I am the sole source of all evil in the world today. I am ""Da Man"" who is keeping Homer down! Sure, I''ll take up the threadster banner if called upon! I doubt Homer has the huevos to face such a confrontation. Hardcore Harry
condotPosts: 100
Hardcore, you won''t last 30 secs? The reason is... 1/11/2006 8:05:25 AM
you are appoaching the situation like a bully and with ""incredible logic."" Homer''s mind is brilliant. Yet he is a humble man. Saw him in a debate against several lawyers from the King Ranch at former Texas A&I. He started at a crowd (mostly of angry Anglos) and said: ""You have come to witness my slaughter? It will not happen today. Because ''oppression'' can never, never be justiced."" The forum opened and as he predicted, ""One by one, the lawyers in their fancy suits, were faced with such cogent logic that they regetted every second."" Can you even comprehend such a scene. The crowd 99 percent was against him; technical experts were his opponents; Homer had a torn T-shirt and an old pair of tennis. Within a few days they got Homer: a knife was put to his chest between his lung and his heart. I understand we went blind for a while. He forgave the young man who stabbed him in the passion of it all. Don''t get me wrong. I was one of those there to see Homer fall flat on face at the debate. I don''t want to ever see a repeat of that scenario. We were in the wrong and now I realize it. Now I understand what Homer meant long ago.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Was Homer . . . 1/11/2006 8:18:16 AM
. . . the moron who used to parade around in the brown beret?
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Hardcore, you won''t last 30 secs? The reason is... 1/11/2006 8:34:39 AM
Yeah, well I am not a lawyer and they don''t teach humility in Jump School at Fort Benning. Nope! They taught the opposite of being ""humble."" If being ""humble"" includes such tried and true classics as ad hominem attacks and begging the question, they taught me to avoid those ""empty streets"" in college. I have heard what Homer says to those who disagree with him. None of that sounds ""humble."" It is patently obvious that when someone cannot counter an opposing view with reason and logic and instead resorts to personal attacks, they have lost the debate. Me thinks thou doth protest to much! When did Homer achieve beautification and become a deified god? Honestly, to listen to some of you, you would think he were the second coming of Christ! He is just a man. He has most aptly displayed his flaws. He can be bested because of this. Hardcore Harry
MarkxPosts: 110
Re: Re: Hardcore, you won''t last 30 secs? The reason is... 1/11/2006 9:05:30 AM
I don''t know Harry. Have you met Homer personally? I understand he sees only with one eye and hears with only one ear. Some past trauma. We should sit down with him someday.... chit chat apat.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Re: Re: Hardcore, you won''t last 30 secs? The reason is... 1/11/2006 9:16:04 AM
=chuckle= I''ll see his bum ear, raise him a bum ear of my own, half a small intestine, and two legs. I call! Call it some past trauma if you like! =laugh= Hardcore Harry
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
I would guess . . . 1/11/2006 9:46:29 AM
. . . ole Homer''s problems are related to brain damage.
EVWPosts: 334
Re: I would guess . . . 1/12/2006 10:25:58 AM
We know he has to use an alternative orifice to talk out of.
condotPosts: 100
Hardcore, you won''t last 30 secs? The reason is... 1/11/2006 8:05:54 AM
you are appoaching the situation like a bully and with ""incredible logic."" Homer''s mind is brilliant. Yet he is a humble man. Saw him in a debate against several lawyers from the King Ranch at former Texas A&I. He started at a crowd (mostly of angry Anglos) and said: ""You have come to witness my slaughter? It will not happen today. Because ''oppression'' can never, never be justiced."" The forum opened and as he predicted, ""One by one, the lawyers in their fancy suits, were faced with such cogent logic that they regetted every second."" Can you even comprehend such a scene. The crowd 99 percent was against him; technical experts were his opponents; Homer had a torn T-shirt and an old pair of tennis. Within a few days they got Homer: a knife was put to his chest between his lung and his heart. I understand we went blind for a while. He forgave the young man who stabbed him in the passion of it all. Don''t get me wrong. I was one of those there to see Homer fall flat on face at the debate. I don''t want to ever see a repeat of that scenario. We were in the wrong and now I realize it. Now I understand what Homer meant long ago.
condotPosts: 100
Can we punish Homer fanymore? No one should be prosecuted 4 beliefs 1/11/2006 8:18:30 AM
Targeting him is not the answer. Improving the situations of the issues he is talking about is. It is his right to criticism them. No one should be prosecuted for his beliefs. It is hypocrical, not un-American.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
I see where this is going 1/11/2006 8:54:14 AM
NOWHERE in the inherent right of freedom of expression does it state or imply that all opinions expressed are equal! When Jefferson wrote of ""all men being created equal"" he did not trumpet that all men''s opinions were equal! Otherwise, King George III''s opinion that the colonies ought to remain part of the British Empire would share equal stage to the opinions of the founding fathers, they don’t! The equality lies in the right to free conscience itself. Once the opinion is made in a public forum, it is either supported by the facts or discarded as fallacious. I believe it is quite possible to create the illusion of oppression if one believes that his right to freedom of expression is being trampled on because others do not agree with his or her opinions. That is just it, it is nothing more than an illusion, an illusion that fuels further fallacious arguments that have little or no merit in the public forum! Hardcore Harry
CommonSensePosts: 208
Jaime... I could care 1/11/2006 8:20:35 AM
less what anyone in Mexico thinks about a wall. This is not their decision. If I decide to place a fence on my property, it''s my decision. I don''t have to ask my neighbor for their permission. I say build the wall 15 feet into the ground and 20 feet tall. This will give us a better opportunity to catch them if they try to tunnel under the wall. Here is you legal lesson for the day. There is no such thing as undocumented aliens. They are either here legally or illegally. If they came here without following the proper immigration procedures, then they are here illegally. Stop attempting to portray them as the victim. Many of them come here and suck us dry by obtaining free medical and educations. As for Homer, I really don''t care for him on the morning show. When Bob had the historian on discussing Thanksgiving, I was listening intently to what he had to say and learning a couple of things along the way. When Homer jumped in pressing that the Mexicans in El Paso were the first to celebrate Thanksgiving I was disgusted. Homer is obviously lacking in communication skills. Odd thing to say about someone who is an editor of a newspaper. Lets just keep in mind that there are different types of communication skills. What I am referring to here is spoken and not written. Homer should have waited until the ""real"" historian reached a point where a discussion could have taken place. Instead he jumps in and starts attacking what he was saying. Not good in my opinion. Why is this? As I have stated in this post before. Discussion leads to understanding. What Homer was doing wasn''t a discussion. It was an attack to make his point. He turned off many listeners in my opinion. I will wrap this up by saying that you are wrong about the wall, you are wrong about calling illegals ""undocumented"", and you are wrong about placing so much validity in what Homer says. I understand that he is well educated, but that means absolutely nothing when you aren''t open minded to other ideas.
MarkxPosts: 110
I personally like Homer''s Thanksgiving incident 1/11/2006 8:32:40 AM
William ""Bill"" Federer is a corporate CEO, who makes millions selling the ""American Minute"" and has debated people from all over the nation and the world. Homer pointed out that his ""Thanksgiving Presentation"" was was a fairytale. Federer needs no defense. Homer pointed out that ""Squanto"" or ""Tisquantum"" was a Native American slave who had been tortured to work for the early settlers. What is so wrong with the a cold shower of reality. Federeer left the show. If Federer is so brilliant than why didn''t he challenge Homer. Federer knew something most of didn''t. His whole ideological base was about to crumble -- Homer hit the root of his presenation. An argument without a foundation crumbles. Logic is not Un-American. I understand from another topic being discussed on this board is that Homer''s relatives have found in every war. His great grand father Celicio Valerio (or something like that) was a Civil War Captain. Homer himself has been employed by our government and I understand that ""un-American"" characters are screen very carefully. Homer is not the ""same old thing"" .... he is diffent that that is why the topic is naturally so hot.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Where . . . 1/11/2006 9:11:27 AM
. . . was ole Homer emptying trash cans for the government?
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Common Sense I take it you have not done your Homework Cuz..... 1/12/2006 12:23:43 AM
you can care less. Jenni is the one who introduced Vincente Fox and Mexico to support her arguement Pro Wall. Mexico wont work with us unless it benefits the ELITE in Mexico. Understand it was her who introduced Mejico. CS: ""I say build the wall 15 feet into the ground and 20 feet tall. This will give us a better opportunity to catch them if they try to tunnel under the wall."" Do you have a dollar figure on that plan? WATT kind of Common Sense is that to build it to stop illegals. It wqont stop the illegal drugs traffickers and it wont stop the illegal human traffickers. It will slow down the poor and desparate illegal aliens. And yes they are undocumented workers. Illegal as well but they are not the main concern as we have the OTMs and the Terrorists to combat. A wall will not stop the Terrorist either. They have too much money to crawl through the Brush Country. The money is WATT creates the Portals for the Drugs & Human trafficking as well as the Terroists. So in essence the money will be spent to keep out the least significant in the protection of our Country. I used the term illegal immigrants or some might prefer to call them undocumented workers. CS: ""Stop attempting to portray them as the victim. Many of them come here and suck us dry by obtaining free medical and educations."" Bob Jones in his intoduction explained this as well Common Sense. I wont get into it but will ask that you request his stats; he said it is economically beneficial to the USA. So ask him he said it. I agree Homer must give the other guest and callers their say but so should Bob and Eric for that matter. Eric is pretty good about it. Homer and Bob are very passionate. CS: ""He turned off many listeners in my opinion"" I predict there will be more listeners next week. WATT do you think? I understand lthis past tuesday had some very high numbers. Is that not WATT a radio station seeks? I also understand there is advertiser support directly due to Homer and Bob synergy. Maybe you wont listen but I bet you Hardcore will as well as everyone in this room and probably most of South Texas and DC as well. I am wrong about the Wall or is it you are duped and unprepared. You do the math and tell me how much it will cost to stop the Terrorist and the Traffickers cuz a wall wont do it. We could just build a wall with no entrys at all. That would stop the flow of eighteen wheelers but they would evolve. Get those ten thousand well trained professional Border Patrol first and let us see how that works. When has a wall ever worked?
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
When has a wall ever worked . . . 1/12/2006 7:23:10 AM
. . . yeah, I remember that flood of folks leaving East Germany.
ossurkcinPosts: 5
Re: Homer V and Jenny T... 1/11/2006 9:20:36 AM
wow, first of all it took about 3 hours to get to the bottom of this discussion, but to markx...the thanksgiving show you mentioned was never intended to become an argument. Bill Federer intended to give everyone an overview of Thanksgiving with a dash of History. Read that again.." name=49875
MarkxPosts: 110
Homer Will Not Post (read it on message board) 1/11/2006 10:28:55 AM
Read it below: Official Statement -- KEYS INCIDENT Posted on January 11, 2006 at 10:46:55 AM by Webmaster I will not post on the Eric Von Wade Board despite the negative remarks he made yesterday. My position is that he works for 1440 KEYS and I must abide by the proper protocol. I will not bash him (nor encourage anyone to do so) in that we are sharing the same station''s air waves. I have received numerous emails informing me of what is going on in his board. My position -- ""So what?"" Let''s be professional. Let''s be civilized. He does what he has to do and I will do what I have to do in our respective roles. End of case. God Bless 1440, it has opened a door for all to enter. - Homero (Homer) Villarreal
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Ole Homer . . . 1/11/2006 10:54:05 AM
. . . I think his tag is Homero Amarillo in el barrio, won''t post over here because he can''t edit and delete the posts he don''t like.
CommonSensePosts: 208
Re: Homer Will Not Post (read it on message board) 1/11/2006 11:31:23 AM
Apparently Homer stated: ""Let''s be professional. Let''s be civilized. He does what he has to do and I will do what I have to do in our respective roles. End of case."" Boy.. it would be nice if Homer would lead by example. Personally, I don''t find him to be very civilized and in most cases, less than a professional. That''s just my opinion.
jwsPosts: 46
Re: Re: Homer Will Not Post (read it on message board) 1/11/2006 11:58:40 AM
I was fortunate enough NOT to hear the debate that day. It was not by accident that I missed it. I have stopped listening to that show. I have heard Homer''s ""case"" my entire life. His arguement is the same one that all the other agendist, race-baters have used in the past. I am just about sick of hearing it. He is nothing more than an agendist mouthpiece. When someone disagrees whith him on ANYTHING he gets angry and begins to insult them. If the person who disagrees with him is a NON-HISPANIC, then he calls them RACIST....If the person disagreeing with him is HISPANIC, then he calls them a SELL-OUT. This is such a moronic approach to anything. Everytime I hear him talk, it makes me sick to my stomach. Not because what he says is wrong or in bad taste (because it usually is), but it makes me sick because all he does is PROMOTE hate and discord between hispanics and non-hispanics. His agenda is nothing more than that.
MarkxPosts: 110
The word ""racist"" is not in Homer''s vocabulary 1/11/2006 12:12:21 PM
Homer has pointed out from day one that there is only one race, the Human Race. I have heard only ""Anglos"" use it... ""Race Wars"" etc... Homer has used the word ""xenophone"" (means fear of foreigners), but not racism..... he did use the word ""ethnocentric"" (but that is clearly not the ""racist"" word)... it means that you feel your group is better than the other group someone belongs.... When Homer protested to the use of the word ""racism"" when used an Anglo, Bob Jones did intervene and explain that word is used because it has appeared in books being used in college. Homer is a staunch opponent to the use of the word both by Hispanics and Anglos and anyother group. You apparently have not listened to Homer. He never used the ""R"" word.... never. I willing to bet some $ on the matter.
jwsPosts: 46
I stand corrected.... 1/11/2006 12:20:13 PM
he did not say ""RACIST"".
jwsPosts: 46
Re: The word ""racist"" is not in Homer''s vocabulary 1/11/2006 12:22:21 PM
my apologies.....
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Homer Will Not Post (read it on message board) 1/11/2006 3:04:47 PM
A wise decision on Homer''s part, the threadsters are not kind to weak debaters. So, you lil toadies have Homer''s ear; or, are you reaching with your assumptions he wants a piece of ole Hardcore? Was your fuss and feathers really much ado about nothing? I said it before, and will repeat it here: Homer V, does not have the political capital to tackle me or the threadsters who assert than he is a charlatan and a race baiter. We question his loyalties and wonder of his true motivations in stirring up racial ( I personally think it is really more cultural) issues. True healing and understanding will not come at the sound of Homer''s vitriolic behest. More likely, it will settle like evening dew when we put the Jesse Jacksons, Al Shartons and Homer Vs of this world out to the proverbial pasture and quit lending their kind undeserved credibility. Pass that on to Homero. Hardcore Harry
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Re: Homer Will Not Post (read it on message board) 1/11/2006 3:08:15 PM
Supposed to read ""Al Sharpton""...missed that in the proof. Not like I really care I mispelled his name! Hardcore Harry
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
WATTS up..... 1/12/2006 12:54:50 AM
with that mute button? Call screening?? Bob dont like being wrong on the air does he? Tell him Two Fer and Colleen McHugh are King Ranch, KFATSO, And Christus all in one. Tell him to acknowledge tht only ~ 215 Border Patrol were hired this year and 2000 was the number they fell short of. Tell him cuz you would not let me tell him on the air. Why not?
condotPosts: 100
History has shown that sometimes chaos is better 1/12/2006 8:19:10 PM
It is how progress takes place. A clash and a push. I agree most didn''t address the problem of immigration. Homer tore it down by citing his own experiences.
condotPosts: 100
Jenni, you have no Common Sense.... Lost Respect For You 1/11/2006 12:03:15 PM
You have no sense of civility by hammering away at an opponent when he is not present. I have tried to avoid the rumors in the Corpus community that you have no sense of ""Who You Are..."" Calling your relatives ""Mexican"" and yourself ""American."" It''s okay to be for God and country but not adore the state over those you love and brought you into this life. Homer has given you great latitude. Many of your ""people"" gave you great latitude but you let them down. Why step or trample on someone when he is not fighting you back. You have no sense of morals, but the moral fiber of a maggot.
jwsPosts: 46
Re: Jenni, you have no Common Sense.... Lost Respect For You 1/11/2006 12:15:47 PM
When has she ""hammered her opponent when he was not present""? Jenni has 4 or 5 posts in this thread, and unless I missed it, not a one of them hammered anyone. All the ""hammering"" has been done by the others in this thread.
Elwood BluesPosts: 120
Re: Jenni, you have no Common Sense.... Lost Respect For You 1/11/2006 2:55:57 PM
""You have no sense of civility by hammering away at an opponent when he is not present."" He''s ""not present"" by his own volition.He''s making a conscious choice NOT be here.He''s WELL aware of the debate here,he''s WELL aware that there are many people here who would like to ask him pointed questions about his comments and his conduct on the show yesterday,yet he deliberately chooses not to defend himself.It would be one thing if he were unaware of all this..but he''s not.He knows exactly what''s being said. ""I have tried to avoid the rumors in the Corpus community that you have no sense of ""Who You Are..."" LOL..Now there''s ""rumors"" in the community about Ms.Trejo? Nice work,ma''am! In just over 24 hours,you''ve become the subject of community rumors!..LOLOL.I believe Ms.Trejo has made it quite clear she knows EXACTLY who she American.The only people who can''t seem to grasp that appear to be Homer and his lackeys. ""Many of your ""people"" gave you great latitude but you let them down."" How so?..because she exercised her right of free speech,and can think for herself? Because she''s not waiting for the race baiters of the world to ""save"" her? Her ""latitude"" is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights,condot..not anything Homer has given her. ""Why step or trample on someone when he is not fighting you back."" Maybe because he knows she''d likely take a shoe to him here just like she did yesterday on the radio?..(just a guess)..and if she didn''t..there''s at least half a dozen others here who would,I''m guessing. ""You have no sense of morals,but the moral fiber of a maggot."" Spoken like a true intellectual.Not exactly a Rhodes Scholar..are you? FYI..""moral fiber"" is defined as having the strength and courage in your convictions to defend them when challenged..Ms.Trejo has demonstrated that quality..quite admirably,in fact..Homer,on the other hand,hasn''t.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Re: Jenni, you have no Common Sense.... Lost Respect For You 1/11/2006 3:18:19 PM
Well said Elwood! =applause= Hardcore Harry
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: Jenni, you have no Common Sense.... Lost Respect For You 1/11/2006 3:15:44 PM
Horseshit! Unfounded rumors, veiled threats, and innuendos. And more horse shit! Defenzor at its very best! Hardcore Harry
CommonSensePosts: 208
Is your post directed at Jenny.... 1/11/2006 12:19:26 PM
or myself? In her last 2 posts she didn''t attack anyone. If your post was directed at me, please be more specific in your posts.
MarkxPosts: 110
I think Homer showed a lot of class by not posting 1/11/2006 12:31:28 PM
Despite the fury here, he keeps his cool. He is enjoying the ride --- and not a free one --- in life. I understand he was involved in a mysterious accident. I just hope he''s well.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: I think Homer showed a lot of class by not posting 1/11/2006 3:25:03 PM
Looks at the do I post in 34 point script???? That ""mysterious accident"" line was without a doubt the most laughable and underhanded cheap shot at this community I have EVER heard!!!! Homer choke on his bean broth???? Yeah it was all part of our master plan, I snuck in and put too much pepper in the pot! Homer certainly has a steller cast and crew of toadies, I will give him that! Ya''ll got this victim game down pat don''t ya? =cackle= Hardcore Harry
GuidoPosts: 142
All of this over a glorified fence. 1/11/2006 3:51:31 PM
Like a lot of you, I spend a tiny amount of my free time reading the tripe on the Defenzor message board. While there are a few voices of reason and the message board is a great deal more coherent than the fishwrap for which it is named, I do get a pretty good chuckle out of it from time to time. Then comes this debate over the ""Wall"". An ""affront to Mexico"", as it is called is probably an enormous waste of money, but then so are many of the entitlements taxpayers fund through the federal government. Further, if Mexico could work out its own economy and create an atmosphere of prosperity, there would be no discussion of immigration problems, legal or illegal. Of course, blaming Mexico for not being able to adequately provide for its own citizens would be racist, I suppose. Asking Mexico yank itself up by its own bootstraps is racist, as well. It always comes down to racism with some people, especially this rabble from Robstown. Mexico tends to blame all their short comings on the gringo--the bad old USA. Perhaps, instead of being embarrassed that another country has put up a wall to keep you impoverished out, maybe you should be ashamed that your shortcomings have made it an issue. The problem is not that Mexico cannot fix their own problems. It is that they are unwilling to do so. Sure, the fence won''t work. The lone thing the US CAN do is aggressively enforce current immigration laws. Arrest and prosecute those who hire illegal immigrants. Make it so risky to hire such persons that no one would want to risk it. It might mean a few businesses go belly up, but in the long run, the problem would be resolved on this side of the border. Still, that would leave a Mexico with its own poverty to deal with without the windfall of US dollars pumped in from illegal immigration. Perhaps they might take a page from the Chinese, who as they become more and more economically viable, have steadily created personal wealth. If a communist nation can work its own citizens out of poverty utilizing some of the best tool of capitalism, why not Mexico?
condotPosts: 100
You have Homer all wrong: analysis of Homer 1/11/2006 4:12:22 PM
You have him all wrong. Homer is not a “race baiter.” He deplores the word race. He believe only in one race, the human race. One can predict what a “race baiter” will do. Homer does not fit that bill. He looks down on anyone that uses the word “racist.” He is no LULACer or GI Forumer… no Roland Garza… Homer is from a very different ideological camp that needs to be analyze carefully. When John Longoria ran as a republican against Richard Borchard (Homer was there for Longoria)… Longoria almost won against the machine. Is Homer a “liberal.” Hell no. At one debate I heard his take on liberals… “He said that some liberals pretend to be your friend, but carry their knife open in their back pocket ready to strike. They lure you than let you have it.” Is Homer a liberal, hell no. He called them: “willow trees.” My question has been the last few weeks is Homer a conservative. Well, let’s be real. Homer said on the first day on the air that what he admired more was “la familia” (the family)… He said: “Strong families reflect a strong society.” Survival depends on the traditional family, on the most natural institution…. La familia… If one is poor, what one needs most is the family. “poverty is always trying to bring people down…. Liberal compromise survival of family. The family has existed for thousands of years for a reason, he told bob….” “because it is function.” Homer is a defender of the family, not big government. Homer is against big government; he believes in pulling yourself by your own bootstraps… He has three or four businesses. I hear he has never accepted government aid in his life. Is Homer a Republican? I don’t know. He calls himself an “independent” and I repect for that. I have never, never heard him call someone a racist.
MarkxPosts: 110
Re: You have Homer all wrong: analysis of Homer 1/11/2006 4:17:45 PM
Homer is against “civil religion” (those who worship Government like a religion). The pledge of alligance disturb him. He is passionately critical of those who cloak themselves under “patriotism.” When people begin saying “I am more American than him……” Pisses him off. “We are all Americans,”…. I think he is more “conservative” than “liberal.”
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Civic duty and civic identity 1/12/2006 12:45:40 PM
Civic duty and civic identity are part of all governments Marky! There is even reference to it in Bible! You remember the line about rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and God what is God''s? Patriotism is nothing more than one’s civic identity and DUTY is what one owes the state. Plato wrote about civic duties and responsibilities of persons in “The Republic.” You can bet your ass if Homer has “issues” with us types who believe that patriotism is a civic virtue. Civic virtue detracts from his little cult of the personality he has going on over there at El Defenzor. He is nothing more than a little dictator in his domain over there. Witness the iron hand he rules with on his forums! Were he to rise to a position of political power it is a safe bet he would continue his past mode of governance. Yes I am a Patriot! What is Homer? Hardcore Harry
EVWPosts: 334
Re: Markx, What would you know about class? 1/12/2006 7:38:43 AM
If you knew ANYTHING about class Markx then then your opinion might mean something. Seeing as you thought it was cool for a bunch of guys at your work to stand around on the clock listening to the radio and shouting ""Sell-out"" at a hispanic woman with an education and intellegence, I don''t think you know what class is. Not to mention the fact your attacted to the base mentality of Homer.
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Straight from Mexico City 1/11/2006 4:24:06 PM
Mexicans angered by border proposal By MARK STEVENSON The Associated Press MEXICO CITY — The Mexican government, angered by a U.S. proposal to extend a wall along the border to keep out migrants, pledged Tuesday to block the plan and organize an international campaign against it. Facing a growing tide of anti-immigrant sentiment north of the border, the Mexican government has taken out ads urging Mexican workers to denounce rights violations in the United States. It also is hiring an American public-relations firm to improve its image and counter growing U.S. concerns about immigration. Mexican President Vicente Fox denounced the U.S. measures, passed by the House of Representatives on Friday, as ""shameful"" and his foreign secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, echoed his complaints on Tuesday. ""Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall,"" Derbez said. ""What has to be done is to raise a storm of criticism, as is already happening, against this,"" he said, promising to turn the international community against the plan. Some stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border are already marked by fences, but in some heavily-trafficked sections walls have already been erected by the United States, often using 10-foot-high sections of military surplus steel. Those sections, which typically run several miles, can be found in southern Arizona and California. Many Mexicans, especially those who have spent time working in the U.S., feel the proposal is a slap in the face to those who work hard and contribute to the U.S. economy. Fernando Robledo, 42, of the western state of Zacatecas, says the proposals could stem migration and disrupt families by breaking cross-border ties. ""When people heard this, it worried everybody, because this will affect everybody in some way, and their families,"" Robledo said. ""They were incredulous. How could they do this, propose something like this?"" Robledo, whose son and mother are U.S. citizens, predicted the measure ""would unleash conflict within the United States"" as small businesses fail for lack of workers. The government is scrambling to fight on two fronts. On Monday, it announced it had hired Allyn & Company, a Dallas-based public-relations company to help improve Mexico''s image and stem the immigration backlash. ""If people in the U.S. and Canada had an accurate view of the success of democracy, political stability and economic prosperity in Mexico, it would improve their views on specific bilateral issues like immigration and border security,"" Rob Allyn, president of the PR firm, told The Associated Press Tuesday. Mexico has also said it is recruiting U.S. church, community and business groups to oppose the proposal. And the government has stepped up its defense of migrants, airing a series of radio spots here aimed at migrants returning for the holidays. The House bill, passed 239-182, includes a proposal to build 700 miles of additional fence through parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. It would also enlist military and local law enforcement to help stop illegal entrants and require employers to verify the legal status of their workers.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Jenni have you not learned anything fro reading the threads..... 1/12/2006 12:42:05 AM
or have you not read them. Eric and most everyone in here has said they dont care about WATT Mexico wants. You are trying to use it in a novel fashion and I understand your point but it is invalid due to it mattering not WATT Mexico wants. We dont owe them anything is the sentiment. By this arguement you try to exemplify that Mexico Elite do not want the wall because it will interdict the transition of Dirty Money, human trafficking and drugs. It wont bother the big money YANQUIS who exploit their own. Oh yeah, do you think the Mexican Elite care if the desperate and poor citizens leave or return?
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
If you would . . . 1/12/2006 7:27:13 AM
. . . stick that WATT up yer YANQUI ass it might cure you.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
WATT are you.... 1/13/2006 12:33:01 AM
waiting around for Curmy? Git er done I guess that is WATTS wrong with you. Quit sticking that stuff where it dont belong curmy you might injure yourself.
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Straight from Mexcio City- DOS 1/11/2006 4:29:28 PM
""""Mexico is not going to bear, it is not going to permit, and it will not allow a stupid thing like this wall,"""" Derbez said. """"What has to be done is to raise a storm of criticism, as is already happening, against this,"""" he said, promising to turn the international community against the plan. ... Mexico has also said it is recruiting U.S. church, community and business groups to oppose the proposal.
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Mexico City -- SOURCED 1/11/2006 4:34:33 PM The story ran on: Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Capt CarralesPosts: 3377
This thread has official broken the record... 1/12/2006 12:11:27 AM
...for most replies on a thread with a single serious topic. Sorry old post is history.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
No such thing as bad press...... 1/12/2006 12:47:21 AM
You guys just sent El Defenzor, KEYS Radio And Homer Villarreal flying all over the internet. They should thank us! Somebody had a brilliant master plan or GOD works in mysterious ways. I understand business is booming for all involved.
Wild ApePosts: 1823
Bad press 1/12/2006 7:07:36 AM
Just think Jaime, Homer is going to look like a loser. He has been smoked, roasted, exposed, and served up as the race baiter he is. Racists will flock to his banner and thinkers will be repelled. Atzlan---BWAHAHA! What a joke.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
I bet you that.... 1/13/2006 12:28:20 AM
many are flocking to 1440 KEYS RADIO to listen to the Bob Jones Show on Tuesday Morning with Special Guest Homero Villareal (say it just like BOB says it). :)
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
I''ve read every word... 1/12/2006 3:34:07 PM
Building a wall is one part of the plan to stem illegal immigration. There is also a plan afoot to actually send back illigals found here in the USA. What you fail to see is that this WILL absolutely affect Mexcio. 1. They will lose the revenue 2. They will be stuck with people who have been disenfranchised by the elite, corrupt mentality of the Mexican government. The possibility of a REAL revolution is there and this is what scares the crap out of the mexcian government. AND this whole line about WALLS NOT WORKING is nothing more than a mantra your side has adopted. China''s wall has done the trick, The Berlin wall worked until it got torn down by consent. Walls were historically build around entire cities as civil defense. My sources indicate that component parts and enemy combatants have already made it past the porous Mexcian border and into the USA. The wall issue is about National security.
Wild ApePosts: 1823
To jennivtrejo 1/12/2006 4:04:40 PM
If there ever was a sell out to their race it would be Homer''s crowd who would gladly cheer as those poor illegals are exploited on the one hand and empower them on the other. I for one am glad that our country was blessed by your grand parents who at their core had character. Whether they crossed during the revolution or if they were here before there was a border makes no difference to me. They decided to be American and passed the values of their heritage on to you. I am very dissappointed that we have allowed this to go on as long as we have. I''m wondering what exactly we are allied to in Mexico. I would hope that it is with their people and not their corrupt government. I hope your voice is heard around the hispanic community. I hope that all Americans see how our survival is at stake. I hope this issue isn''t marginalized by Homer''s Atzlan wannabees.
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
The Mexican Elite do not control in Mexico... 1/13/2006 12:17:11 AM
not even the president. J Peter Grace established South America as stronghold of ???? Now who controls South America. It is either ruthless violence or traffic flows with the ""exchange"" of Avarice.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Yeah, Fox is just a puppet . . . 1/13/2006 10:46:27 AM
. . . of the CIA. BWAHAHAHA!!!
Jaime KenedenoPosts: 1512
Re: I''ve read every word... 1/14/2006 4:05:06 AM
jenni: ""Building a wall is one part of the plan to stem illegal immigration."" A wall wont stop the TRAFFICKERS. ""Open Gates"" are purchased and arranged. jenni: ""There is also a plan afoot to actually send back illigals found here in the USA"". But of Course. There has always neen a plan to send illegals back to Mexico. Please explain the OTM catch & release (into the USA) plan? ""What you fail to see is that this WILL absolutely affect Mexcio."" I concur. But who cares about Mexico (as per the sentiment in this room)? Why spend money to ""affect Mexico""? ""1. They will lose the revenue"" They will lose revenue if as Guido articulates we ""Arrest and prosecute those who hire illegal immigrants. Make it so risky to hire such persons that no one would want to risk it."" Hell, why dont we shoot these elitist, enslaving YANQUIS for hiring illegals?? Withdraw the statement. This will sanction the revenue with a supervening effect and it will affect the Mexican Government in the same spirit as desired. ""2. They will be stuck with people who have been disenfranchised by the elite, corrupt mentality of the Mexican government. The possibility of a REAL revolution is there and this is what scares the crap out of the mexcian government."" You speak of the enslaved in the USA. Prosecute the enslavers (to the full extent of the law) and they will not enslave anymore. Revolution? Is that WATT we want? I say we worry about the USA and our evolution. Not Mexico and their revolution. ""AND this whole line about WALLS NOT WORKING is nothing more than a mantra your side has adopted"". Funny..... This Wall issue I was for until I became interested in it and became learned of it. I got the ""Wall wont work"" mantra (as you chant), from Curmy''s stentoric Rhetoric (arguements). ""China''s wall has done the trick, The Berlin wall worked until it got torn down by consent"". Is it worth it for a Chinese ""Border Patrol"" to accept AVARICE to allow illegal entrance into COMMUNIST China? That is WATT makes a Border Penetration Deterrent Work. The inpenetrability of the GATEKEEPERS. Regardless, do you want to go to Communist China? Who wants to go to China? In China they probably want out; but the penalty is not worth risking it. The Mexican Govt dont care if the desparate & poor leave or return. Since we dont want them to enter; make it where they dont want to come over here illegally. ""Walls were historically build around entire cities as civil defense."" Many moons ago but the Human Animal evolves. WALLS are OBSOLETE. WALLS are built by COMMUNIST and ISRAEL who shoot anything that comes close as eminent danger. Israels wall is working because to sell an opening of the gate is not worth the firing squad. By that arguement, we better start building walls around DC and all of our nerve centers ""My sources indicate that component parts and enemy combatants have already made it past the porous Mexcian border and into the USA."" Yeah,.....LEGALLY. how many illegals carried out 9/11? How many entered crossing the RIO BRAVO? ""The wall issue is about National security."" Is that ""your side''s"" ""mantra""
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
9/11 is childs play . . . 1/14/2006 8:50:14 AM
. . . compared to the damage done by wetbacks.
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
My family is good people 1/12/2006 6:17:16 PM
I wish everyone had the type of family I have. One hurts and they all rally. One laughs and celebrates and they all do. I grew up in this really small house in the barrio in Alice. That house overflowed with family every weekend. Guitar playing, singing, cooking and taking care of kids and the elderly are all vital parts of my family. My aunts and uncles have this remarkable sense of themselves. From the time they were very young, they sold papers, shined shoes, picked cotton or basically did what they needed to to help the family so they could stay in school. Most of them didn''t make it to graduation. But their kids did and their grandkids are doing it. They struggled--but not just against what they were dealt--but against the mentality that everyone would the SAME struggle forever. I''m 47 years old and I have held my end of the struggle. I''ve worked hard. I cannot understand how Revolutionary-minded men could possibly want to stifle my thoughts and voice. I thought the goal of the revolution was FREEDOM.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
You are dangerous . . . 1/12/2006 6:26:05 PM
. . . because you demonstrate that our system, although admittedly imperfect, works well. They are selling discontent and revolution.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: You are dangerous . . . 1/12/2006 6:33:57 PM
Great post Jenni! Curmudgeon is right! If we waited for the world to conform to our ideal world view, nothing would ever get done! Freedom, liberty, and opportunity are at best approximations of our ideal virutes--Sometimes near perfect, oft times sadly lacking, but always in the act of perfection! Hardcore Harry
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
A Successful Wall 1/12/2006 7:01:56 PM
The Isreali/ Palestinian Wall--90% effective: During the 34 months from the beginning of the violence in September 2000 until the construction of the first continuous segment of the security fence at the end of July 2003, Samaria-based terrorists carried out 73 attacks in which 293 Israelis were killed and 1950 wounded. In the 11 months between the erection of the first segment at the beginning of August 2003 and the end of June 2004, only three attacks were successful, and all three occurred in the first half of 2003. Since construction of the fence began, the number of attacks has declined by more than 90%. The number of Israelis murdered and wounded has decreased by more than 70% and 85%, respectively, after erection of the fence. The success of the anti-terrorist fence in Samaria means that the launching point for terrorists has been moved to Judea, where there is not yet a continuous fence.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
A fence . . . 1/12/2006 7:34:25 PM
. . . comparable to the fence built by the Israelis along the 2,000 miles of U.S./Mexican border would cost approximately $6,500,000,000 which is roughly twenty-five bucks a head for every man, woman and child in the U.S. Certainly doable. One B2 bomber cost roughly two billion.
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Another successful WALL 1/12/2006 7:19:53 PM
The US/ Mexico border Wall in Nogales, Arizona. (sourced: New York Times; Political Science Quarterly; Political Science Quarterly; World Socialist Web Site; Online NewsHour ) ""The fifteen-foot-high wall was started in 1994, as part of Operations ""Gatekeeper"" and ""Safeguard"" — efforts by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to seal off the flow of illegal Mexican immigrants through the San Diego Area and Nogales, Arizona. The militarization of the US — Mexican border began in earnest about four years ago, with the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996. The number of Border Patrol agents on the US-Mexico border has doubled over the last five years, to about 8,200. Their budget, meanwhile, has tripled — from $374 million to $952 million. In addition, Congress has assigned about 10,000 soldiers to assist with fence construction and road building. Although they aren''t authorized to arrest illegals, the National Guard operates high-tech surveillance equipment and stands guard at the borders. "" So when would-be illegal aliens met up with this Wall-- they didn''t scale it, the didn''t dig under it like everyone opposed to the construction of any wall has suggested-- They opted to travel to wall-less points of entry. If it was easy to get around a FIFTEEN foot wall-- would people need to travel from Arizona to California or Texas to get passed this barrier. It certainly doesn''t seem to be a convenient course of action. Time is money , after all-- UNLESS-- UNLESS-- the wall is an actual deterrent. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM I say-- Let''s put up some more of this wall and TEST the premise of this theory. As for cost-- It''s seems to be great jobs program. And up until lately-- California''s grand lady of the Liberal Left-- Ms Fienstein was ALL FOR THE CREATION OF A WALL.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
Ms Fienstein also has a . . . 1/12/2006 7:45:27 PM
. . . concealed carry permit although she is against guns . . . for the little people, of course. The wall might work. The more they squeal the more I am for it.
condotPosts: 100
What ""moral advancement"" does the wall represent? 1/12/2006 8:08:53 PM
This was a question that was never addressed.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Hey Rocket Scientist! 1/12/2006 8:41:17 PM
This isn''t about morality, although the United States has every moral obligation to protect its sovereignty and it''s citizenry. IT''S ABOUT NATIONAL SECURITY STUPID!! The only thing ambiguous about this whole debate is where the loyalties of some of the detractors of this project lie. Hardcore Harry
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Moral Advancements 1/12/2006 8:55:34 PM
The REAL question should be and IS: What moral advancement can anyone possibly see in facilitating a corrupt Mexican government to enslaving their people to labor in the USA? What is the moral advancement in risking the lives of people to get across? Would not all our morals advance if we actually called Mexico on the carpet to care for it''s own and stop violating the Human Rights of it''s own? It''s ass-backwards to align with illegal immigration. Real studies, those who are not paid for by touchie-feelie groups with misguided senses of ""caring"" and ""comapassion"" state that the life span of an illegal alien is a whopping 45. Is this a moral advancement?
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Moral Advancements 1/12/2006 8:56:41 PM
The REAL question should be and IS: What moral advancement can anyone possibly see in facilitating a corrupt Mexican government to enslaving their people to labor in the USA? What is the moral advancement in risking the lives of people to get across? Would not all our morals advance if we actually called Mexico on the carpet to care for it''s own and stop violating the Human Rights of it''s own? It''s ass-backwards to align with illegal immigration. Real studies, those who are not paid for by touchie-feelie groups with misguided senses of ""caring"" and ""comapassion"" state that the life span of an illegal alien is a whopping 45. Is this a moral advancement?
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Something for everyone in this piece 1/12/2006 9:06:54 PM
ILLEGAL ALIENS: AMERICA’S NEW SLAVE CLASS By Frosty Wooldridge August 15, 2005 In 1865, after this country fought a bloody civil war that killed millions of Americans over one issue, SLAVERY, President Lincoln presented those slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. It freed every black person to follow “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Other than being free of slavery, blacks suffered until, in the 1960’s, Dr. Martin Luther King marched, spoke and demonstrated for equality of African-Americans. American blacks were bombed in churches, lynched, hounded and arrested for as little as holding a seat on a bus before King arrived on the scene. When he gave his life, Watts burned. Riots erupted in Chicago and Atlanta exploded with violence. Everyone remembers Selma, Alabama. We now have Martin Luther King Day. History illustrates that enslaved people will not tolerate continual exploitation forever. Today, the “Barons of Industry” in corporations across America ‘employ’ millions in a new slave class for the 21st century. This illegal alien slave class grows by three million annually and numbers over 20 million. President George Bush, a man who has never soiled his hands with a hard day’s work for a day’s pay in his life, promotes illegal alien migration by saying, “They do work that Americans won’t do.” What he really means is--corporations welcome illegal aliens so they can work for slave wages which aids his corporate friends to help buy more Lear Jets and drive Rolls Royces along with a third home in Aspen, Colorado. What’s he’s really saying is that Americans can’t earn a decent living at such wages, so it’s okay to have millions of illegal aliens living 20 to a trailer and suffering inhumane conditions in ghettoes forming across the USA. They are called ‘colonias’ or ‘new neighborhoods’. These are our new slave class. Does this not fit President Bush? “Is there not some curse deep in hell, a curse full of fire and torment, a curse that is greatest of all to a man who would place his personal fortune over his allegiance to his country.” The New York Times reported that colonias began in 1985 on our side of the border from Brownsville, Texas all the way to San Diego, California. They numbered 170,000. By 1985, their numbers grew to 500,000 and in 2000, they exceeded one million. They do not enjoy roads, electricity, sewage, medical care, schooling or running water. They are expected to exceed 20 million inhabitants by 2021. They work at slave wages for ranchers, meant packing plants and hotels not only along the Border States, but in the cities and rural towns all over America. This new slave class cuts costs to employers while all of us pay a HUGE price in services to illegal alien slaves. A few make obscene profits, American taxpayers pay for schooling, medical, ESL classes, free lunches to slave poor, prison costs, crime, drugs and diseases—for our new slave class. In a column in the Rocky Mountain News, David Harsanyi wrote, “Did you know some consider it racist to oppose illegal immigration but perfectly reasonable to support a system that casts illegal Mexican immigrants in the most menial and undesirable jobs? Makes you wonder: Who are the bigots? We’re told that illegal immigrants aren’t driving down wages, they’re simply taking jobs Coloradans wouldn’t dream of doing. In other words: We like slave labor.” There you have it: our new slave labor class. These are people exploited to work at slave wages. They MUST live 20 to a trailer, but taxpayers foot billions for this socialized slave class. They live in the shadows much like the slaves in 1865. They suffer financial misery, diseases, crime, drugs and walking around our country unable to speak our language. They are mistreated, exploited and dismissed. But, and this is a big BUT, their numbers grow in such places as Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, New York, Miami and other cities to such a degree that they take over entire neighborhoods, schools and cities. Functionally illiterate in English, they create their own city-states and barrios separate from Americans. US citizens flee the onslaught as 800,000 fled LA last year. These new slaves multiply by three million annually as they cross our borders untouched. With 20 million today, we’ll add another 30 million in ten years. Clearly, this slave class grows beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. What happened in 1865 because of the slave class? War ripped apart our country. What happened in 1964? Riots! Killings! Burning! Chaos! It only takes a spark to incite civil unrest in boiling racial caldrons across America. With 10 million illegal alien slaves from Mexico and other countries around the world roaming our country today, what happens when another 30 million enter to do the jobs that “Americans won’t do?” At what point will there no longer be any jobs for America’s working poor? Where do they immigrate for jobs? One African-American responded on my radio talk show by saying, “You must remember what happens to all societies that keep a slave class…in the end, they throw off their shackles and demand equality, financial fairness and a piece of the pie…and if they don’t get it, they burn down everything in sight.” At some point, as their numbers grow too large to exploit, they will DEMAND fair wages or they will march, stop work or riot and burn American cities. It’s a lesson in history, but as one historian noted, “The lesson of history shows that humanity doesn’t learn the lessons of history and is bound to repeat them.” What needs to be done? First, we must seal our borders with troops because the line from the desperate Third World grows by 85 million annually. Therefore, more slaves will stream into America without pause. Securing our borders forces other nations like Mexico to actually perform to enhance their own citizens’ lives instead of exploiting them into misery. Second, we must collectively as American citizens demand illegal alien employers be arrested, fined and jailed to dry up the jobs for illegal alien slaves. Third, we must begin a slow, methodical, steady deportation/repatriation of these slaves back to Mexico and other countries. We either do it now or burn later. We stop the benefits such as hospitals, schools, free lunches, jobs and assisted housing. Fourth, we rise up in such a collective mass of Americans that we cannot and will not be denied. Fifth, we enforce a 10 year moratorium on all immigration and afterwards, we return to the pre-1965 Immigration Reform Act of 150,000 legal immigrants annually. This will ensure a fair and equitable assimilating immigration policy that benefits all Americans. Finally, this new slave class reveals the immoral and unethical greed of our highest officials from governors and mayors in every corner of America all the way to the presidency as well as corporate heads--descending all the way to the tiniest businesses—such as restaurants, hotels, roofing contractors, paving companies, construction concerns, landscaping and private citizens who hire illegal slaves. In the end, we all pay for exploiting other human beings for profit or ill-gotten gain. If we didn’t learn from the trauma of civil war in 1865, must we learn again? If we act soon, we may be able to avert civil violence. Otherwise, we shall suffer terrible consequences for all Americans. Go to and click on ‘What you can do’ and click on the 26-point action letter to stop this nation-destroying madness. For you West Coast night owls, every Thursday you can catch yours truly in Las Vegas, Nevada on Mark Edwards’ ""Wake Up America"" talk show on 50,000 watt KDWN-Am-720 10:00 PM to midnight PT, or on the worldwide Internet at On the home page, click on heard around the world. Five nights a week, Edwards engages patriots from across the nation to bring you the latest on this nation-destroying invasion. Also go to © 2005 Frosty Wooldridge - All Rights Reserved Frosty''s new book ""Immigration''s Unarmed Invasion"" Frosty Wooldridge has guest lectured at Cornell University, teaching creative writing workshops, magazine writing at Michigan State University, and has presented environmental science lectures at the University of Colorado, University of Denver and Regis University. He also lectures on ""Religion and Ethics"" at Front Range College in Colorado. Website: E:Mail:
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
CHECK YOUR BULB... 1/13/2006 7:48:33 AM
Accepting The Gift of Freedom Jenni Vinson-Trejo January 13, 2006 When I was born I was issued a Culture Bag that we all get upon entering into the Mexican-American reality. The first item within it is our name, not so much the first name as the last name that affiliates us with our lineage. The second item in the Culture Bag is the lineage itself, which may go back numerous generations. This item will have attached to it photos or stories describing who the members in the lineage were and how we connect to each of them. I am a composite of many. I have my great great-grandmother''s hands, my great grandfather''s temperament, and so on. This item is a collection of our history and it lays out where we have been and where our ancestors hoped we were going. The third item is a guitar, symbolic of our people''s love of music. We put our historic tales to music in corridos and we express joy or mourning and every emotion in between through song. The fourth item in the Culture Bag is a Crucifix with a rosary wrapped around it, denoting our people''s longstanding membership within the Roman Catholic Church. I grew up knowing that to think of doing or being anything but Catholic constituted something that would bring about bad spiritual consequences. I later learned that the word for that was anathema. Item number five is a recipe book recording the foods our ancestors learned to make from the ingredients the land provided. We get together and prepare tamales and other foods, staying as close as we can to the old recipes because producing these foods is our way of paying homage to our ancestors and reminding our children of our cultural connections. Item six in my culture bag is a neatly triangular-folded American Flag, symbolic of our people''s patriotism to this great country and of the many losses we have suffered to war. My father, Francisco Rios, lost a kidney in Korea and he died young because of complications from the wounds inflicted in that war. My family loves America and has worked hard and fought hard and died to help in its formation. Items one through six have been issued in the cultural bag for centuries but some newer items have been included, one of which is a political button with a Donkey on it. Even though I grew up with very little interaction with politics, it was clearly established that we, as Mexican-Americans were Democrats and that to think of doing or being anything but Democrat would constitute a political anathema. My ancestors sacrificed their immediate gratification so that those who came after them would be able to do better and have better than they did. It was their desire for me, as I stood in my spot on the lineage, that I would have the freedom to be whatever I chose to be and to experience life and happiness to its fullest. Their hope was that someday our lineage would take us all to higher grounds. My Culture Bag is not complete. It is a collection in progress we have a responsibility to improve various areas and to leave the generations who will stand on our shoulders with a Culture that is even richer than ours. It was with THIS freedom that I ventured to analyze what my political ideology should be. I had the Democrat button in my Culture Bag, but I could plainly see that the party of my fathers was NOT at all the party that stood today. The Democratic Party that John F. Kennedy had aligned with in the 1960''s is no longer the same, only a few decades later. In as much as the Democrats complain about the Republican party being too highly influenced by the far Right, the Democratic Party has been overtaken by the far Left and the liberal principals they aspire to set in place within our society do not match our cultural convictions as Mexican-Americans, who hold religious and family (rather than individual) values as sacred. I am Conservative. I want to be free to express that I love My God, I love My Family and that I am proud of my country and that I am proud of the brave men and women who volunteer to serve in the military to protect us. So, yes, I come from the Mexican-American culture, but the events of 9-11 made it clear that those who seek to harm us do not care what Culture bag we carry. They seek to kill us regardless of whether we are men, women, or children, Catholic, Protestant or even Muslim. All they care about is that we are American. For many of us, the light bulb went on. And to those who didn’t have the light bulb come on after 9-11— check your bulb. We are a nation at war. We succeed or fail together. Being patriotic, or wanting to work towards the preservation of this great nation does not, in any way mean I have to give up my Culture bag. I just have to be willing to do what I can to make sure we stay alive and stay free. I’m Jenni Vinson-Trejo, Accepting The Gift of Freedom is My Opinion, thank you for listening
condotPosts: 100
U sure want to ""cut off"" with your Mexican roots, ""Cocopop"" perhaps? 1/13/2006 10:28:40 AM
I guess Mexico reminds you of the lower past you left behind. I guess you have found superiority here among us Americans. Hopefully, we will have more like you Jenny. I admire you the way you shoot down your heritage so throughly.
condotPosts: 100
No immigrant family has to over accomodate so much as you 1/13/2006 10:34:34 AM
To be American does not mean to put the past allianges of your family so patriotic that it yells back nasty things at its ""lower self"".... You hate the Mexican government, the ""illegals"" (which you prefer to use instead of the ""undocumented"") are not the Mexican government, but serants of it. But I sense from you, as I have not sense from another Mexican American, such sourness with them. I can''t help but have compassion for your people and heritage due to yur overzealous insensititivy with your historical past.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Re: No immigrant family has to over accomodate so much as you 1/13/2006 11:45:15 AM
Wow, insults that any third grader can use on the playground! As I said, Homer has enough on his hands trying to keep your guys in line. You are doing more to tarnish Homer''s cause than Jenni or myself could ever hope to do! You take an articulate, passionate and well thought out passage and you respond with ""cocopop?"" Stunning! Absolutely priceless! Hardcore Harry
CommonSensePosts: 208
Condot... You are mistaken my uniformed friend... 1/13/2006 12:01:18 PM
Undocumented is a blurring of the truth. This is just the PC version of saying illegal. Call it what it is. If they are undocumented, then they are here illegally. There is no fuzzy gray area on this one. You have a lot to learn grasshopper. I know it is hard for you to see the truth. Especially when the two brain cells that you have are constantly arguing with each other. ;)
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Condot 1/13/2006 1:36:45 PM
Please go somewhere and sit down and CHECK YOUR BULB!
condotPosts: 100
I''ll check my ""bulb"" if you check your heart 1/13/2006 8:04:01 PM
Now I realize what you are. You are one of those self-depreciatory personality. Some of the guys involved in the ""Examiner"" project described you as such. The reason that ""liberal"" Anglo dude did not want to hire you is because you trash your ""people"" ""too much."" You were described as a ""self hater."" The Corpus Christi Examiner would have been a good project. I believe you suggested a Spanish/Mexican paper idea, El Tiempo...? I guess you don''t remember me.... Pure Vanilla.... comprende.
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
Don Cudd never offered me a job 1/13/2006 10:21:09 PM
you need to get your facts straight before you speak. I was evaluating HIM and his project and I opted not to ally with that project. We had creative and ideological differences. I met with that group all of TWICE - so if anyone spoke about me it was out of ignorance-- like what you are doing now.
jennivtrejoPosts: 18
You should be careful 1/13/2006 10:24:36 PM
You shouldn''t speak for other people. I''m not one to let such slander stand without going to the source. Don Cudd will hear from me tommorow.
RtrejoccPosts: 1
Re: I''ll check my ""bulb"" if you check your heart 1/13/2006 10:55:05 PM
You should get ur fact right. I took my wife to all the meeting with Don Cudd, he and her had two seperate vision of the paper vision. At the last meeting she, her friend, and I walked out, cause the paper wasn''t going to meet our vision. But rest assure that Don, will be ask about he slandering her name. Or maybe you.
condotPosts: 100
Have A Lot Of Respect For Don Cudd 1/14/2006 12:32:15 AM
Don Cudd is a good guy, highly respected in the community. I respect his observations and will continue to do so. If he needs any legal services, he can count on my help. Just one phone call away.
curmudgeonPosts: 3459
If Don Cudd has you respect . . . 1/14/2006 8:59:59 AM
. . . he must be a real bottom feeder.
HardcoreHarryPosts: 1985
Wow Condot,! 1/14/2006 1:02:21 AM
You are really taking this to an all time low! Who you going to speak on behalf of next? The Pope? Hardcore Harry
Capt CarralesPosts: 3377

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